Software Design and Development

non-formal. ? shorter time period. ? small-scale projects. ? small budgets. ?
identify each of these stages in practical programming exercises ...

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Software Design and Development Stage 6 Syllabus 1999
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© Board of Studies NSW 1999
Published by
Board of Studies NSW
GPO Box 5300
Sydney NSW 2001
Australia Tel: (02) 9367 8111 Internet: ISBN 0 7313 4290 9 99278
Contents 1 The Higher School Certificate Program of Study 5 2 Rationale for Software Design and Development in the Stage 6
Curriculum 6 3 Continuum of Learning for Software Design and Development Stage 6
Students 7 4 Aim 8 5 Objectives 8 6 Course Structure 9 7 Objectives and Outcomes 11 7.1 Table of Objectives and Outcomes 11 7.2 Key Competencies 13 8 Content: Software Design and Development Stage 6 Preliminary Course
14 8.1 Concepts and Issues in the Design and Development of Software
14 8.2 Introduction to Software Development 20 8.3 Developing Software Solutions 29 9 Content: Software Design and Development Stage 6 HSC Course 31 9.1 Development and Impact of Software Solutions 31 9.2 Software Development Cycle 35 9.3 Developing a Solution Package 49 9.4 Options 52 10 Course Requirements 56 11 Post-school Opportunities 57 12 Assessment and Reporting 58 12.1 Requirements and Advice 58 12.2 Internal Assessment 59 12.3 External Examination 59 12.4 Board Requirements for the Internal Assessment Mark in Board
Developed Courses 60 12.5 Assessment Components, Weightings and Tasks 61 12.6 HSC External Examination Specifications 62 12.7 Summary of Internal and External Assessment 63 12.8 Reporting Student Performance Against Standards 64 13 Glossary 65 1 The Higher School Certificate Program of Study
The purpose of the Higher School Certificate program of study is to:
. provide a curriculum structure which encourages students to complete
secondary education;
. foster the intellectual, social and moral development of students, in
particular developing their:
- knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes in the fields of study
they choose
- capacity to manage their own learning
- desire to continue learning in formal or informal settings after
- capacity to work together with others
- respect for the cultural diversity of Australian society;
. provide a flexible structure within which students can prepare for:
- further education and training
- employment
- full and active participation as citizens;
. provide formal assessment and certification of students'
. provide a context within which schools also have the opportunity to
foster students' physical and spiritual development. 2 Rationale for Software Design and Development in the
Stage 6 Curriculum
For the purposes of the Software Design and Development Stage 6 Syllabus,
software design and development refers to the creativity, knowledge, values
and communication skills required to develop computer programs. The subject
provides students with a systematic approach to problem-solving, an
opportunity to be creative, excellent career prospects and interesting
content. Software development is a distinctive field within the Computing
discipline. Stage 6 students who wish to move into this field are at an
advantage if they understand the field. There are many different approaches that can be taken to develop software.
An understanding of these and the situations in which they are applied is
essential in software development. So too is an understanding of how
hardware and software are interrelated and need each other to function. In
order to develop solutions that meet the needs of those who will use them,
communication, personal and team skills are required by the developers.
Together, these considerations provide the basis for the course. Computing is an area of rapid growth and change. While a variety of
computer applications are used in this subject, they are not the primary
focus. The focus of this subject is the development of computer-based
solutions that require the design of computer software. Students interested in the fields of software development and computer
science will find this subject of value. The subject is not only for those
who seek further study or careers in this field, but also for those who
wish to understand the underlying principles of software design and
development. Students with software development skills wishing to acquire
team and communication skills will find this subject useful. The subject is intended for both genders. The computing field, particularly
in the area of software design and development, offers opportunities for
creativity and problem-solving and a collaborative work environment where
working with people and exploring issues is an integral part of the job. It
is critical that students of both genders have the knowledge, understanding
and skills necessary to pursue the many new, exciting and highly paid
employment opportunities that exist in the field. Software Design and Development promotes intellectual, social and ethical
growth in students. The subject has been developed from an area of
identified student interest. It provides them with the flexibility to be
able to adapt in a field that is constantly changing, yet vital to the
Australian economy. On completion, the subject provides students with
options in the workforce, TAFE and university study. Study of this subject
will enable students to take part in debates on software development in
society. To this end, Software Design and Development contributes to the
overall purpose of the Stage 6 curriculum. 3 Continuum of Learning for Software Design and
Development Stage 6 Students 4 Aim
The Software Design and Development Stage 6 Syllabus is designed to develop
in students the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to solve
problems through the creation of software solutions. 5 Objectives
Students will develop:
1. knowledge and understanding about how software solutions utilise and
interact with other elements of computer systems
2. knowledge and understanding of the historical developments that have
led to current practices in software design and development, and of
emerging trends and technologies in this field
3. knowledge and understanding of legal, social and ethical issues and
their effect on software design and development
4. skills in designing and developing software solutions
5. skills in management appropriate to the design and development of
software solutions
6. skills in teamwork and communication associated with the design and
development of software solutions. 6 Course Structure
The following table provides an overview of the arrangement and
relationship between components of the Preliminary course and the HSC
course for Software Design and Development Stage 6. The percentage values
refer to indicative course time. |Preliminary Course |HSC Course |
|Core strands (100% total time) |Core strands (80% total time) |
|Concepts and Issues in the Design and |Development and Impact of Software |
|Development of Software 30% |Solutions 15% |
|. Social and ethical issues |. Social and ethical issues |
|. Hardware and software |. Application of software development |
|. Software development approaches |approaches |
| | |
|Introduction to Software Development |Software Development Cycle 40% |
|50% |. Defining and understanding the |
|. Defining the problem and planning |problem |
|software solutions |. Planning and design of software |
|. Building software solutions |solutions |
|. Checking software solutions |. Implementation of software solutions |
|. Modifying software solutions |. Testing and evaluation of software |
| |solutions |
|Developing Software Solutions 20% |. Maintenance of software solutions |
| | |
| |Developing a Solution Package 25% |
| | |
| |Options 20% |
| |One of the following options: |
| |1. Evolution of programming languages |
| |OR |
| |2. The Software Developer's view of the|