Affirmative - 2008TOCCaselist

Part 2 in the series: Does It Really Matter Which Days You Keep? .... As some
20,000 American troops head into the middle of the Bosnian war ...... However it
has become apparent to some that the West has confused freedom with moral
anarchy. ..... First of all, the God revealed in your Bible has the ability to exercise
total ...

Part of the document

Bellarmine DR - Affirmative - MEDFLAGS 3
Bellarmine DR - Negative 7
Berkley Prep SS - Affirmative - Landmines 12
Bishop Guertin CP - Affirmative - Pneumonia 14
Bishop Guertin CP - Affirmative - GHS 16
Bishop Guertin CP - Negative 21
Bronx (All Teams) - Affirmative - E-Waste (Fear/Borg Adv's) 34
Bronx (All Teams) - Affirmative - E-Waste (Neoliberalism Adv) 40
Bronx (All Teams) - Negative 44
Calhoun HJ - Affirmative - Band Aids 59
Calhoun HJ - Affirmative - Family Planning 62
Carrollton HS - Affirmative - USAID Coordinator 66
Carrollton HS - Negative 70
Cathedral Prep CH - Affirmative - Condom Social Marketing 73
Cathedral Prep CH - Affirmative - Evangelicals 1AC 76
Cathedral Prep CH - Affirmative - Science 1AC 79
Cathedral Prep CH - Affirmative - DHAPP 82
Cathedral Prep CH - Negative 86
Centerville CY - Affirmative - Refugees 96
Centerville CY - Negative 98
Chattahoochee (All Teams) - Affirmative - Water 100
Chattahoochee (All Teams) - Negative 103
College Prep CH - Affirmative - Liberia DDT/Malaria 107
College Prep KV - Affirmative - Liberia DDT/Malaria 110
College Prep CH - Negative 116
College Prep KV - Negative 119
Colleyville DH - Affirmative - CDC Surveillance 123
Colleyville DH - Affirmative - Biotech 125
Colleyville MN - Affirmative - Global Health Corp 133
Colleyville MN - Affirmative - Water 139
Colleyville (All Teams) - Negative 141
Coppell BK - Affirmative - Palliative Care 151
Coppell BK - Affirmative - Reparations 154
Coppell BK - Affirmative - PEPFAR Rapid Impact Packages 156
Coppell BK - Negative - All Teams 160
Dallas Jesuit OG - Affirmative - Abstinence Only 167
Dallas Jesuit OG - Affirmative - Food Aid 170
Dallas Jesuit HN - Affirmative - Brain Drain 174
Dallas Jesuit HN - Affirmative - Brain Drain (Original) 177
Dallas Jesuit HN - Affirmative - AIDS Policy 180
Dallas Jesuit (All Teams) - Negative 182
Damien (All Teams) - Affirmative - Chinese Medical Teams 190
Damien (All Teams) - Affirmative - El-Shifa 195
Damien (All Teams) - Negative 202
Fullerton Union GS - Affirmative - Water 206
Fullerton Union GS - Negative 213
GBN OZ - Affirmative - Family Planning 223
GBN OZ - Negative 231
GBS LP - Affirmative - Congo Nuclear Energy 235
GBS LP - Affirmative - Vaccines 239
GBS QZ - Affirmative - Congo 244
GBS QZ - Affirmative - Family Planning 248
GBS QZ - Affirmative - Gag Rule 250
GBS (All Teams) - Negative 253
Greenhill RR - Affirmative - Kenyan Biosafety 258
Greenhill RR - Affirmative - Somalia Medical Teams 265
Greenhill RR - Negative 269
Greenhill HS - Affirmative - Disabilities 275
Greenhill HS - Negative 277
Greenhill BL - Affirmative - Kenyan Biosafety 281
Greenhill BL - Negative 287
Groves BG - Affirmative - Air Force 291
Groves BG - Affirmative - Disease Surveillance 298
Groves BG - Negative 306
Gulliver Prep MM - Affirmative - RFID's - Version 1 310
Gulliver Prep MM - Affirmative - RFID's - Version 2 315
Gulliver Prep MM - Affirmative - RFID's - Version 3 319
Gulliver Prep MM - Affirmative - RFID's - Version 4 324
Gulliver Prep MM - Negative 338
Head Royce SZ - Affirmative - "The Cure" 350
Head Royce SZ - Negative 358
Highland Park GO - Affirmative - Nietzsche/Carnivals of Atrocity
Highland Park GO - Affirmative - Generics/ARV's 368
Highland Park GO - Negative 371
Hutchinson AC - Affirmative - Sex Workers/Biopower 377
Hutchinson AC - Negative 379
Jenks SK - Affirmative - Condom Bidding 380
Jenks SK - Negative 384
Kinkaid (All Teams) - Affirmative - Patents 388
Kinkaid (All Teams) - Affirmative - Landmines 391
Kinkaid (All Teams) - Affirmative - Sex Workers/PLO 393
Kinkaid KS - Negative 395
Lakeland RW - Affirmative - HIV/AIDS 397
Lakeland RW - Negative 406
Lexington TZ - Affirmative - South Africa ARV's 408
Little Rock LS - Affirmative - Disease Surveillance 415
Little Rock LS - Negative 422
MBA AS - Affirmative - Djibouti 426
MBA AS - Negative 433
Meadows BS - Affirmative - Genocide Prevention 439
Meadows (All Teams) - Affirmative - USAMRU-K (Mutations Version)
Meadows (All Teams) - Affirmative - USAMRU-K - Regional Instability
