The present image of Spanish-Arab relations and its ... - Oslo 2000

Triangle Paris-Prague-Moscou: image stéréotypée comme facteur de décision
dans les relations internationales ? ...... Une preuve de cette nouvelle posture du
Comte est son initiative d'inviter et recevoir une mission française qui présentait,
selon lui, des aspects «louables ou désirables», conformément au point de vue
de ...

Part of the document

PROVISIONAL 4th General Assembly Oslo, 11-12 August, 2000
Scientific Sessions
Globalisation, Regionalisation and the History of International Relations The Formation of the Images of the Peoples and the History of International
Relations 2000 The Formation of the Images of the Peoples and the History of International
Relations [pic]
The scientific sessions on Globalisation, Regionalisation and the History
of International Relations and on The Formation of the Images of the
Peoples and the History of International Relations were decided and shaped
by the Bureau and by the Secretariat of the Commission in 1999-2000. The preparation of the scientific sessions is by a committee co-ordinated
by Brunello Vigezzi and with the contribute of:
Joan Beaumont Maria Benzoni Alfredo Canavero Wolfgang Döpke Adam Ferguson Robert Frank Chihiro Hosoya Lawrence Kaplan Jukka Nevakivi Silvia Pizzetti
Mario Rapoport Giovanni Scirocco Pompiliu Teodor The editorial staff is composed by Barbara Baldi, Laura Brazzo and Lucio Valent Summary Preliminary Note 6 Some Information about the Commission of History of International
Relations 7 Session Aims - Introductory Remarks 10 Papers 11 in author's alphabetical order 11 Elena Aga Rossi Giovanni Orsina 12 The Image of America in the Italian Communist Press (1944-1956) 12 María Dolores Algora Weber 24 Spain - Magreb Relations in the Framework of the "Common Security and
Foreign Policy" of the European Union: from the Traditional Look to the
Present Aims 24 Lúcia Maria Bastos P. Neves Tania Maria Tavares Bessone da C. Ferriera 30 Portugal, France et Brésil: représentations imaginées (1808-1914) 30 Maria Matilde Benzoni 44 L'image de l'Amérique Espagnole à l'âge moderne. Notes pour une histoire de
la littérature sur l'expansion européenne (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) 44 Hans Manfred Bock 56 Identités nationales et perception transnationale 56 Giulia Bogliolo Bruna 57 Du mythe à la réalité: L'image des Esquimaux dans la littérature de voyage
(XVIème - première moitié du XVIIIème siècles). 57 Tiziano Bonazzi 77 Janus and the Statue of Liberty: Redefining "the Other" to Chart the Course
of the American Empire. 77 Elisabetta Borromeo 94 L'image du Turc à l'âge moderne 94 Cristian Buchrucker 96 International History of the XXth Century in the Argentine Nationalist and
Military Thought of the Cold War Era 96 Roberta Caccialupi 97 The Austro-Hungarian Empire in Italian Travel Journals (1867-1914) 97 Alberto Caianiello 111 Rita Cambria 120 Press and Lobbies in the United States Seeking for a Foreign Policy Toward
Italy After 1945: Hypotheses on Some Case-Studies 120 Sophie C?uré 122 Images de la Russie soviétique en France (1917 - 1939) 122 Martyn Cornick 124 Problèmes de la perception entre la France et l'Angleterre au seuil du 20e
siècle 124 Kokila Dang 135 Defining and Legitimising the 'Other': European Travel Accounts and India
from the Eighteenth Century 135 María-Dolores Elizalde 156 Images of the Philippines. The international Perception of a Colony at
the End of XIXth Century 156 Olavi K.Fält 157 Impact of Japan's Public Image on the Political Relations between Finland
and Japan in the 1930s 157 Bohumila Ferencuhová 166 Triangle Paris-Prague-Moscou: image stéréotypée comme facteur de décision
dans les relations internationales ? 166 Aldo Ferrari 177 Between Slavdom and Turan: Russian Identity in Eurasian Teaching 177 Roberto Dante Flores 178 Relations Between Chile and Argentina. Media and Construction of Identities
(1978-1999) 178 Hideo Fukamachi 192 Chinese National Consciousness and Japan: The Case of Tai Chi-t'ao 192 Catherine Horel 197 L'image de la Hongrie et des Hongrois en Europe sur la longue durée (1848-
1999) 197 Cornelius J. Jaenen 205 Imaginary Reality: French Images of Amerindians, Amerindian Images of the
French 205 Wolfram Kaiser 206 Negotiating National Images in Global Public Spaces: Intercultural
Communication at Nineteenth Century World Exhibitions 206 John Kent 215 British Elite and Attitudes to the 'Other' in Cold War Europe 215 The Beginning of the Use of European Historical Method in Japan and the
Formation of the Japanese Images of the European History 223 Ignacio Klich 227 Images and Realities about the Nazis in Argentina 227 Mikael af Malmborg 228 The Meanings of "Europe" in National Discourses - History and Theory
