Meeting Point Terminale ? Site compagnon Élève Objectif Bac ...

Meeting Point Terminale ? Site compagnon Élève. Objectif Bac / Evaluation
sommative « Reading » (Manuel, p. 101). 4. Je me corrige (= correction de l'
exercice ...

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Meeting Point Terminale - Site compagnon Élève
Objectif Bac / Evaluation sommative « Reading » (Manuel, p. 101)
4. Je me corrige (= correction de l'exercice 3, 'Je réponds aux questions'
p. 101) |a. Where is the scene located (country, State, place)? (20 words) |6 pts |
| | |
|> The scene is located in the United States, in a small village | |
|called Salem in the State of Massachusetts. | |
|b. Describe the place and its surroundings including elements from |8 pts |
|the text. | |
|(45 words) | |
|> Salem is not an old village ("established hardly forty years | |
|ago", l. 7). It is surrounded by almost uninhabited wild land ("the| |
|edge of the wilderness was close by", l. 26) and the houses do not | |
|look modern or appealing ("small-windowed, dark houses", l. 5). | |
|c. In your own words say how the place / province and its community|6 pts |
|are defined. (20 words) | |
|> The place and its people sound very austere and stern. They are | |
|defined by an almost total absence of any kind of leisure | |
|activities or celebrations. | |
|d. What is the community's main activity? Justify with a key |2 pts |
|sentence from the text. | |
|> They trade goods: "fanatics who, nevertheless, were shipping out | |
|products of slowly increasing quantity and value." (l. 9-11) | |
|e. In your own words explain the impact of the community's way of |6 pts |
|life. (30 words) | |
|> Religion imposes a very strict way of life: the inhabitants | |
|cannot have any celebrations or cultural entertainment, and even | |
|reading novels seems prohibited. They are expected to be very | |
|religious and devoted and to pray frequently. | |
|f. What do the villagers do in their free / spare time? (35 words) |5 pts |
| | |
|> The villagers do not have a lot of spare time; they are hard | |
|workers who cultivate the land. Nevertheless, when they are not | |
|praying, they meet to help and support each other when it comes to | |
|building houses and they sometimes share a meal together. | |
|g. What is the community afraid of? Why? Include one quotation from|4 pts |
|the text in your answer. (30 words) | |
|> The community was afraid of the Indian tribes who "marauded from | |
|time to time" (l. 28) and who could even kill some of them: | |
|"parishioners who had lost relatives to these heathen" (l. 29). | |
|h. Using a few adjectives define the community's way of life. (10 |3 pts |
|words) | |
|> Their way of life seems strict and austere, although they are | |
|reliant on and helpful to each other. | |
|Total Points : |... / |
| |40 |