Filozofická fakulta Univerzity sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Faculty of ...

Chalaron, Phonétique- 350 exercices, Hachette, Paris 1994 ; ...... filozofia
hellenistyczno-rzymska, filozofia wczesnochrze?cija?ska, filozofia ?redniowiecza,

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Filozofická fakulta Univerzity sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave
Faculty of Arts of University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
Katalóg ECTS kurzov
ECTS Courses
Katedra psychológie Department of Psychology
Program Coordinator: Mgr. et Bc. Zuzana Rojková (
Názov predmetu: História psychológie
Vysoká ?kola: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave
Fakulta: Filozofická fakulta
Kód predmetu: KPSYCH/bdHisPsy-AJ/15
Typ predmetu: povinný/volite?ný
Stupe? ?túdia: I. bc.
Rok ?túdia: 1.
Odporú?aný semester ?túdia: I. semester
Po?et pridelených kreditov ECTS: 4
Meno vyu?ujúceho: doc. Slávka Démuthová, PhD.,
Výsledky vzdelávania: Absolvent kurzu získa preh?ad o historickom vývoji
významných psychologických my?lienok v rámci filozofie a o podmienkach,
ktoré viedli ku vzniku psychológie ako samostatnej vednej disciplíny. Získa
orientáciu v základných smeroch psychológie - ich ideovom základe,
predstavite?och a význame. Výsledkom vzdelávania sú aj vedomosti o
historických ?pecifikách psychológie v lokálnom geografickom priestore a o
najvýznamnej?ích osobnostiach slovenskej psychológie.
Spôsob dodania: osobne, prezen?ná metóda ?túdia (denná forma ?túdia)
Druh, rozsah a metóda vzdelávacích ?inností: 2 hodiny predná?ok tý?denne
Prerekvizity: bez podmie?ujúcich predmetov Obsah predmetu (stru?ná osnova predmetu):
1. Základné otázky a problémy psychológie, jej ciele
2. Orientálna psychológia a Antická psychológia v dielach filozofov a
3. Egypt, Izrael, India, ?ína, Japonsko, Psychológia v stredoveku a v
období renesancie
4. Novoveká psychológia - Psychológia v 19. storo?í
5. ?trukturalizmus, funkcionalizmus a éra testovania
6. Psychológia ako samostatná vedná disciplína
7. Reflexológia, behaviorizmus a neobehaviorizmus
8. Psychoanalýza, neopsychoanalýza a egoanalýza
9. Existenciálna a humanistická psychológia
10. Kognitivizmus, Gestaltizmus
11. História psychológie na Slovensku a v ?echách, Osobnosti slovenskej
12. História stavovských organizácií, Akademické a vedecké in?titúcie. Odporú?aná literatúra:
HALL, C.S., LINDZEY, G.: Psychologie osobnosti. Bratislava, SPN 1997, ISBN
HILL, G.: Moderní psychologie. Praha, Portál 2004, ISBN 80-7178-641-1.
HOSKOVEC, J.: Tajemství experimentální psychologie. Praha, Academia 1992,
ISBN 80-200-0359-2. HOSKOVEC, J.: Hoskovcová, S.: Malé d?jiny ?eské a
st?edoevropské psychologie. Praha, Portál 2000, ISBN 80-7178-311-0.
HOSKOVEC, J., NAKONE?NÝ, M., SEDLÁKOVÁ,M.: Psychologie XX. století. Praha,
Karolinum 1999, ISBN 80-7184-257-5.
HUNT, M.: D?jiny psychologie. Praha, Portál 2000, ISBN 978-80-7367-814-2. Metódy a kritériá hodnotenia (podmienky absolvovania predmetu): Hodnotenie
pozostáva z troch oblastí: 10% hodnotenia ?tudenti získavajú za písomnú
prácu zadanú po?as semestra, 20% za priebe?ný test a 70% za závere?ný test
v skú?kovom období Na získanie hodnotenia je potrebných minimálne 71%.
70% and less...Fx Vyu?ovací jazyk: anglický
Course: History of Psychology University: University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Course code: KPSYCH/bdHisPsy-AJ/15
Course type: compulsory/optional
Study degree: I. bachelor
Year of study: 1st
Semester of study (taught in): recommended in 1st term of full-time study,
spring semester
ECTS credits: 4
Lecturer: assoc. prof. Slavka Demuthova, Ph.D.,
Course description:
Students will obtain an overview of the historical development of important
psychological ideas in philosophy and about the conditions that led to the
emergence of psychology as scientific discipline. They obtain basic
orientation in the fields of psychology - their fundamental conceptual
base, key personalities, and meaning. The learning outcomes are: the
knowledge of the historical specificities of psychology in the local
geographic area and the most important personalities of Slovak psychology.
Load of course: attendance method (full-time study)
Type and method of education: 2 lectures a week, attendance method (full-
time study)
Prerequisites: none Course syllabus:
1. Basic issues and problems of psychology, its goals.
2. Ancient and Oriental psychology and psychology in the works of
philosophers and doctors.
