ICAK-USA Research - International College of Applied Kinesiology

of the International College of Applied Kinesiology for the year 2007-2008. --
STUDY .... She continues her dietary changes and exercises 5 times per week.

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[pic] ICAK-USA Research
The Following is a Compilation of Applied Kinesiology Research Papers
Published in the Collected Papers
of the International College of Applied Kinesiology for the year 2007-2008
-- Edited by Scott Cuthbert, D.C.
Scott Monk, D.C. ABSTRACT Objective: To present the case of a female child with severe abdominal pain
successfully treated using AK methods. Clinical Features: A nine-year-old female presented with constant and daily
stomach pain, especially severe in the morning. The symptoms would worsen
when she brushed her teeth. Endoscopic exam showed esophagitis, and she was
given Prevacid for the acid reflux, and another medication to coat her
stomach. Neither had been helpful for her pain. Intervention and Outcome: AK examination revealed minimal disturbances in
the spine, pelvis and cranium. Using a homeopathic kit, the child's
indicator muscles weakened upon insalivation of material from the bacterial
vial. Two herbal supplements, Chinese wormwood and Oregon grape root,
negated the weakness. After only minimal improvements, the father was asked
to bring a sample of tap water from the child's bathroom sink. The child
weakened with insalivation of the water sample, and this was negated by
Oregon grape root. The child was instructed to drink only bottled water and
not to use tap water from home. The next day her stomach related symptoms
were gone. She remained symptom free at a 6-month follow up. Conclusion: This case demonstrated that the AK method of oral testing was
helpful in detecting harmful items in a patient's diet. Correction of the
harmful organism in the stomach and the elimination of poor tap water
produced full recovery in this child's difficult stomach problem.
(Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2007-2008:3-
4) Key Indexing Terms: Esophagitis; Gastritis; Child; Anti-Bacterial Agents;
Body Water; Treatment Outcome; Therapeutics; Chiropractic; Kinesiology,
Laurent Picard, D.C. ABSTRACT Objective: To present the case of a female with chronic low back pain and
sciatica following L4-L5 disc surgery successfully treated with AK
therapies. Clinical Features: A 53-year-old female presented with 18 months of low
back pain, bilateral sacroiliac pain, and right-sided sciatica into the
gluteal region. Eighteen months previously she had nucleolysis microsurgery
to the L4-L5 disc, which improved the sciatica that had been going
throughout her leg and into her right great toe. Standing and her daily
work were both still painful (her work as a gym instructor was curtailed
under these conditions). Intervention and Outcome: Category III dysfunction, L5 spinal dysfunction,
bilateral femur head dysfunction, and release of the iliofemoral ligament
were successfully treated. Trigger point therapy to the right piriformis
and hamstring were also given. On follow up the category III was resolved.
A category II was corrected and the left psoas was treated successfully
with trigger point therapy and reflex treatment. By the fourth visit, all
categories were resolved and the muscles of the legs, pelvis, and back were
strong. The patient was tested for the need of a heel lift, and a 5-
millimeter heel lift was given. Two weeks later the patient was pain free,
and all previous findings negative. She began her past gym activities
without symptomatology. Conclusion: This case showed complete resolution of sacroiliac, low back,
and sciatic pain from 4 sessions of chiropractic therapy. The patient
expected complete resolution of her problem from her previous surgery, but
found that chiropractic therapy achieved her hoped for outcome at much less
expense. Larger clinical trials on AK treatment for low back conditions and
sciatica are necessary. (Collected Papers International College of Applied
Kinesiology, 2007-2008:5-6) Key Indexing Terms: Low Back Pain; Sciatica; Neurosurgery; Risk; Treatment
Outcome; Therapeutics; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied.
Laurent Picard, D.C. ABSTRACT Objective: To present the case of a professional soccer player successfully
treated for chronic low back pain. Clinical Features: A twenty-two-year-old male professional soccer player
with a 3-year history of low back pain presented, feeling "very heavy" when
he ran and "not being straight." Four years previous he experienced
pubalgia, and was treated successfully by his team's physiotherapist.
