Self-management as a strategy to improve the classroom behavior ...

16 juin 2017 ... Une virgule étant un caractère modeste, nettement posé en partie basse de ... Je
repris donc mon exercice précédent consistant à émettre le ...... Le papier peint «
cra-cra » des murs était maculé de sang. ...... qu'HAUTECLAIRE, passait à
chaque fois ses examens avec succès, voire ...... (Revu et corrigé).

Part of the document

Strategy Bibliography Art Education Painting on Plexiglass
Danko-McGhee, K. (2003). Preparing early childhood teachers to use art
in the classroom. Art Education, 56 (4), 12-18.
Water Designs Using an Overhead Projector
Danko-McGhee, K. (2003). Preparing early childhood teachers to use art
in the classroom. Art Education, 56 (4), 12-18. Behavior Management 1 2 3
Schimd, R. (1998). Three steps to self-discipline. Teaching
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Lepkowski, W. J., Overton, C. C., Packman, J. & Samby, M. (2005).
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Accentuate the Positive
Warner, L, Lynch, S. (2002/2003). Classroom problems that don't go
away. Childhood Education, 79(2), 97-100.
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Affective Strategy
Berne, J. E. (2004). Listening comprehension strategies: A review of
the literature. Foreign Language Annals, 37(4), 521-533.
An Antecedent-based Strategy known as Pre-Correction
De Pry, R. L. & Sugai, G. (2002). The effect of active supervision
and pre-correction on minor behavioral incidents in a sixth
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Antecedent Conditions That Promote Success with ADHD
Gardill, M.C., DuPaul, G.J. & Kyle, K.E. (1996). Classroom strategies
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Banking on Learning
Adair, G. J., & Schneider, L. J. (1993). Banking on learning: An
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Bids for Attention
Warner, L. & Lynch, S. (2003). Classroom problems that won't go away.
Childhood Education, 79, 97-100.
Myles, B., & Simpson, R. (2001). Effective practices for students
with Asperger syndrome. Focus on Exceptional Children, 34, 1-14.
Classroom Judicial System (Dia)
Brinson, J.A., Kottler, J.A., & Fisher, T.A. (2004). Cross-cultural
conflict resolution in the schools: Some practical intervention
strategies for counselors. Journal of Counseling & Development,
82, 294-301.
Come Play - social interaction
Ault, M., Collins, B., Doyle, P. & Hemmeter, M. (1996). Developing
children's social skills in an inclusive preschool. Teaching
Exceptional Children, 29(1), 16-21.
Comic Strip Conversations
Glaeser, B., Pierson, M., & Fritschmann, N. (2003). Comic strip
conversations: a
positive behavioral support strategy. Teaching Exceptional
Children, 36 (2),14-19.
Compensation Strategy
Berne, J. E. (2004). Listening comprehension strategies: A review of
the literature. Foreign Language Annals, 37(4), 521-533.
Congruent Communication
Brown, D.F. (Sep/Oct 2005). The significance of congruent
communication in effective classroom management. The Clearing
House, 79(1), 12-15.
Contingency Contracts
Garrick Duhaney, L.M. (2003). A practical approach to managing the
behavior of students with ADD. Intervention in School and
Clinic, 38 (5), 267-279.
Cool Card
Anderson, D., Fisher, A., Marchant, M., Young, K., & Smith, J. (2006).
cool card intervention: A positive support strategy for managing
anger. Beyond Behavior, 15, 3-13.
Daly, P.M., & Randalli, P. (2003). Using countoons to teach self-
monitoring skills. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(5), 30-35.
Do Not Escalate Along With The Student
Shukla-Mehta, S., & Albin, R. W. (2003). Twelve practical strategies
to prevent behavioral escalation in classroom settings.
Preventing School Failure, 47, 156-161.
Flexible Grouping
Hoffman, J. (2002). Flexible grouping strategies in the multiage.
Classroom Theory Into Practice, 41(1), 47-52.
Functional Behavior Assessment
Garrick-Duhaney, L. (2003). A practical approach to managing the
behaviors of students with ADD. Intervention in School and
Clinic, 38(5), 267-279.
Give Me Five
Swain, D., K, Friehe, M., & Harrington, M., J. (2004). Teaching
listening strategies in the inclusive classroom. Intervention in
School and Clinic 40(1), 48-54
Go-Between Mediator
