Learning Pyramid - NRCS - USDA

The following is a grab bag of ideas and guides, from NEDC, Dr. Ed Jones of
Management Training Consultants, Inc., Robert W. Pike and associates of the
Bob Pike Group, and the U.S. Navy, to help you in your process of learning to
teach and teaching to learn. Table of Contents. Applying Adult Learning Theory.

Part of the document

"Learn to Teach & Teach to Learn" Soil Survey Division Training Instructor Guide [pic] The process of teaching and learning is a three-legged approach, according
to Steve J. Thien, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University. We as
instructors must learn how to teach then teach to learn. The student must
learn how to learn. The following is a grab bag of ideas and guides, from
NEDC, Dr. Ed Jones of Management Training Consultants, Inc., Robert W. Pike
and associates of the Bob Pike Group, and the U.S. Navy, to help you in
your process of learning to teach and teaching to learn.
Table of Contents Applying Adult Learning Theory 3
Motivation 3
Logic 5
Immediate Application and Participation 5
Repetition 6
The Four-Step Process of Instruction 7
Some Hints to Stimulate Participation 8
Developing Effective Instructional Materials 11
10-Step Plan 11
Practical Tips 14
Learning Pyramid 20
Developing Your Lesson Plan 21
SSD Requirements and Guidance for Instruction Preparation 22
Required 22
Optional 22
Addendum Material 24
Writing Objectives 24
Performance Objectives Worksheet 26
The Seven Laws of Learning (Robert W. Pike) 27
The 22 Deadly Sins (Robert W. Pike) 28 Applying Adult Learning Theory 1. Adults have a need to know why they should learn something. Training should be based on valid needs of the intended audience. All
information provided should include reasons for learning. The benefits of
learning should be clearly shown. Activities should be based on real work
experiences. 2. Adults have a greater volume and different quality of experience than
youth. Design training activities that reflect the actual work the learners will
perform. Provide activities that permit learners to compare the theoretical
aspects of the training with their experiences. 3. Adults enter into a learning experience with a task-centered (or
problem-centered or life-centered) orientation to learning. Design training so that learners are solving problems or performing tasks
as close to those encountered back on the job as possible. If large
amounts of information support the problem-solving activities, present this
information as reference material. Teach learners how to use the
information to successfully complete the problem-solving activities. Do not
do an information dump. Focus activities on "doing" something with
information rather than simply "knowing" the information. More on the application of adult learning theory can be found at: ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NEDC/isd/adult_learning_theory.pdf Motivation You cannot motivate your students. They must motivate themselves. What you can do: . Your students may ask, "What's in it for me?" Show them the value or
use of your material.
. Use praise liberally. Call it positive reinforcement.
. Make course objectives clear when setting expectations, then challenge
students to achieve them. For some, having a goal to attain is
motivation to attain it.
. Be available, before, after, and during your presentation, during
breaks, etc.
. Be excited about your topic. What you want to avoid doing. De-motivators are: . No energy, no eye contact, speaking in a monotone, no personal contact
. "I did, I am, etc." Too much personal experience
. Poor preparation
. Singling out individual learners
. Reading directly from manuals, slides, etc.
. Lack of time for topic and for questions and answers
. In the same gear all day (no, I don't mean clothing.)
. Having no credibility
. Being quick to criticize
. Talking down to learners, making them feel stupid
. Not covering/sticking to objectives
. Too many "war stories"
. Disinterest in the subject and/or the learners Learning is stimulated through the five senses. There are few stimuli that will activate all five senses at once. Some are
more vital than others. A breakdown of how we learn today: 75% through the sense of sight
13% through the sense of hearing
6% through the sense of touch
3% through the sense of smell
3% through the sense of taste To stimulate learning through the senses: . Use visual stimuli whenever possible. Learners remember more about
what they see.
. Appeal to several senses together for the most efficient learning.
. Use strong stimuli, such as vivid pictures, loud noises, and bright
colors, for a better response. (Do not go overboard.)
. Vary the stimuli; repetition of even a strong stimulus becomes
monotonous and weakens the desired response. In 451 B.C., Confucius said, "What I hear, I forget; what I see, I
remember; but what I do, I understand." A stimulating presentation requires more preparation, but if a subject is
worth remembering, it is worth the effort that it takes to make it
memorable. Logic All information entering the mind is screened by an analytical process that
rejects, or at least questions, ideas that do not make sense. Use the
following principles to prepare lessons logically. 1. Each point must make sense by itself.
. The "why" behind your point; learners want to know the reason
behind your point.
. State your point then ask the learners to apply it to specific
instances. 2. The points must come in a logical sequence. These can be:
. Whole to part; big picture first, then specific parts (NSSL data
sheet first, then the tiers, then the columns, for example)
. Importance
. Time
. Geographic
. Magnitude
. Difficulty
. Order of performance Immediate Application and Participation This principle directs you to try out the skills or verbalize the facts
required. In essence, have your learners do it now, there in the classroom. A good rule to follow is the more participation there is-the more learning
has occurred. "People learn more effectively when they are actively
involved in the learning process, not passively observing it." However, participation for the sake participation sake can be a waste of
time. Make sure there is a planned purpose for the activity. Many trainers believe that, in groups of 20 or more, participation is not
practical. But limited participation is possible and beneficial. Limit it
to small groups within the class. Then a spokesperson for the group
presents their ideas. Thus, each learner is involved in the learning -
testing understanding, getting feedback, and making adjustments - just as
though he/she interacted directly with the presenter. In most cases, our
SSD training courses will be conducted utilizing small groups. Some tips
for small group instruction are listed later in the section "Practical
Tips." Active participation includes: 1. Oral
. Questions asked of the whole class
. Assignments to groups of students to explain subpoints, etc.
2. Written
. Working on group exercises
. Individual tasks
. "Pop" quizzes
. Flip chart summaries
3. Group work
. Group discussions
. Small team exercises
. Projects for later presentation
4. Physical
A. Assembly of apparatus
B. Hands-on use of assembled apparatus
C. Performing an activity Repetition Studies show that as much as 65-75% of the material learned will be
"forgotten" within a week. This is the reason that the world of advertising
presents us with a steady barrage of commercials over and over again. There
are two ways that repetition can be used effectively without being boring. 1. Repetition with a difference: Give the same information but vary your
approach. An example would be using a film followed by a case study. 2. Refresher training: Cover the same material, but in less time and with
less intensity. Each time, the learner will forget less and retain
more and get closer to your desired learning level. This method has
some application during the week of training but may be best applied
over the following several weeks. 3. Interval training: Learners will retain only about 10% of what they
learned after 30 days. However, if you provide the material at six
intervals and increase the amount of time from each interval to the
next one, they will retain 90% after 30 days.
. 1st time
. 2nd, an hour later
. 3rd, next day
. 4th, 1 week later
. 5th, 2 weeks later
. 6th, 30 days later The Four-Step Process of Instruction
Step 1 - Prepare A. Prepare yourself for helping them learn.
. Have thorough familiarity with the subject.
. Break down the components of the subject.
. Design a training plan that:
o Explains how, what, where, and why
o Is clear as to what you expect of the students
o Is clear as to how you are measuring the effectiveness of the
B. Prepare the employees for learning.
. Put them at ease.
. Give them the big picture.
. Let them know what's in it for them.
. Gauge their reactions and respond accordingly. Step 2 - Present A. Tell them about the subject.
B. Show them the task.
. Go through it several times and allow time for questions and
. Avoid too many details.
. Demonstrate how to perform the task.
. Explain why it is done this way. Step 3 - Let them try A. Have them tell you.
. Describe the job and the steps involved.
. Don't move on until they