Several medical doctors and sports medicine specialists had treated him
over a 3-year period and given him heel lifts. His career was in danger
because of his poor performance, and he was depressed because of this. Intervention and Outcome: AK examination showed numerous muscular and
structural disturbances that were corrected. The AK evaluation showed that
the heel lift was not improving his muscular function, and he was
instructed to stop using it. Pelvic category II, lumbar, and symphysis
pubis dysfunctions were corrected, and trigger point therapy for the
piriformis and rectus femoris muscles were given. On the third visit the
patient was feeling much better, with leg length inequality reduced to 3
millimeters. Lower extremity MMT was now negative. One month later all
corrections remained stable, and the patient was feeling very well and he
improved his soccer performance. Conclusion: A professional athlete responded quickly to AK therapy, and his
soccer performance was enhanced. The use of a heel lift (based only on the
assessment of leg length discrepancy) was apparently in error, and
correction of the entire patient's motor system eliminated the need for the
heel lift and the leg length inequality. (Collected Papers International
College of Applied Kinesiology, 2007-2008:7-8) Key Indexing Terms: Low back pain; Athletic Injuries; Orthotic Devices;
Sports Medicine; Treatment Outcome; Therapeutics; Chiropractic;
Michael D. Allen, D.C. N.M.D. ABSTRACT Objective: To present the case of a patient with a history of pancreatitis
that had an acute exacerbation that was successfully treated using AK
methods. Clinical Features: A male with a history of pancreatitis presents with 2-
weeks of soreness through his left shoulder and lower and middle left
abdominal areas. Digestive enzymes had helped with his pains. Intervention and Outcome: The rectus femoris, gluteus medius, psoas major,
latissimus dorsi, and pectoralis major (clavicular division) all tested
strong when tested normally, but each became inhibited with viscerosomatic
reflex testing and other neurological challenges. When these were added to
the testing, each of these muscles showed inhibition on MMT. Chiropractic
adjustments were applied to reduce the patient's pain and to improve joint
movement and function. These corrections abolished the previous MMT
findings related to the pancreas and digestive system in AK. Follow up
visit the next day showed that he no longer had any pain in the abdomen or
shoulder. Conclusion: Five muscles were functionally facilitated on MMT when test
individually but were found inhibited after challenge using
neurophysiological reflex tests. When tested against the deep tendon, tonic
neck, and flexor withdrawal reflexes, the muscles were found impaired. When
using the MMT in the search for signs of autonomic or organic dysfunction,
other challenges to the neurokinesiological system may be required. This
patient's symptoms were successfully treated using the MMT findings after
these challenges were made. Larger clinical trials are necessary.
(Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2007-
2008:23-26) Key Indexing Terms: Pancreatitis; Abdominal Pain; Treatment Outcome;
Therapeutics; Chiropractic; Kinesiology, Applied.
Katharine Conable, D.C., D.I.B.A.K., John Corneal, D.C., Terry Hambrick,
D.C., D.I.B.A.K., Nelson Marquina, D.C., PhD, John Zhang, M.D., PhD. ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate factors contributing to variable peak forces
observed in manual muscle tests performed by applied kinesiology (AK)
practitioners. Design: Secondary analysis of data from an observational study. Methods: Forty-one volunteer AK doctors tested the middle deltoid of 36
volunteer subjects attending a professional conference. Tests were
performed in each style of muscle testing which the examiner routinely
employed in practice - examiner-started, patient-started, and/or near-
simultaneous. Peak force and duration of test were recorded and correlated
with size, age and experience of examiners and subjects as well as style of
testing and result. Results: A broad range of force (0.55-23.6 pounds) was used. There were
poor correlations between peak force and the examined variables with the
exception of a moderate correlation (r= .55) between peak force and
duration of test. Conclusion: Applied kinesiology muscle testers test muscles at sub maximal
peak forces over relatively short times. The choice of force used does not
correlate well with the size of the subject or examiner, muscle testing
style or outcome of the test. Tests having longer durations tend to reach
higher peak forces. The clinical importance of these differences from other
manual muscle testing styles merits further investigation.
(Collected Papers International College of Applied Kinesiology, 2007-
2008:53-58) Key Indexing Terms: Muscle test; Reliability; Empirical Research; Deltoid
Muscle; Kinesiology, Applied.
A multi-modal chiropractic treatment