Version 447
Meadows (All Teams) - Affirmative - Disease Surveillance 454
Meadows (All Teams) - Negative 461
Mercer Island CK - Affirmative - Air Force 475
Mercer Island CK - Affirmative - Djibouti 478
Mercer Island CK - Affirmative - Namibia Biodiversity 480
Mercer Island CK - Negative 485
Milton BL - Affirmative - Water 496
Milton BL - Affirmative - Methodology 502
Milton BL - Negative 505
New Trier (All Teams) - Affirmative - Kenya Family Planning 512
New Trier (All Teams) - Affirmative - Kenyan Muslim Family Planning
New Trier GH - Affirmative - Sierra Leone Health Workers 526
New Trier (All Teams) - Negative 530
Notre Dame (All Teams) - Affirmative - Global Health Service 544
Notre Dame (All Teams) - Affirmative - Africa Bridge 550
Notre Dame (All Teams) - Negative 553
Oak Park River Forest LS - Affirmative - AIDS Theater 554
Pace AL - Affirmative - Tanzania Aid 557
Pace AL - Negative 561
Portage Northern GS - Affirmative - Disease Surveillance 569
Portage Northern GS - Negative 576
Rowland Hall St Marks BL - Affirmative - Spivak/Debate Bad 582
Rowland Hall St Marks BL - Affirmative - MEDFLAGS 584
Rowland Hall St Marks BL - Negative 588
Sacramento Jesuit MS - Affirmative - MEDFLAGS 591
Sacramento Jesuit MS - Negative 595
Shawnee Mission East MP - Negative 598
St Marks BK - Affirmative - Navy Medical Ships 602
St Marks BK - Affirmative - Djibouti 605
St Marks BK - Negative 609
Stephen F. Austin RB - Affirmative - Niger River Delta Energy
Companies 617
Stephen F. Austin RB - Negative 621
Stratford CK - Affirmative - RFID's 624
Stratford CK - Negative 633
Valley HR - Affirmative - IPR 636
Valley HR - Affirmative - Refugees 639
Valley HR - Negative 641
Walter Payton RT - Affirmative - Generic ARV's 642
Walter Payton RT - Negative 646
Westminster (All Teams) - Affirmative - Chinese Medical Teams 655
Westminster (All Teams) - Affirmative - MEDFLAGS 659
Westminster (All Teams) - Negative 666
Woodward MN - Affirmative - Disease Surveillance 679
Woodward MN - Affirmative - Somalia 686
Woodward MN - Affirmative - Children's Health Care 690
Woodward MN - Negative 693
***At-Large Teams*** 700
Brophy MM - Affirmative - South Africa Human Trafficking - At-Large
Team 701
Brophy MM - Affirmative - Marines in Equitorial Guinea - At-Large Team
Grapevine BP - Affirmative - Debt Relief 708
Grapevine BP - Negative 711
Groves GM - Affirmative - Generic ARV's - At-Large Team 712
Groves GM - Affirmative - Zimbabwe - At-Large Team 716
Highland Park PY - Affirmative - ARV's - At-Large Team 720
Highland Park PY - Negative - At-Large Team 722
Head Royce BZ - Affirmative - Water - At Large Team 724
Head Royce BZ - Negative - At Large Team 730
Lexington LS - Affirmative - LGBT - At-Large Team 735
Lexington LS - Negative - At-Large Team 739
Millard South LH - Affirmative - Informed Consent - At-Large Team
Millard South LH - Affirmative - Landmines - At-Large Team 745
Millard South LH - Negative - At-Large Team 749
NFA BP - Affirmative - Landmines - At-Large Team 752
Sheboygan North KM - Affirmative - Nigeria - At-Large Team 756
Sheboygan North KM - Negative - At-Large Team 766 Bellarmine DR - Affirmative - MEDFLAGS Contention 1 - the Status Quo A MEDFLAG was recently deployed to Nigeria Melancon 2006 [Dave, Special to American Forces Press Service,
"Medflag '06 clinics see 2,000 beninese patients," September 19]
Medical Task Force...Ghana and Senegal. However a lack of long-term commitment and follow-up procedures
prevents efficacy Pruden 2006 [Paul W., Lieutenant Commander, Medical Service Corps,
United States Navy, "Should Medical Humanitarian and Civic Assistance
Activities Focus on Building Public Health Capacity in Africa to
Better Influence Theater Security Cooperation Objectives?" 2/13]
DSCA was able...have minimal impact." Thus the Plan: The United States Department of Defense should establish a prolonged
Medical Conflagration exercise with follow-up protocol in the Federal
Republic of Nigeria. Contention 2 - Hegemony First, A US military presence in Africa is inevitable Berrigan 10/6 [Frida, "The New Military Frontier: Africa," 2007]
Most Americans have...human rights abuses. Scenario 1 is Nigerian instability - The country is on the verge of
collapse Pham 2007 [J. Peter Ph.D., World Defense Review columnist, "Decision
Time in Nigeria," Strategic Interest, April 19]
Professor John Paden...and the Potomac. And this would force the hand of Ameri