Conviction - Weavespinner

The ballet shoes--on order from Belgrade, as Novi Sad did not have any ballet
shops--had not arrived. .... Incidentally, I was head-over-heels for a cute little
Hungarian girl, Irina Kisch. She flirted ...... Today, as a teacher, I understand the
benefit of Kniaseff's exercises and recommend a weekly floor barre to my

Part of the document

[pic] Subjugation 7 Conviction By Fel (aka James Galloway) Chapter 1 Kaista, 11 Demaa, 4404, Faey Orthodox Calendar Monday, 26 March 2018 Terran Standard Calendar Kaista, 11 Demaa, year 1329 of the 97th Generation, Karinne Historical
Reference Calendar
Karsa Medical Annex, Karsa, Karis
Some things never got old.
With a loving smile, Jason Augustus Fox Shaddale Karinne, Grand Duke
of the House of Karinne and ruler of six planets, looked down at the newest
member of the family, one Terry Timothy Fox McGee Ayalle Karinne, his son.
His newborn son, only five hours old, who was sleeping peacefully in his
arms as Symone stirred out of a recovering nap in the bed beside the crib,
in the heavily utilized post-natal recovery room in the Karsa Annex of the
Karinne Medical Service. He was the last one left in the room after Symone
held court with family and friends who had gathered for the birth, and
while he was the last one there, with all the work he had to do today, he
really should have been the first one to leave. But priorities were
priorities, and his children always came first.
Sometimes, things just happened in ways that made him wonder if some
things were fate. Just yesterday, Jyslin was in this very same room,
recovering from the birth of their twins, Jonathon and Julia. In just two
days, he'd become a new father twice, and what made things so odd, Symone
had delivered the day after Jyslin. The only thing that would have made
things even more suspicious would have been if they'd delivered on the same
day, within hours of each other, as Kumi and Myleena had with Jysara and
Siyara. But, Jysara wasn't his, where the new twins and Terry
He would never tire of looking down at a new child, a new life, and
what had become the butt of quite a few jokes around the strip, Jason had a
lot of practice at it. Little Terry here had pushed his kid count up to
22...which was a number that seemed both absolutely outrageous and just
right at the same time. Jason had 22 kids by 14 different mothers. It
seemed, well, sleazy thinking of it that way, but to a Faey, that just
meant that he was a man's man, doing what men were supposed to do in Faey
society, get women pregnant. Jason had more or less honored the wishes of
all the strip girls to father a child by each of them, even Myri, who had
been the last and had borne their son Zaen just two takirs ago. He'd
fathered sets of twins with Lyn and Bryn-those girls were almost getting
silly with their need to be twins that had twins-and had finally succumbed
to Sheleese's incessant nagging over it. After he impregnated Sheleese,
Myri quietly approached him about it, which had honestly surprised Jason
since she'd never shown the slightest inclination to have a child with him.
So, the eleven children he had with the strip girls were initially out of
duty to the house, then were a duty out of friendship. The other three
women that fell outside of them weren't much of a stretch, either. Myleena
was his best friend, Kumi was his extremely good friend, and Aura was his
girlfriend. And while it seemed like Jason was a complete manwhore of Tim
levels of manwhore-ness, in reality, Jason hadn't spread his genes outside
of a very small circle of women who were very intimate parts of his
everyday life. The ten women who made up the original members of the House
of Karinne, one of which was his wife, his amu dozei, his amu dorai, and
two women who were among his closest and deepest friends.
But this baby, this one he owed. This was his child with Symone,
honoring their bonds as amu dozei, and while he technically had no legal
rights to Terry, he was still Jason's son, and a Generation. Tim was
listed as the father in the birth record, the husband of the mother, but
Jason was listed as the donor, how the Faey classified a father not the
husband of the mother. In Faey society, Terry was Tim's son in all ways,
and Jason had no say in how they raised his son outside of the fact that he
was the mother's amu dozei, with the influence he could exert through that
Tim had reciprocated, and it was an almost surreal repeat of history.
Jonathon Jason Fox Shaddale Karinne, or Jon as he was already being
called, was Tim's son, where Julia was his daughter. Dahnai had already
started teasing Jyslin over copying her, having twins by two different
fathers, but in Jyslin's case, it probably wasn't all that much of a shock.
After all, she had sex with both Jason and Tim on a regular basis, so
quite often, the semen inside her was a mixture of the two of them. That a
sperm from each of them found an egg wasn't quite so surprising. It was