3. Psychology in Egypt, Israel, India, China, Japan. Psychologists in the
Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
4. Modern Age Psychology - Psychology in the 19th century.
5. Structuralism, functionalism and testing era.
6. Psychology as a scientific discipline.
7. Reflexology, behaviorism and neobehaviorism.
8. Psychoanalysis, neopsychoanalysis, and egoanalysis.
9. The existential and humanistic psychology
10. Cognitivism, Gestalt.
11. The history of psychology in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Key
personalities. 12. The history of professional organizations, academic and
research institutions. Core texts:
Berger, K. S.: The Developing Person Through the Life Span. 9th Edition.
Worth Publishers
Berk, L. E.: Development Through the Lifespan . 6th edition. Pearson
Erikson, E. H, Erikson, J. M.: The Life Cycle Completed. W. W. Norton &
Company 1998.
Piaget, J., Inhelder, B.: The Psychology Of The Child. 2nd edition.
Basic Books 1969.
Shaffer, D. R., Kipp. K.: Developmental Psychology: Childhood and
Adolescence. Belmont,
Wadsworth 2014
Berger, K. S.: The Developing Person Through the Life Span. 9th Edition.
Worth Publishers
Berk, L. E.: Development Through the Lifespan . 6th edition. Pearson
Erikson, E. H, Erikson, J. M.: The Life Cycle Completed. W. W. Norton &
Company 1998.
Piaget, J., Inhelder, B.: The Psychology Of The Child. 2nd edition.
Basic Books 1969.
Shaffer, D. R., Kipp. K.: Developmental Psychology: Childhood and
Adolescence. Belmont,
Wadsworth 2014
Berger, K. S.: The Developing Person Through the Life Span. 9th Edition.
Worth Publishers
Berk, L. E.: Development Through the Lifespan . 6th edition. Pearson
Erikson, E. H, Erikson, J. M.: The Life Cycle Completed. W. W. Norton &
Company 1998.
Piaget, J., Inhelder, B.: The Psychology Of The Child. 2nd edition.
Basic Books 1969.
Shaffer, D. R., Kipp. K.: Developmental Psychology: Childhood and
Adolescence. Belmont,
Wadsworth 2014
. Name of topic:
Developmental psychology
Introductory description:
The course focuses on human growth throughout the lifespan. Except the
basic theories, terms
and principles of developmental psychology, it mainly explains the major
changes during the
childhood, adolescence, and during early adult, middle age, and senior
years. It provides the
basic information on topics including child development, intellectual
development, cognitive
development, and the aging process. It introduces the most influential
theories and their
authors. Course content:
1. Basic terms and principles of the human development
2. Prenatal period (conception to birth)
3. Infancy (Birth to 18 months old)
4. Toddler period (18 months to 3 years)
5. Preschool period (3 to 6 years of age)
6. Problem of the maturity for the school (A. Binet & T. Simon)
7. Middle childhood (5 to 12 or so years of age (until the onset of
8. Cognitive and moral development (J. Piaget & L. Kohlberg)
9. Adolescence (12 or so to 20 years of age)
10. Young adulthood (20 to 40 years of age)
11. The problem of the parenthood and the work
12. Middle age (40 to 65 years of age)
13. The problem of the retirement and "empty nest"
14. Old age (65 years of age or older)
15. Death topics
Requirements of credits:
Credits are gained in case of successful result in the test on the end of
semester. A minimum
of 71% from the test score is needed.
70% and less...Fx
Bibliography/reading list:
Berger, K. S.: The Developing Person Through the Life Span. 9th Edition.
Worth Publishers
Berk, L. E.: Development Through the Lifespan . 6th edition. Pearson
Erikson, E. H, Erikson, J. M.: The Life Cycle Completed. W. W. Norton &
Company 1998.
Piaget, J., Inhelder, B.: The Psychology Of The Child. 2nd edition.
Basic Books 1969.
Shaffer, D. R., Kipp. K.: Developmental Psychology: Childhood and
Adolescence. Belmont,
Wadsworth 2014.
DEVONIS, D. C.: History of Psychology. New York, Springer Publishing
Company 2014, ISBN 978-0-8261-9569-2.
HUNT, M.: The Story of Psychology. New York, Anchor Books 1993, ISBN 978-0-
SCHULTZ, D. P., SCHULTZ, S. E.: A History of Modern Psychology. 11th
Edition. Boston, Cengage Learning 2016, ISBN 987-1-305-63004-8. Assessment: Assessment consists of three areas: 10% of students receive
assessment for writing jobs posted during the semester, 20% for a
continuous test and 70% for the final exam in the exam period. To obtain
the evaluation at least 71% is required.
70% and less...Fx Language of delivery: English
Názov predmetu: Vývinová psychológia I Vysoká ?kola: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave
Fakulta: Filozofická fakulta
Kód predmetu: KPSYCH/bdVyvPI-AJ/15
Typ predmetu: povinný/volite?ný
Stupe? ?túdia: I. bc.
Rok ?túdia: 1.
Odporú?aný semester ?túdia: II. semester
Po?et pridelených kreditov ECTS: 6
Meno vyu?ujúceho: doc. Slávka Démuthová, PhD.,
Výsledky vzdelávania: ?tudenti získajú poznatky z oblasti ontogenézy
psychiky v období od po?atia do obdobia adolescencie. Oboznámia sa so