Série d'exercices mode message - Département Informatique Cnam ...

Exercice 12 : Etude du système de chiffrement à clé publique RSA ... couche
transport fiable mais au dessus d'une couche réseau sans contrôle d'erreur. ... Le
client et le serveur utilisent des processus sur la machine client et la machine ...


An XDR integer is a 32-bit data item that encodes a C integer. ... In the latter case,
rpcgen takes the remote procedure that defines the data structure ...... we applied
the LZ-based Unix compress command to the source code for the protocols ...... of
MPEG-related programs, some of which are used in the following exercises.

2-1 exercise - Read

Using RPCGEN to Generate Templates and a MAKEFILE .... Early on, UNIX
supported a number of rudimentary process communication ... Red Hat Linux
includes Richard Stallman's GNU project C (gcc) and C++ (g++) compilers. ...
Many of the examples and most of the exercises have also been compiled and
run in a ...

IS ZC462 - WILP - BITS Pilani

Stevens, R.W., ?Unix Network Programming, Vol-I Networking APIS : Sockets and
XTI?, Prentice- Hall .... SUN RPC: high level API; port mapper; rpcgen; XDR; low-
level API: ... The programming exercises are to be implemented in C Language: ...