figures of thought for comparison, regarding similes, metaphors, hyperbole and imagery.I5 The second category is rhetorical figures involving repeated sound ...
=79!7*,:2, #O 5? 0259L !P;C-%2 425%2 6)2,-2 N #.2 4QR '8-6,*,:;=!-. Examples from the orators (e.g. Lysias. 1, 3, and 32 and Demosthenes 21, 37, and 49) are ...
Culy, Martin M. Luke : a handbook on the Greek text / Martin M. Culy, Mikeal C. Parsons, Joshua J. Stigall. p. cm. -- (Baylor handbook on the Greek New ...
1.5. National Planning and Project Planning. 13. 2. THE VALUATION OF BENEFITS. 18. 2.1. The Consumer Surplus Concept. 18. 2.2. The Compensated Demand Curves.