Improving the second year students' writing skill by using inquiry ...

Improving the writing ability of the fifth semester students of the English
Department of Malang Muhammadiyah University through cooperative learning
strategy / by ..... The effectiveness of using picture in teaching writing descriptive
paragraph / Susilowati. Rt 808.042 SUS e. Author : Susilowati. Publisher : Year :
2014 ...

Penerapan pembelajaran model siklus belajar untuk meningkatkan ...

Peningkatan keterampilan menulis karangan narasi melalui model picture and
picture pada siswa kelas III SDN Karangrejo 02 Kecamatan Kromengan
Kabupaten Malang / Grace ..... Pemanfaatan metode permainan estafet baris
untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca puisi siswa SMP kelas VII / Dina Ayu

Pembelajaran bahasa Arab di MTs Diniyah Ponpes Daruttauhid ...

Supplementary comprehension exercises through the Reading Box" for SMP ......
tragedies Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth / Reimundus Raymond Fatubun.

Pengaruh besaran arus kas dan laba akrual, serta fluktuasi ...

Kolaborasi model numbered heads together (NHT) dengan two stay two stray (
TSTS) ...... Lexical ties exercices as one way of improping cohesion in advanced

Penggunaan instrumen diagnostik two-tier untuk mengidentifikasi ...

Collected exercises. 2.1. .... Cahier d'exercices, 1988; Y. Berchiche, M. Dubois, R.
Mimran ? Cours de la Sorbonne?, Clé ..... J. Lemba Tehnisk? termodinamika.

Using story grammar strategy to improve the eight graders' reading ...

Kemampuan menyimak berita siswa kelas VII SMP PGRI 1 Singosari Malang ......
Improving the reading comprehension ability of the eleventh grade students of
ma .... English and achievement in learning English in some senior high schools
in ..... Developing language games for teaching speaking to the first year students

Pemahaman konsep dan kemampuan berpikir kritis pada authentic ...

Perbedaan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas V SD antara yang diberi latihan soal
dari majalah Si Kuncung dan dari buku IPAterbitan Intan Pariwara / oleh Lilis
Rupeni ...... Implementing matching exercises technique to improve the reading
comprehension of the ninth graders of MTS Negeri Jambewangi Blitar / Arina

Peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis karangan narasi ...

A study on the use of scene setting in PPP for teaching simple present tense at
ILP .... Senior high school teachers and students' utilization of and attitudes
towards ... short stories to improve reading comprehension for the eight graders
of MTs ...... students of the first grade at PGRI Lawang Senior High School /
Choirur Rozi.

Improving the speaking ability of tenth graders of SMK Negeri 3 ...

Using pictures to improve speaking ability of the first grade students in SMKN 1
..... CD to teach reading comprehension for seventh graders of Junior High
School ...... stories to improve vocabulary mastery of eleventh grade students at
SMAN 5 ...... e-book as extensive reading material for the eighth graders in SMP
Negeri 6 ...