BT106 Human Resources Technical - MUW

Exercise 5: Query Payroll Tables ... Objects in Banner Human Resources are
grouped into several basic types: ... Validation forms allow data entry of all
possible values for a given field. ... called via clicking the Search icon in key block
of PTRECLS) .... Create employee information (insert rows into the Employee

Part of the document

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Revision History Log
|Publication |Summary |
|Date | |
|4/30/2008 |New version that supports Banner Human Resources 8.0 |
| |software. |
|3/25/2011 |Substantial reformatting and update. | Notice of rights
Copyright © SunGard Higher Education 2005-11. This document is proprietary
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express written permission of SunGard Higher Education Inc. [pic]
Table of Contents
[pic] Introduction 5 Human Resources Objects 7
Banner Human Resources Objects 8
Human Resources Forms 9
Human Resources Tables 13
Human Resources Hierarchy 16 APIs 19
Human Resources/Position Control APIs 20
Human Resources APIs 22
Important API Notes 24
APIs used in Banner Human Resources 26
Biographic/Demographic Information APIs 27
Student-Employee FICA APIs 30
Position Control APIs 31
Combined Deduction Limits APIs 35
Exercise 1: APIs 36 Human Resources Components 37
Introduction to Human Resources Components 38
Biographic - Demographic 40
Employment Administration 45
Position Management 49
Exercise 2 - Query Position Control Tables 51
Compensation Administration 52
Effective Dating 54
Exercise 3: Effective Dating 57
Benefits and Deductions 58
Leave Administration 61
Human Resources Administration 63
Banner New Hire Process 64
Exercise 4 - Enter a New Employee into Banner 66
Human Resources Security 67 Load Order 69
Load Order 70
Load Order - HR Core Tables 71 Human Resources / Banner System Interfaces 72
Interfaces and Integration with Other Banner Systems 73
Advancement Interface 74
Finance Interface 75
Financial Aid Integration 76
Student Integration 77 Payroll Process 78
Key Concepts 79
Pre-Payroll Process 83
Banner Payroll Process 84
PHPTIME - Time Processing Report 93
PHPPROF - Pay Period Proof Process 95
PHPLEAV - Leave Accruals/Taken Process 96
PHPCALC - Payroll Calculation Process 98
PHPDOCM - Check/Direct Deposit Amounts Process 100
PHPCHKL/PHPCHEK Printing Process 101
PHPUPDT - Pay Period Update Process 102
Accumulator Tables 103
Exercise 5: Query Payroll Tables 104 Encumbrances and Budget 106
Banner Payroll Process - Budget Maintenance 107 Feed to Finance 108
Feed to Finance: Payroll Expenses 109
Feed to Finance - Budgets and Encumbrances 110
Feed to Finance - Finance Processes Take Over 111
Feed to Finance - Recommendations 112 SunGard Higher Education Help Resources 113
Sources of Help 114
SunGard Higher Education Support 115 Introduction
[pic] Course goal This course is designed to provide an overview of the major tables,
reports and processes included in each module of the Human Resources
System, as well as providing an introduction to the Banner directory
structure. It will prepare technical staff to support Human Resources
in the implementation and operations of the Banner Human Resources
product. The course reviews some basic concepts such as naming conventions, use of
the data dictionary, and referential integrity. Hands-on exercises are used to demonstrate the table/form/process
relationships. Course objectives Participants in this course will be able to . identify Banner Human Resources forms and tables . query the Banner HR tables. . identify tables and fields for data conversion. . identify tables and fields for migration to the production database. . follow key HR processes. . identify and read reports, processes, procedures and scripts in Banner
Human Resources Intended audience Programmers, DBAs, and analysts who may teach others about Banner tables
and processes, perform programming tasks in the Banner environment,
facilitate reporting, utilize any of the Banner Human Resources System
features, or perform analysis on any Banner Human Resources module. Prerequisites To complete this course, you should have . Completed Banner Fundamentals . Completed Banner General . Familiarity with Relational Databases . SQL Knowledge . PL/SQL Knowledge . Oracle Forms Knowledge
Human Resources Objects
[pic] Introduction This section discusses tables, forms and class hierarchies in Banner
Human Resources. Banner Human Resources Objects
[pic] Object types Objects in Banner Human Resources are grouped into several basic types: . Forms . Tables . APIs . Packages and Procedures . Reports and Processes
Human Resources Forms
[pic] Forms Users interact with the Banner database through the use of forms. Users
enter data into Banner Forms and the data is saved in underlying Oracle
tables. Naming conventions Banner forms, like all Banner objects, adhere to the Banner objects
naming conventions. . 1st character: defines the Owner / Schema . 2nd character: defines the Component . 3rd character: defines the Object type . 4th to 7th characters: unique identifier, defines the purpose of the
object Form types There are six types of HR Forms: . Menu . Application . Validation . Rules . Query . Inquiry Menu forms Menu forms do not follow the standard Banner object naming convention. . List all related forms . Outline the System . Example: *HRSEMPLOYEE (Employment Administration Menu) Application Forms Application forms are actual applications that execute and accept input
from users. . Insert, Delete and Update data . Invoke APIs . Query the System . 3rd character in the name is always an 'A' . Example: PEAEMPL (Employee Form) Validation Forms Validation forms allow data entry of all possible values for a given
field. . Supports the List of Values (F9) function . Table and form names are the same . Second and third characters are 'TV' . Maintains only 3-4 fields: . Validation Code . Description . Activity date fields . Example: PTVESKL (Employee Skills) Rule Forms Rule forms define variables for an application by maintaining the
variable codes, descriptions and rules that configure how the system
works. . 2nd and 3rd characters are always 'TR' . Example: PTRECLS (Employee Class) . Example: PTRBDCA (Benefits and Deductions) . Example: NTRPCLS (Position Class) Query Forms Query forms allow users to query data using Query Mode functionality, and
to export lists of data in mass. . 3rd character is a 'Q' . Must be called by another form . Look-up information only . Information cannot be changed . Example: PTQECLS (Employee Class Query Form -
called via clicking the Search icon in key block of PTRECLS) Inquiry Forms Inquiry forms allow users to query data and perform functions such as
mathematical calculations. . 3rd character is a 'I' . Query data and return to another form . Data cannot be changed . Form can be accessed from any menu . Example: PEIETOT (Employee Year To Date Totals Form) . Example: PEIDTOT (Employee Year to Date Deductions Form) Human Resources Tables
[pic] Tables Banner data is stored in Oracle tables. Users enter data into Banner
Forms and the data is saved in underlying Oracle tables. Banner tables, like all Banner objects, adhere to the Banner object
naming conventions. Naming conventions Banner forms, like all Banner objects, adhere to the Banner objects
naming conventions. . 1st character: defines the Owner / Schema . 2nd character: defines the Component . 3rd character: defines the Object type . 4th to 7th characters: unique identifier, defines the purpose of the
object Table types The three basic types of HR tables are: . Application Tables . Base Tables . Repeating Tables . Temporary Tables . Validation Tables . Rules Tables Application Tables are 'data' tables that hold data about specific
positions and people. Rules and Validation tables are 'configuration' tables. They hold the
codes, descriptions, and rules that configure how the system works. Application Tables: Base Tables There can be only one occurrence of the logical key. Example: PEBEMPL (Employee Base Table) . The logical k