Brinson, J.A., Kottler, J.A., & Fisher, T.A. (2004). Cross-cultural
conflict resolution in the schools: Some practical intervention
strategies for counselors. Journal of Counseling & Development,
82, 294-301.
How Do You Know?
Shukla-Mehta, S. & Albin, R.W. (2003). Twelve practical strategies to
prevent behaviorral escalation in the classroom. Preventing
School Failure. 47, 156-161.
Increasing Positive Social Interactions
Welton, E. (2004). Strategies for increasing positive social
interactions in children with autism. Exceptional Children, 37,
Know the Triggers
Shukla-Mehta, S. & Albin, R.W. (2003). Twelve practical strategies to
prevent behaviorral escalation in the classroom. Preventing
School Failure. 47, 156-161.
Lights, Camera, Action!! - Using Engaging Computer-Cued Activity Schedules
Kimball, J., Kinney, E., Taylor, B. & Stromer. (2003). Lights, camera,
action! Using engaging computer-cued activity schedules.
Teaching Exceptional Children, 36(1), 40-45.
Making Choices
Jolivette, K., McCormick, K., & Stichter, J. (2002). Making choices:
improving behavior-engaging in learning. Teaching Exceptional
Children, 34(3), 24-29.
Making Personal Schedules for students with ADD to Help Control Behavior
Duhaney, G. (2003). A practical approach to managing the behaviors of
students with ADD. Intervention in School and Clinic, 38, 267-
Mental Imagery
Wurst, D., Jones, D., & Luckner, J. (2005). Promoting literacy
development with students who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, and
hearing. Council for Exceptional Children, 37, 56-62.
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conflict resolution in the schools: Some practical intervention
strategies for counselors. Journal of Counseling & Development,
82, 294-301.
On a Roll
Warner, L. & Lynch, S. (2003). Classroom problems that won't go away.
Childhood Education, 79, 97-100.
Peer Tutoring and Its Reversal
Tournaki, N. & E. Criscitiello. (2003). Using peer tutoring as a
successful part of behavior management. Council for Exceptional
Children, 36(2), 22-29.
Stormont, M., Lewis, T.J., & Beckner, R., (2005). Positive behavior
support systems: Applying key features in preschool settings.
Teaching Exceptional Children, 37(6), 42-49.
Premack Principle
Warner, L., & Lynch, S., (2003). Classroom problems that don't go
away. Childhood Education, 79(2), 97-100.
Preventing Behavioral Escalation
Albin, R.W. (2003). Twelve practical strategies to prevent behavioral
escalation in the classroom. Preventing School Failure, 47(4),
Problem Solving Conversation
Dwairy, M. (2005). Using problem-solving conversation with children.
Intervention in School and Clinic, 40(3), 144-150.
Reinforce Calm and On-Task Behaviors
Shukla-Mehta, S., & Albin, R. W. (2003). Twelve practical strategies
to prevent behavioral escalation in classroom settings.
Preventing School Failure, 47, 156-161.
Response Cards
Lambert, M. C., Cartledge, G. H., Lo, W. L., Ya-yu. (2006). Effects
of response cards on disruptive behavior and academic responding
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Response Cost Lottery
Witt, J. C., & Elliott, S.N. (1982). The response cost lottery: A time
efficient and effective classroom intervention. School
Psychology Review, 20, 155-161.
Self Management
Fox, L., Garrison, S. (2000). Helping children learn to manage their
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Self Regulated Strategy Development
Mason, L.H. (2004). Explicit self-regulation strategy development
versus reciprocal questioning effects on expository reading
comprehension among struggling readers. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 96 (2), 283-296.
Self Talk
Garrick Duhaney, L.M. (2003). A practical approach to managing the
behavior of students with ADD. Intervention in School and
Clinic, 38 (5), 267-279.
Jones, M., (2006). Teaching self-determination; Empowered teachers,
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Rosenthal-Malek, A. (1997). Using metacognitive strategies to teach
students social skills. Teaching Exceptional Children, 29, 29-
Self-Management Shapiro, E. S., DuPaul, G. J., & Bradley-Klug, K. L. (1998).
Self-management as a strategy to improve the classroom behavior
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