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|Back to Nature. |
PREVIEW In this unit, pupils will learn to: SEQUENCE ONE
- listen and respond to a radio interview.
- write an SOS about pollution.
- express feelings, opinions and suppositions.
- mark stress in words ending in '-tion' and '-ssion'.
- recognise and mark intonation in complex sentences.
- use the conditional with 'if'. SEQUENCE TWO - read and respond to a newspaper article about pollution.
- deduce the meaning of words from context.
- express cause and effect.
- write an expository paragraph about pollution.
- conduct a meeting.
- read and respond to an advertisement.
- write an advertisement.
- recognise and mark intonation in yes-no and wh-questions.
-write the minutes of a meeting.
- use conditional types 0, 1 and 2.
- form adjectives using suffixes 'al', 'ic', 'cal'....
- use quantity words: 'most', 'all'......
- read and respond to a letter of complaint.
- write a letter of complaint.
- read and respond to a memo.
- write a memo.
Project workshop.
Pupils will realise a cleaning
campaign poster.
WARMING UP. Aim: to introduce the unit and arise pupils' interest. Procedure: Step 1:-T asks PP to study pictures 1 &2 p138.
-They contrast them in terms of colour.
-They would say: the first is green; the second is grey.
Step2:-T asks them:what do these colours remind you of? -They would say:
*What is green is beautiful. It symbolises hope & life as it
refers to nature.All what is natural is healthy.
*The colour grey stands for danger.It is a symbol
death since it illustrates pollution.Smoke is
coming out
of factories; it is unhealthy: it damages life.
Step 3: -T asks PP: is pollution natural?
-They would answer:no, it isn't.
-S/he asks again: how can we fight it?
-They would say: we should preserve nature.
Step4: -T writes the title of the unit on the board: BACK TO NATURE.
-S/he invites pp to study the preview on p139 in
to know what they will do in each sequence.
SEQUENCE ONE: LISTENING & SPEAKING. |Aim :to develop the listening and speaking skills with reference to |
| |
|argumentating and related language forms. |
|Skills : listening , speaking & identifying types of climate areas |
|/natural |
|disasters. |
|Function : expressing & justifying. | ANTICIPATE p140. Aim: to prepare pupils for the listening and speaking phase. Procedure:
Task 1p140: Aim: to identify the different types of climate areas and natural disasters
from a map.
- In pairs, PP try to read the map and to identify the different
types of climate areas in the world then in Algeria.
- Different pairs exchange ideas.
- Correction. Key:
a-The names of climate areas are mentioned on the map: polar, tundra, cool
temperature, warm temperature, mountain, desert, monsoon and tropical.
b-The source is written at the bottom of the map: www.Worldclimate.com
c- Warm temperature climate and desert climate.
d- Mountain - tropical. Task 2 p140: Aim: - to identify the types of natural disasters.
- to justify opinion.
- T shows the picture of the natural disaster.
- PP read the appropriate word and its definition.
- In pairs ,PP select the natural disasters that can effect Algeria.
- Different pairs exchange ideas and justify their choices.
- Oral + BB correction.
-Drought can affect my country because it has a desert climate.
- Earthquakes can affect my country because the north of Algeria is
situated in a seismic zone.
- Sandstorm can affect my country because of the desert climate.
- Floods can affect my country because of the warm temperature climate. Task 3p 140: Aim: to express and justify opinion.
Steps: - PP answer the question and give their opinions.
- T writes on the board 'I think that /I don't think that' .
- PP use them to give their opinion.
- T brainstorms the ideas of short and long seasons.
- In pairs PP exchange and justify their opinion.
- PP give their opinion with justification.
- BB correction.
Suggested answer :
I think that the world climate is changing. It is becoming
warmer. The winter seasons are becoming shorter and the summer seasons
N B: several answers are possible. Listen and check p.141
Aim: to listen and respond to a radio interview about pollution. Task 1 p141: Aim: To check PP's answers to the previous task (3 p140).
Steps: - T reads part one of script 1pvii.
- PP listen and check their answer to task 3p140.
- Oral + BB correction.
The world climate is changing because the volume of carbon dioxide in
the air has increased as a result of the burning of oil, coal and wood. Task 2 p141: Aim: To let PP guess and anticipate the consequences stated in the next
part of the interview.
- T makes sure PP understand the consequences given in the table.
- In pairs ,PP select the right completion of the consequences.
- Different pairs exchange ideas.
- Oral correction. Task 3p141: Aim: To check PP's answers to the previous task (2 p140).
Steps: - T reads part two script 1pvii.
- PP listen and check their answer to task 2p141.
- BB correction.
Key to tasks 2/3p141: |The sea level |The food |The |The coastal |
|will... |producing |temperatures |areas will... |
| |areas will... |will... | |
|Rise |become deserts|go up |be under water|
Task4p141 Aim: To listen for specific information.
- T makes sure PP understand the questions.
- T reads script 1pvii.
- PP listen and take notes.
- In pairs, PP exchange and check their notes.
- Oral +B.B correction.
a- The gas which is responsible for global warming is carbon dioxide.
b- He compares it to a greenhouse, a type of plastic house where farmers
grow vegetables.
c- It is called so because carbon dioxide traps the heat from the sun, just
like a greenhouse.
d- We can reduce the high temperatures by reducing the volume of CO2
e- The climate specialist is worried about climate change .
Evidence from the interview: 'Everybody is worried about high
temperatures these days' ; 'scientists are raising the alarm about global warming; 'a question of life and death to us humans'.
Listening Script
Part one:
Robert: This is 'Back to Nature'. I'm Robert Kidman. We're at 800-978-8254. And on the line with us now from Madison, Wisconsin, is Mike Richards,
a climate specialist. Mike Richards, how are you?
Mike: Fabulous, thanks for asking.
Robert: Everybody is worried about high temperatures these days. My
question then is: Is our climate really changing?
Mike: There's no doubt at all that our climate is changing. The earth is
getting warmer. Our studies show that four years out of the last ten
have been the hottest since records began. The cause is carbon dioxide in
the air. Its volume has increased a lot because of the burning of oil, coal
and wood. This carbon dioxide has enveloped the earth in a sort of
greenhouse; you know the type of plastic houses where farmers grow
vegetables. This greenhouse traps the heat from the sun. It doesn't
let it go out, so the temperature will continue to rise if we don't reduce
carbon dioxide emissions. And we believe that within the next hundred years
or so, the earth will have heated up by four degrees. Yes, our climate is
rapidly changing. Part two
Robert: But what will happen if the climate really changes?
Mike: A lot of things will happen. You know if the earth gets hotter, the
glaciers will melt. And if the glaciers melt, the volume of the water in
the seas will increase and the level of sea water will rise. This will
cause flooding. As a result, vast areas of the Indian coast, Bangladesh,
Holland and even London will be under water.
Robert: Are there any other effects you haven't mentioned?
Mike: I'm afraid there are many other effects. For example, if the climate
changes, the winds and rain will change. Some regions will have more
storms. These storms will destroy crops, houses and kill a lot of people.
On the contrary, vast areas of the world - the United States of America and
Russia, North Africa will suffer from lack of rain. This lack of rain, I
mean the drought, can transform these areas into desert. As a result, we
will have less food to eat and less water to drink. This is why we
scientists are raising the alarm about global warming, which is really a
question of life and death to us humans.
Say it clear p.142: Aim: to deal with intonation in yes/no questions and complex sentence and
stress in words ending in '-tion' / '-sion'.
Task 1p142: Aim: - To revise the intonation pattern in questions and complex
- T reads the dialogue.
-PP listen and