228 Lená Medeiros de Menenzes 229 Les Portugais en tant que représentation de l'immobilisme dans la
modernisation républicaine au Brésil (1890-1920) 229 Victor Morales Lezcano 237 Notes on a Historical Study of the Spanish-Maghreb System of
Representation: The Contribution of Oral Sources to Present-day History
237 Graeme S. Mount Sahadeo Basdeo 246 The Foreign Relations of Trinidad and Tobago as a Manifestation of National
Identity 246 Mikhail Narinski 261 La formation de l'image de l'ennemi en URSS au début de la Guerre Froide
261 Gottfried Niedhart 268 West-German Ostpolitik and the Perception of the Soviet Union in the Era of
Willy Brandt 268 Paola Olla Brundu 271 'Temperamentally Unwarlike': The Image of Italy in the Allies' War
Propaganda, 1943-1945 271 Anna Ostinelli De Caroli 272 The non-European World in the Italian School History Books: the Image of
the "Other" between Stereotypes and Reality after World War II Hypotheses
on Some Case-Studies 272 Silvia Pizzetti 285 "L'Allemagne savante". La culture italienne et l'image de la science
allemande du Risorgimento à la première guerre mondiale 285 Ioan-Aurel Pop Sorin Sipos 310 Image des Pays Romains dans un ouvrage français de 1688 310 Dumitru Preda 318 L'image de la France gaulliste et de sa politique étrangère dans les
rapports diplomatiques roumains 318 Michael Rauck 319 The Development of the German Image of Japan in the Late 19th Century to WW
I 319 Giuseppina Russo 332 Européens et Zulu au XlXe siècle: aspects d'une rencontre entre deux
cultures 332 Andrea Saccoman 340 Italian Military's Perception of European Armies in the 1870s 340 Thomasz Schramm 346 La représentions satirique des voisins de la Pologne dans l'entre-deux-
guerres 346 José Flávio Sombra Saraiva 353 "A Tale of a Child and an Old Uncle": Brazilian-British Mutual Images in
the Post-War Period 353 Pompiliu Teodor 355 La question orientale, les roumains et l'image de l'autre (fin du XVIe
siècle et aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècle) 355 David Vital 356 "The People" as an Organising Idea 356 Robert Young 367 Colonial Images of Population on the West Coast of Sumatra in the 18th
Century 367 Abstracts in chronological order 378 Preliminary Note On the occasion of September 1995 Montreal General Assembly, our Commission
had discussed and voted the proposal to devote talks to the question of the
"Formation of the Images of Peoples from the 18th Century to the Present
Day and the History of International Relations", which Professor Frank and
other colleagues had put forward. A meeting would have taken place at Paris in 1999, but French colleagues'
commitments had got us to turn talks into one of the scientific session of
Oslo Assembly. Bureau received hint and preparation went on by the collaboration of French
colleagues, which had already led off the work, of different members of
Bureau and the Secretariat. The paper, which had been enclosed to the invitation for all the members to
participate to the session, has outlined viable purposes for the meeting
(look p.10), by proposing to ponder on the question of the historical
formation of peoples' images from the 18th century to present day, from
different standpoints. Plenty of replies have been received, as can be seen from this collection
of papers, which we are delivering to foster the following stages of our
work. Drawing on the attitude and rules of the Commission, the basic purpose of
the session goes on to be that Bureau's and Secretariat's members,
associated and scholars, which had been invited and had joined in on the
way, could ponder and confront each other on so relevant subjects. This sheds light on the difference of proposals that has allowed even to
extend the suggestion of the original program suitably: o by underscoring questions of method; o by extending the research on long-lasting term in different papers,
going back to the dawn of Modern Age in order to understand the
formation of some basic stereotypes; o on other occasions by trying to spot possible links between images,
which had been consolidating over the time, and decision-making o by often agreeing to the suggestion to cross deep-seated lines by a
worldwide point of view. This list of papers in chronological order, which we have enclosed at the
end, is merely tentative; but it may be useful as a first sketchy overview.
It also allows to assess how the formation of the images fits in, and
enriches, the history of international relations from Modern Age to present
day. These early remarks will help- we hope - to set off discussion and
reappraisal at Oslo. Some Information about the
Commission of History of International Relations The Commission of History of International Relations was estab