CBCS 2016 - Directorate of Distance Education, University of Kashmir

... CORRIGES 60280 CORRIGÉ 62234 CORRIGé 59395 CORRUPTION 54933 ... 64251 EXERCANT 64641 EXERCICE 56023 EXERCICES 57968 EXERCISE ... FITZGERALD 63894 FIV 49521 FIVE 58216 FIVES 64251 FIX 57734 FIXANT ... Myra 64641 Myriad 62716 Myriam 49941 Myrna 64641 Myrrhe 65073 Myrtille? ...

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1st Semester
Organisational Behaviour
Code: COM15101CR

|Core |

Course Title: Organisational Behaviour Course Type:

Course Level:

|Year 1: |* |Semester 1 | |Semester 2 |
|Year 2: | |Semester 3 | |Semester 4 |

The Course
Course Description:
This course deals with human behavior in organizations and with practices
and systems within organizations that facilitate or hinder effective
behavior. Conceptual frameworks, case discussions, and skill-oriented
activities are blended within each topic. Topics include personality,
perception, stress, learning, communication, motivation, group dynamics,
leadership, power & politics, conflict, and organizational design, change
and development. Class sessions and assignments are intended to help
students acquire the skills that managers need to improve organizational
relationships and performance.

| |
|Objectives: |
| |
|This course is designed to deepen the knowledge of organizational behavior|
|from an individual, group, and organizational perspective; and to |
|encourage students to reflect on and apply this knowledge in ways that |
|will enhance their abilities as a manager. Specific learning objectives |
|include: |
|Understand how application of OB frameworks, tools, and concepts can |
|enhance individual, group, and organizational effectiveness |
|Reflect own beliefs, assumptions and behaviors with respect to how |
|individuals, groups and organizations act in order to expand approaches |
|and increase own organizational effectiveness. |

Learning Outcomes:
After going through this course, the students are expected to develop a
Clear understanding, knowledge and skills in the field of organisational

Skills to be developed throughout the Course:
Students will develop their analytical and oral communication skills via
case study approach carried out in tutorials, group discussions, role play,
Class Room presentations and seminar sessions. While working on Case
Studies & group discussions student's creative skills and their abilities
will get honed which shall help him in practical life situations?

The Learning Resources:
The following shall comprise the learning resources

1. Text Books

|Author |Title |Publisher |year |Lates|
| | | | |t |
| | | | |Editi|
| | | | |on to|
| | | | |be |
| | | | |procu|
| | | | |red |
|Steven McShane & Van|Organizational |Tata McGraw Hill |2010 | |
|Glinar |Behavior |Publishing Co | | |
|Stephen Robbins |Organizational |Prentice Hall India |2010 | |
| |Behavior |Pvt. Ltd New Delhi. | | |
|Fred Luthans |Organizational |McGraw Hill Book |2011 | |
| |Behavior |Company | | |
|Kavita Sharma |Organizational | Pearson India |2010 | |
| |Behavior | | | |
|Ricky Griffin & |Organizational |Hongh Co. Boston |2011 | |
|Georgy Moorehead |Behavior | | | |
|Robbins, SP, and | Essentials of |Pearson |2012 | |
|Judge |Organizational | | | |
| |Behavior | | | |

|e- Library Resources: |
|Bibliographical Databases ii) Consortium e-resources iii) eBooks @ AIL |
|iii) |
|Online Libraries iv) Subscribed Resources v) Virtual Library vi) News |
|Paper Archive |
|Internet : http://www.en.wikipedia/wiki/listof_management_topics |
|Case Studies: The class room teaching will be reinforced and supplemented |
|by Case Studies. These case studies will have to be taken up in the |
|Tutorial Classes. |
|Courseware: The Courseware will be a compendium of the following: Specific|
|documents, computer-based training particularly on various tenets and |
|techniques of Technical Analysis will be provided in the form of |
|CDs/VCDs/DVDs. Videos will also be provided on the subject matter. |
|Material that is coordinated with distance learning such as live classes |
|conducted over the internet will be a part of the courseware. Websites |
|that offer Interactive tutorials and webinars will be made available to |
|the student community. |
|The Courseware will be posted on the DBFS website. |

Curriculum Transaction (The Pedagogy)

Teaching/Learning Methods:
a) Lecture b) Demonstration c) Case Study d) Brainstorming Sessions e)
Online f) Video Presentations g) Lecturing through Power Point
Presentations( PPTs).

Tutorial, Student Presentations, Quizzes, Group Discussions
Interactive Teaching learning Processes are encouraged and wholesome
participation ensured.
The use of Teaching Aids like LCD, OHP etc., will be extensively done to
ensure impeccable learning situations.

Curriculum Evaluation (Assessment Strategy):
The assessment will be done in the following manner:

Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
a. Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) through One Class Test/s = 10% -----
----------10 Marks
b. Attendance, Participation in the Class = 05% --
------------ 05Marks
c. Term-end Viva Voce
= 05% -------------- 05Marks
Term End Examination: 80 Marks
Semester- End Examination will carry 80% Weightage ------------------------

Total: 100 Marks

Syllabus Change Policy: This syllabus is a guide for the course and is
subject to change with an advance notice.

Organisational Behaviour
| Code: COM15101CR | |
| |Max. Marks : 100 |
|M.Com : 1st Semester | |
| |Term End Exam : 80 |
| |
|Cont. Internal Assessment (CIA): 20 |

| |
|Module-I |
| |
|Organisational Behaviour the human context of a managerial job, |
|Contributing disciplines, Emerging trends in OB, Evolution of OB; |
|Perception: Process & errors, Improving perceptions; Attitudes; |
|Personality; Determinants of Personality, Personality traits relevant to |
|OB; Managerial implications of Perception, Personality, Attitudes. |
| |
|Module-II |
| |
|Learning, Theories & Principles of Learning, Contingencies & Schedules of|
|Reinforcement Motivation: Early theories, contemporary theories, Stress |
|Management, Concept of stress, Sources & Effects of stress on humans, |
|Management of Stress; ; Managerial implications of Learning, Motivation |
|and Job Stress; Concept of Group Dynamics and Teams, Theories of Group |
|Formation, Team Development ;Transactional Analysis. |
| |
|Module-III |
| |
|Organisational conflict: Conflict Management, Traditional & Modern view of|
|conflict, Constructive & Destructive conflict, Conflict Process, |
|Strategies for encouraging constructive conflict, Strategies for resolving|
|destructive conflict, Leadership Styles, Models and Theories of |
|Leadership; Organisational culture: Elements of Organisational Culture, |
|Hofstedes culture typology. |
| |
|Module-IV |
| |
|Elements of Organisational Structure, Traditional & Modern Organisational |
|Design; Power & Politics: Sources & Consequences of Power, Organisational |
|Politics, Types of Political Activity, Controlling Political Behavior, |
|Management of Change, Forces responsible for chang