quite surprising in Dahnai's case, since she didn't have sex with both
Jason and Kellin very often at all. Unlike Dahnai's girls, however, Jon
wasn't born a Generation the way Miyai was. Jon was completely Tim's son,
with no in-utero alteration of his egg or zygote by his sister's DNA. But
it did make it a little special for Jyslin to have a child by both her
husband and amu dozei at the same time.
While Jason was obviously the most prolific father on the strip, he
certainly wasn't the sole reason that the strip was absolutely awash with
kids now. The older generation, Rann and the other kids born from the
"first wave," were all around 7 or 8 years old now, with the "second wave"
as Jyslin often jokingly called them anywhere from nearly three to just
over a year old. There was a "third wave" of infants, as some of the women
on the strip had already conceived and born children after their second,
and there was even a fourth wave on the horizon, which was Maya. She had
born Aran, she had born Tika by another Generation, she had just given
birth to Suli just three months ago, which was her third Generation-born
baby, and they'd found out three days ago that she was pregnant again, this
time by Vell, and that was almost a shock to both Maya and Songa. Faey
women were very nearly infertile for over a year, nearly two, after giving
birth, but Maya had conceived just one month after giving birth. That was
very unusual. In Faey biology, the longer after a birth, the easier it was
for a woman to get pregnant, but a pregnancy so soon after childbirth was
very odd in Faey medicine. It wasn't impossible, it was simply improbable.
He wasn't alone in his admiration of the baby. Surrounding him were
four holograms, each representing the four active CBIMs operating on Karis.
Cybi and Cyra hovered to each side, while the Kosiningi CBIM, Cyvanne, was
in front of him, bending over a little to regard the tiny new addition to
the Dukal family. Standing beside Cybi was the odd hologram out, a male
hologram that represented the newest CBIM, the Kirgan CBIM Cylan.
Cyvanne had been in operation for about a year, and she had replaced
Cybi as the disaster and recovery CBIM on Kosiningi. She now operated the
Karinne Emergency Response Agency and performed all of Cybi's original, pre-
Third Civil War duties. Those weren't challenging enough for a CBIM,
however, so she kept herself busy as a secondary CBIM that assisted the
other CBIMs with secondary processes when they were hit with spikes of
work, most often assisting Cybi in her role as the science and research
CBIM. Cylan had only been operational for two months, and had just
completed his probationary period and had taken over all Kirga operational
processes, and like any new CBIM, he hadn't quite developed his own
personality quite yet. He was still more programming than personality, but
he was learning and growing, and he was demonstrating his uniqueness in
many ways. Cybi worked for Myleena and Myri, Cylan ran Kirga, Cyra ran
Karga, Cyvanne ran KERA and assisted the other three CBIMs with extra
processing power when necessary, and the CBIM that would run the Virgan
continent was about four months from completion.
Jason found it intriguing that Cylan identified himself as male while
the other CBIMs all identified themselves as female, even the five CBIMs
that had been destroyed in the Third Civil War. But as soon as Cylan-then
named Cyla-had been given the option to change his hologram to suit his
personal tastes, he chose a male hologram of a soft blue color, short hair,
and with a masculine version of Sora Karinne's face. As soon as he did
that, Jason changed his name to Cylan to represent that choice, and since
then, everyone considered him a male, including Cylan himself. It made
Myleena go over his core with a fine tooth comb, but she found no
anomolies. Cylan was just "born" male, he identified as male, and for all
intents and purposes, he was a male. He was as much male as Cybi and Cyra
were female. Cyvanne...well, Cyvanne was a bit of a wild card. She was
much more whimsical than the other CBIMs, and didn't stick with a single
holographic representation for long. She changed her hologram's appearance
about once a month on the average, always trying out new appearances, even
taking on holograms of other species, just for the experience of it.
Cyvanne had the soul of an artist.
[He is very tiny,] Cylan noted, making sure to commune only with the
other CBIMs and Jason so as not to disturb the sleeping newborn.
[He is actually fairly large for a newborn Faey-Terran hybrid,] Cyra
answered, reaching down with a golden holographic finger and touching it to
Terry's forehead. [And he follows the usual pattern.]
That he did. He had Jason's caucasian beige skin, Symone's pointed
ears, Jason's green eyes, Symone's high-cheeked features, and metallic
colored hair, a kind of dark, steely gray, which was not normal for a
Terran but completely normal for a Faey.
[3.9 konn, 21 tikra,] Jason decl