the prayer meeting and its history -

Chapter 2 The Exercises of the Prayer Meeting. ... Church for the training of
young men for public usefulness The Prayer meeting is the rallying .... The merits
of the theme the almost entire want of any standard work on the subject, ...... Your
hands within God's holy place lift up, and praise his name, From Zion's hill the
Lord ...

Part of the document

THE PRAYER MEETING AND ITS HISTORY J. B. Johnston As Identified with the Life
Power of Godliness,
The Revival of Religion. "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another." MATT. 3. 16.
"And they continued steadfastly in the Apostle's doctrine and fellowship,
and in breaking of bread, and in prayers." Acts ii. 42. Pittsburgh United Presbyterian Board of Publication. 1870. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by the United
Presbyterian Board of Publication, in the Clerk's Office of the District
Court of the United States, in and for the Western District of
Pennsylvania. S. A. George &Amp; Co.,
Stereotypers Andv Printers, I'hiladslp~la.
The Students of Theology,
Young Men in Training for the Gospel Ministry
In the
United Presbyterian Church,
This Volume Is Most Affectionately
Inscribed by the Author, J. B. Johnston. ST. CLAIBvIlLE, OsIo, July 1,1870. Contents
Part I. The Prayer Meeting. 6
Introduction. 6
Chapter I. The Prayer Meeting Is a Divine Ordinance of Religious Worship,
Instituted by Christ in the Word. 7
Chapter 2 The Exercises of the Prayer Meeting. 18
Chapter 3 The Advantages of the Prayer Meeting. 20
Chapter 4 Principles and Rules for the Government of the Prayer Meeting.
Part 2 History of the Prayer Meeting. 32
Introduction. 32
Chapter 1 History of the Prayer Meeting. 34
Chapter 2 Summary Sketch from Moses to Christ. 36
Chapter 3 From Christ to the Reformation. 38
Chapter 4 From the Reformation to the Revolution, 1688. 41
Chapter 5 From the Close of the 17th Century till the Gen Eral Decline of
Religion Toward the Close of the 18th. 46
Chapter 6 From the Period of General Decline, Toward the Close of the
Last Century, till near the Middle of the Present. 54
Chapter 7 From the Middle of this Century till the Com Mencement of the
Revival of 1857, a Period of Intense Political and Religious Commotion. 59
Chapter 8 Prayer Meetings in the Army, Hospitals, and Navy. 62
Chapter 9 Concerted Prayer and Prayer Meetings among the Missionaries. 70
Chapter 10 The Prayer Meeting among the Churches. 72
Chapter 11 Revivals and Prayer Meetings in Scotland, Wales, England,
France, and Germany. 80
Chapter 12 Remarkable Prayer Meeting and Revival Incidents. 85
Chapter 13 Prayer Meeting Incidents and Narratives, Continued. 94
Chapter 14 Prayer Meeting in Connection with Missions for Eign, Home,
City and Colportage Operations. 99
Chapter 15. Revival Prayer Meetings and Union Conventions. 102
Chapter 16 Church Creeds and the Prayer Meeting. 108 Part One:
The Prayer Meeting. Introduction Chapter I. Evidences That the Prayer Meeting Is a Divine Ordinance of
Religious Worship, Instituted by Christ in the Word. The Prayer meeting is founded in man's moral social nature The Prayer
meeting formed a part of the divinely appointed worship of the Patriarchal
and Abrahamic dispensation The Prayer meeting formed a part of the divinely
authorized worship during the whole period of the Levitical economy,
distinct from Tabernacle or Temple, and from the Synagogue worship The
practice of Christ and his Apostles makes clear the divine appointment of
the Prayer meeting In the Epistles, the Prayer meeting is enjoined by
Apostolical authority The Prayer meeting is encouraged and sanctioned by
Bible promise
Chapter 2 The Exercises of the Prayer Meeting. Prayer Conference Singing Praise Reading the Scriptures Chapter 3 The Advantages of the Prayer Meeting. Is not, in its principal or special design, a converting ordinance It is
specially designed as a means of developing, and cultivating, Christian
graces, and promoting comfort and individual and social edification The
Prayer meeting may be received as a test of the state of religion Is an
ordinance designed specially for the Revival of Religion The Prayer meeting
is a means of promoting unity in the Church The Prayer meeting is the
Normal School of the Church for the training of young men for public
usefulness The Prayer meeting is the rallying point where the power of
faith in the Church concentrates, and takes hold on the arm that moves the
world The Prayer meeting largely compensates for the lack of a regular
gospel ministry Chapter 4 Principles and Rules for the Government of the Prayer Meeting. Rules for the ordinary Prayer meeting in every congregation In large City
congregations General attendance In the order of con ducting the exercises
