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IV.Summary: -?Going to? to talk about the intentions. -Making arrangements. V.
Homework: -Do exercises in W.B. -Practice speaking. *) Evaluation: ? .... (date,
time, name, content?) - T has Ss read the message (p.23) and fill in the blanks
and then compare the answers with their partners. - Ss work in pairs. - T and Ss
check ...

Part of the document

RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the research findings and discussions dealing
with the problems formulated in chapter I. The aims of this chapter are to
investigate whether the implementation of Styles and Strategies Based
Instruction can improve students' reading competence or not, students'
response on the implementation of Styles and Strategies Based Instruction,
and identify kinds of problems arising. The descriptions of research
findings are based on the data taken from the researcher and collaborator's
field notes, classroom observations, interviews, and tests. Then,
discussion becomes the next step in elaborating and analyzing the result
A. Introduction
The implementation of Classroom Action Research was based on the
indentified problems in the pre research (see chapter 1, page: 4-8). It
is mainly purposed to improve students' reading competence through
Styles and Strategies Based Instruction. The target expected is that an
ideal condition can be created in which the average score of students'
reading will be at least 70 for each competence; then reading does not
become a difficult competence for students and teachers anymore. It can
be an easy and an enjoyable competence to be learnt and taught. So,
students motivation in doing reading test will be raised and teachers
creativity in teaching and finding solutions related to reading will be
B. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research
The implementation of Classroom Action Research was divided into
three cycles, each cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing, and
reflecting. This spiraling steps supported each other in continuing
process. These were described as follows:
1. Cycle 1
a. Planning
In the first cycle, researcher had planned some activities
before applying the research. These were: (1) making lesson plans
containing teaching learning processes in reading based on Styles and
Strategies Based Instruction. (2) sharing and discussing with
collaborator. It was done to get the same assumption and
understanding about teaching learning processes and everything which
would be applied, observed, noted, and assessed. (3) implementing
teaching learning processes. (4) designing reading post test. (5)
Interviews. It was the last step used to dig more about students'
feeling, thinking, and opinion about reading strategies.
b. Acting
1) The First Meeting
The first meeting was conducted on Friday, October 8th 2010.
The class took in 90 minutes, started from 09.00 and ended at 10.30
A.M. Then, the materials were (1) finding the topic and main idea,
(2) determining the purpose of the text, and (3) identifying the
organization of the text. Meanwhile, the activities in classroom
reading performance were divided into pre activities, main
activities, and post activities.
The first bell was ringing at 08.50 A.M, it was the sign that
a teacher should enter the class and prepare her teaching
performance. Therefore, the researcher and collaborator came to
Alumni Class. Collaborator took seat in the back row and recorded
the whole things happened during teaching learning process. At this
time, there were several students who had attended the class.
Researcher smiled at them and greeted them by saying "Morning
students?", students replied "Morning Mom." Then, researcher went
to the whiteboard, drew the chapter which would be discussed by
blue marker in white board, made a rectangular form around it by
red marker, and wrote her name below it by her initial name "NM".
Then it was continued by drawing a mind map and the first reading
material by using three different kinds of board marker (black,
blue and red).
At 09.00 A.M the second bell was ringing, it is the sign that
the class can be started. One by one students came and entered the
classroom. Then, researcher started and opened the class by saying
"Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh" and students replied
researcher's greeting, "Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh".
After that researcher continued her statements "My beloved
students, at this beautiful day we will discuss several materials
and strategies related to reading. As we know that reading becomes
the main requirement to pass State University Entrance Test,
doesn't it?".
Students were silent, but their eyes and face said that they
agreed with the researcher's explanation. Some students nodded
because 3 months ago they joined in State University Entrance Test,
so they knew what the researcher said was true as their experience
in the previous test. Researcher continued her explanation in
explaining the statistic data in State University Entrance Test
2009 and 2010 where reading was the only competence which was
In the main activities, the researcher explained reading
materials and strategies. But, before explaining reading materials
and strategies, researcher explained how important this material to
students first, it was aimed to keep students' focus and stimulate
psychological attention during materials given.
My beloved students, today we will discuss three reading
materials. The first is finding the topic and main idea. This
material is very important to be understood, because it
always appears in State University Entrance Test 2009-2010.
In State University Entrance Test 2009 code 183, there were 2
topic items, code 285 were 2 main idea items and 1 topic
item, and code 383 were 1 main idea item and 1 topic item.
Meanwhile, in State University Entrance Test 2010 code 326,
there was 1 main idea item, code 336 was 1 topic item, and
code 744 were 1 topic item and 2 main idea items. The second
is determining the purpose of the text. It appeared in State
University Entrance Test 2008-2010. In State University
Entrance Test 2008, the purpose of the text appeared 1 item
in code 201. In State University Entrance Test 2009, it
appeared 1 item in code 183. Meanwhile in State University
Entrance Test 2010, it appeared 1 item in code 744. And the
third is identifying organization of the text which appeared
2 items in code 744 at State University Entrance Test 2010.
Next, the researcher delivered the basic concept of topic and
main idea first, continued by the purpose of the text and the
organization of the text. Those are explained in the form of
materials and kinds of reading strategies used.
The Basic Concept of Topic and Main Idea
a) Understanding the questions
1) What is the main idea/the subject/the topic of the text?
2) What is the main point of the passage?
3) The passage mainly discusses?
4) The passage indicates that?
5) What would be a good title of the text?
b) Understanding kinds of reading
Table 4.1
c) Understanding the differences between topic and main idea
Table 4.2
|what the sentence or the|what the writer is |
|paragraph is about |trying to convey in his|
| |entire message |
|simpler and only use a |stated as an entire |
|word or a phrase |sentence |
|The topic must not be |the main idea must be |
|specific nor should it |complete. |
|be general | |
|can be found in the |may appear in the |
|sentence or in a |beginning, the middle, |
|paragraph |or the last part of the|
| |paragraph |
|the topic is simply |Another term for the |
|called "topic." |main idea is "topic |
| |sentence" |
At the basic concept, students were recognized kinds of
questions first, because students still got difficulties in
understanding of what is being asked. Next, researcher explained
kinds of readings, and the differences between topic and main idea.
These understanding became important as the basic reading concept
because it will influence the strategies used. Students were
encouraged to be able to identify between topic and main idea,
short and long reading, and the way to apply them in answering
questions. These strategies were mentioned in table 4.3
Tabel 4.3
Reading Strategies in Finding Topic & Main Idea
Those strategies were explained in several different examples
to make it clear and easy to be understood by students. Because
reading had different approches and not every author or writer