Exercice 1 :

Exercice 1 : La figure ci-contre représente un réservoir ... Combien peut-on
mettre de pyramides KQML dans ce cube ? Exercice 4 : Léo, le poisson de Julie,
est ...

full paper - TAMU Computer Science Faculty Pages - Texas A&M ...

Indeed, a large part of staff training exercises at the brigade-level involves
practicing efficient .... KQML defines an extensive list of these performatives [7][8].

SQI Meeting Minutes

Good example: KQML specification. We might want to rethink ... A discussion on
the Common Schema was held and first mapping exercises were performed.

Simulating Teamwork and Information-Flow in - Penn State University

... this type of training (i.e. for teamwork) has been accomplished primarily
through live exercises. .... KQML defines an extensive list of these performatives [

02a Enabling Technology for Knowledge Sharing - Neches et al

For this consensus to emerge, we need to engage in exercises in building ....
programmatic interface for knowledge-based applications KQML (knowledge
query ...

???? - ???????

? ...... intelligence tools to conduct data-mining exercises across large data sets.

5. Course descriptions

Practical exercises may include developing macros, designing and .... In the first
part regarding instruction set architecture level basic functions and ways of ......
Concepts of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) that addresses integration and ...

Information Systems - MG University

Simple exercises in effort and cost estimation in COCOMO model. ..... Agent
oriented programming language ? KQML as an agent communication language ...

Detailed Syllabi 2011 - Department of Computer Science and ...

Programming exercises, Searching, sorting with iterative constructs. ...... Agent
communication, communication languages KQML and FIPA ACL Communication

Module 1 (10 (T) + 7(P) Hours) - Department of Computer Science ...

Conduct investigations of complex problems :The course involves exercises in
the ...... Agent communication, communication languages KQML and FIPA ACL ...