Department of Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus
Summary. Exercises. 8a: Interfaces. Interfaces. ?Multiple inheritance? in Java ......
goes on in the ?Model? or ?Abstraction? parts of MVC and PAC respectively).
Part of the document
|Department of B.Sc.. in Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus |
|First Year : Semester I | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 133 |Structured Programming Language |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 134 |Structured Programming Language |0 + 6 |3.0 | |
| |Lab | | | |
|CSE 143 |Discrete Mathematics |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 144 |Discrete Mathematics Lab |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|ENG 101 |English Language I |2 + 0 |2.0 | |
|ENG 102 |English Language I Lab |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|IPE 106 |Engineering Graphics |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|IPE 108 |Workshop Practice |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|MAT102D |Matrices, Vector Analysis and |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
| |Geometry | | | |
|PHY 103E|Mechanics, Wave, Heat & |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Thermodynamics | | | |
| |Total |14 + 15 = |22.0 | |
| | |29 | | |
|First Year: Semester II | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 100 |Project Work |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|EEE 107Q|Electrical and Electronic |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
| |Circuit Analysis | | | |
|EEE 108Q|Electrical and Electronic |0 + 6 |3.0 | |
| |Circuit Analysis Lab | | | |
|CSE 137 |Data Structure |3 + 0 |3.0 |CSE 133|
|CSE 138 |Data Structure Lab |0 + 4 |2.0 | |
|ENG 103 |English Language II |2 + 0 |2.0 | |
|ENG 104 |English Language II Lab |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|MAT103D |Calculus |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
| |Total |13 + 14 = |20.0 | |
| | |27 | | |
|Second Year: Semester I | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|EEE 201Q|Digital Logic Design |3 + 0 |3.0 |EEE 107|
|EEE 202Q|Digital Logic Design Lab |0 + 4 |2.0 | |
|CSE 237 |Algorithm Design & Analysis |3 + 0 |3.0 |CSE 137|
|CSE 238 |Algorithm Design & Analysis Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|BAN 243 |Cost and Management Accounting |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|PHY 207 |Electromagnetism, Optics & |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Modern Physics | | | |
|PHY 222B|Basic Physics Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|STA 202 |Basic Statistics & Probability |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
| |Total |16 + 10 = |21.0 | |
| | |26 | | |
| | | | | |
|Second Year : Semester II | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 200 |Project Work |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|CSE 233 |Object Oriented Programming |3 + 0 |3.0 |CSE 133|
| |Language | | | |
|CSE 234 |Object Oriented Programming |0 + 6 |3.0 | |
| |Language Lab | | | |
|CSE 339 |Theory of Computation |2 + 0 |2.0 | |
|CSE 241 |Concrete Mathematics and |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Numerical Analysis | | | |
|CSE 242 |Concrete Mathematics and |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
| |Numerical Analysis Lab | | | |
|ECO 103 |Principles of Economics |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
|MAT204D |Complex Variables, Laplace |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
| |Transform and Fourier Series | | | |
| |Total |16 + 11 = |21.5 | |
| | |27 | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |
|Third Year : Semester I | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 367 |Microprocessor & Interfacing |3 + 0 |3.0 |EEE 201|
|CSE 368 |Microprocessor & Interfacing Lab|0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 365 |Communication Engineering |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 366 |Communication Engineering Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 333 |Database System |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 334 |Database System Lab |0 + 6 |3.0 | |
|CSE 335 |Operating System and System |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Programming | | | |
|CSE 336 |Operating System and System |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
| |Programming Lab | | | |
|CSE 351 |Management Information Systems |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Total |15 + 15 = |22.5 | |
| | |30 | | |
| | | | | |
|Third Year : Semester II | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 300 |Project Work & Seminar |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 329 |Computer Architecture |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 361 |Computer Networking |3 + 0 |3.0 |CSE 365|
|CSE 362 |Computer Networking Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 373 |Computer Graphics and Image |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Processing | | | |
|CSE 374 |Computer Graphics and Image |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
| |Processing Lab | | | |
|CSE 331 |Software Engineering |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 332 |Software Engineering Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 363 |Advanced Data Structure and |2 + 0 |2.0 |CSE |
| |Algorithm | | |137, |
| | | | |CSE 237|
|CSE 364 |Advanced Data Structure and |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
| |Algorithm Lab | | | |
| |Total |14 + 15 = |21.5 | |
| | |29 | | |
| | | | | |
|Fourth Year : Semester I | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 400 |Project |0 + 4 |2.0 | |
|CSE 433 |Artificial Intelligence |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 434 |Artificial Intelligence Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 445 |Web Engineering |2 + 0 |2.0 | |
|CSE 446 |Web Engineering Lab |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|CSE 439 |Compiler Construction |3 + 0 |3.0 |CSE 259|
|CSE 440 |Compiler Construction Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 4** |Option I |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 4** |Option I Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
| |Total |11 + 15 = |18.5 | |
| | |26 | | |
| | | | | |
|Fourth Year: Semester II | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 406 |Viva Voce |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|CSE 408 |Project |0 + 8 |4.0