financing plan (in us$) - UNDP

Dec 15, 2015 ... Stanka Dragojevica bb, UN ECO BUILDING, Podgorica .... equipment
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equipment and works) structured cabling system, once the structured .....
any entity over which the Party exercises effective managerial control; or,.

Part of the document

UNDP Project Document
UNDP-GEF Medium-Size Project (MSP)
Government of Bulgaria United Nations Development Programme
Names of additional partners, particularly agencies in the UN Development
Group as appropriate Conservation of globally important biodiversity in high nature value semi-
natural grasslands through support for the traditional local economy SIGNATURE PAGE Country: _Bulgaria
UNDAF Outcome(s)/Indicator(s): Expected Outcome(s)/Indicator (s): Outcome : Improved conservation of
Indicator: Protected areas as a percentage of
the country's territory Expected Output(s)/Indicator(s): Output: Biodiversity-friendly
agricultural and tourism development schemes
implemented in potential Natura 2000 sites
Indicator: Biodiversity-friendly development
schemes supported at the local level
Implementing partner: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of
Birds (BSPB)
Table of Contents Section Page
UNDP Project Document 1
Acronyms 4
SECTION I : Elaboration of the Narrative 5
PART I: Situation Analysis 5
PART II : Strategy 5
PART III : Management Arrangements 5
PART IV : Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Budget 7
PART V: Legal Context 7
PART I : Logical Framework Analysis 8
SECTION III : Total Budget and Workplan 8
PART I: Project documentation 8
1. Approved MSP proposal 8
PART II - Attachments 81
Part III. Response to reviews 154
2. Other agreements 163
Endorsement letter 163
Co-financing letters 163
Project cooperation agreement 163
PART II : Organigram of Project 173
PART III : T?R for key project staff and main sub-contracts 173
TOR's 173
Capacity Assessment of BSPB 173 Acronyms AEPU Agri-Environmental Policy Unit
AES Agri-Environmental Scheme
APR Annual Progress Report
BAS Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
BD Strategic Priority of Global Environment Facility in biodiversity
BSPB Bulgarian Society for Protection of Birds
CBD United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
CAP Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union
CO Country Office
COP Conference of Parties
EAFRD European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
EEA Executive Environmental Agency
EU European Union
GAEC Good agricultural and environmental conditions
GEF Global Environment Facility
GEFSEC Secretariat of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
GPS Geographic Positioning System
Ha hectares
HNV High Nature Value
IA Implementing Agency
LU Livestock unit
MAC Mobile Advisory Center
MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MEW Ministry of Environment and Water
MRDPW Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
MSP Medium-Size Project
NAAS National Agricultural Advisory Service
NAEP National Agri-Environmental Program
NARDP National Agricultural and Rural Development Plan
NBMS National Biodiversity Monitoring System
NGO Non-Government organization
NPARD National Plan for Agriculture and Rural Development
NPBC National Plan for Biodiversity Conservation
NPPS National Plant Protection Service
NSAP National Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Land Management
NSEAP National Strategy for the Environment and Action Plan
NGO Non-government organization
OP Operational Program
PD Project Director
PDF Project Development Facility of the Global Environment Facility
PEBLDS Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy
PM Project Manager
PMU Project Management Unit
PSC Project Steering Committee
RC Regional Coordinator of UNDP/GEF
RCU Regional Coordination Unit of UNDP/GEF
RDP Rural Development Plan
RIEW Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water
SAPARD Special Accession Program for Agriculture and Rural Development
SCM Steering Committee Meeting
SFA State Fund Agriculture
SLM Sustainable Land Management
TOR Terms of Reference
UNDP United Nations Development Programme SECTION I : Elaboration of the Narrative
PART I: Situation Analysis
The situation analysis is fully described in Part 3 - Programme and Policy
Conformity of the approved MSP proposal (please see Section IV). The
situation analysis is described in the context of the environment, socio-
economics, institutional and political and legislation PART II : Strategy
The project strategy is fully described in Part 3 - Programme and Policy
Conformity of the approved MSP proposal (please see Section IV), more
specifically under the presentation of the GEF Alternative. PART III : Management Arrangements
The Project will be NGO-executed. The NGO Bulgarian Society for the
Protection of Birds (BSPB) will act as the Project Implementing Partner.
BSPS is a legal entity registered in Bulgaria under the Law on the Legal
Persons with Non-Profit Purposes. The Project Implementing Partner will
receive managerial and technical support from UNDP. UNDP Bulgaria and BSPB will sign a Project Cooperation Agreement, which
shall be an integral part of this Project Document. The Project Cooperation
Agreement will detail the management, financial and reporting
responsibilities of the NGO vis-à-vis the present project. The project will be managed and implemented according to the UNDP rules and
procedures for NGO execution. BSPS will manage the implementation of the
project and will be fully responsible for the attainment of the planned
project ACTIVITIES[1]/Outputs as per the Project Results and Resources
Framework. BSPB will be responsible for the effective, efficient and timely
implementation of the project activities as per the approved project work
plans. It will observe the relevant UNDP and where appropriate GEF rules
and procedures for project implementation. 6. BSPB will assign a Project Director (PD) for the project (part
of their co-financing), and provide its staff and network of
experts as support to Project Management Unit. In connection
with the PMU the project will meet the salary cost for the
Project Manager and the Project Administrator. BSPB will
establish a Project Management Unit (PMU) for the day to day
management of project activities. Under the guidance of the PD,
the Project Manager will carry out all project activities:
. preparation/updates of project overall and annual work plans
. project record-keeping;
. reporting;
. monitoring of projects funds and expenditures according to the approved
. drafting of terms of reference, technical specifications and
other documents as necessary; identification, pre-screening of
consultants/sub-contractors; coordination and supervision of
. organization of duty travel, seminars, public outreach
activities and other project events;
. working contacts with project partners at the central and local
levels; 7. The PMU will also function as Agri-Environmental Policy Unit (AEPU)[2]
and the Project manager will also act as the AEPU Coordinator and will
bear the key role of monitoring of the AES success.
1) 8. The Executing Agency (BSPB) will subcontract specific components of
the project to specialized government agencies, research institutions,
as well as NGOs. 9. All key personnel working on the project will be based at BSPB
premises. Office space, facilities and offices utilities
(electricity, telephones, heating, water etc.) constitute in-
kind contribution of BSPB to the project. To enable project implementation by BSPB funds will be advanced to a
project bank account, especially opened by BSPB for the purposes of this
project, for all types of disbursements except for (1) procurement of
capital items, (2) payment for fees and travel of international
consultants. The latter two budget categories will be disbursed directly by
UNDP. UNDP will recover the cost of providing Implementation Support Services as
per the provisions of UNDP's cost recovery policy. The management of the project funds including budget revisions,
disbursements, record keeping, accounting, reporting, auditing and
utilization of accrued interest income in the project accounts will observe
the UNDP rules and procedures in force. For those operations implemented through advances of funds, BSPB will be
responsible for planning, procurement, contracting, financial and reporting
activities, including but not limited to:
. update of the overall and yearly project work plans as necessary;
. submission of quarterly work plans to UNDP;
. submission of monthly financial reports on spending of advanced funds and
requests for advances of funds;
. project record-keeping;
. drafting of terms of reference and specifications for equipment and goods
as necessary, in agreement with UNDP;
. procurement of goods and services including identification, sele