In regard to conference particularly Meet ings, Weekly Monthly Of the
Eldership Eldership Supervision Young Men's Prayer meetings Female
Prayer meetings Prayer meetings and Home Mission operations Duty of Presby
teries, Home Missionaries, and Mission Stations Summary Statement
Part Two: History of the Prayer Meeting. Introduction Chapter 1 The Patriarchal Prayer Meeting Summary View from Adam to Moses. The gate of the Garden of Eden, at the Cherubim, the FIRST divinely
appointed PLACE of worship After the flood religion declined Idolatry
prevalent till Abraham Abraham knew both Altar and grove worship Family and
Household worship distinct under patriarchal forms Chapter 2 Summary Sketch, from Moses to Christ.
Little direct Historic evidence from Joshua to Jeroboam More than
compensatory moral evidence in the Psalmody of the Church com,1piled during
this period Importance of this kind of evidence Habits of a devotional
people Emergencies furnish tests The Captives and their return Institution
of the Synagogue Chapter 3 From Christ to the Reformation. Revival of Religion Means of Fruits of Concerted Social Prayer Church in
the House Church in the Catacombs Pliny to Tro jan Pagan Persecutions The
Waldenses Papal Persecutions Lessons of this Period Chapter 4 From the Reformation to the Revolution, 1688. Continental Reformation The Church of Scotland John Knox His Letter The
General Assembly of 1641 Its lasting conse quences Prelatic Domination
Prayer meeting spirit brought from Ireland alarmed the Prelatists Five
Articles of Perth " The Society People Chapter 5 From the Close of the Seventeenth Century till the General
Decline of Religion, Towards the Close of the Eighteenth. Wesley and his Followers Whitefield Revival in Wales Reynolds, Harris,
Rowlands, etc. Prayer meetings and Revival Identified Revival and Prayer
meetings in the English Army Soldiers' Let ters from the Army Cambuslang
Revival Its History closely identified with the Prayer meeting Lessons of
this Revival Ex tends to other Parishes Reports of Presbyteries on Revivals
and Prayer meetings Prayer meetings among children Lessons of this History
Baxter's Times, etc. Lessons Fletcher, Romaine, Berridge, etc. American
Colonies Edwards' History of Revivals Reflections Chapter 6 From the Period of General Decline, Towards the Close of the
Last Century, till near the Middle of Tee Present. Causes of Decline Reign of Infidelity Making common cause with civil and
religious liberty Evangelical Christians alarmed and awakened Counter
influences, though silent and hidden Church Unions and Divisions Age of the
Organization of Benevolent Associations Bible, Missionary, Tract Societies
Inscrutible Providences Bible and Missionary effort a harbinger of Revival
and Prayer Revivals toward the close of the last century and beginning of
this Dr. Sprague's Lectures Revival in the Eastern States In the South
and West College Prayer MeetingsHamden Sidney College Incidents Prayer
Meeting LessonsJefferson College Prayer Meetings, in 1823 Their Lessons
College at Princeton, New Jersey Lessons and Reflections Chapter 7 From the Middle of this Century till the Commencement of the
Revival of 1857 a Period of Intense Political and Religious Commotion. The Protestant Reformation a great Revival of Religion and Social Prayer
Revival of this period and American Liberty Revived Social Prayer Prepared
for the investigation of the subject of the Prayer Meeting State of the
Country and of Religion when the Revival came Revival Sketches Features of
this Revival In its commencement Conducted by Union Prayer meetings Its
spirit rapidly pervaded the country In its Prayer meetings "The earth
helped the woman" Xenia Convention Unparalleled Politi cal agitation, from
1850 to 1860 Intense around the Slavery question God chose such time for
this Revival Chapter 8 Prayer Meetings in the Army, Hospitals, and Navy. Agencies employed Bible Society Tract Society Christian Com mission
Letters from Soldiers in the Camp From a Chaplain Prayer meetings in
Hospitals Testimony to the Prayer meeting Prayer meetings among Seamen
Benevolence of the Age in the Marine Hospital, the Port Society, the
Sailors' Home, the Mariners' Church Sailors' Narratives Ship Niagara
Chaplain's Letters Religious interest of Commodore McKean, and his example
in be half of the Prayer meeting Lessons The old war ship North Carolina A
Place for Prayer meetings The Ohio and her Prayer meetings U. S. Ship St.
Louis A Sailor's Letter to Dr. Stewart Reflections upon the important
lessons of this Chapter Chapter 9 Concerted Prayer, and Prayer Meetings among the Missionaries. Prayer meeting interest awakened in India Origin of the Week of Prayer
Missionaries ask for Concerted