Errata for Excel 2007

In Lesson 1 Command Summary Table, in the row ?open workbook?, add
following keyboard shortcut: ... In Exercise 4-19, step 6: There is no key called "
Down" Please replace the word "Down" with the symbol for a down-pointing
arrow. 146 ... Exercise 12-14, Step 4e. should read: ?Format cell B?through cell
B.? 462.

Part of the document

Page # |Problem: |Correction: | |
|27 |Incomplete instructions |In Lesson 1 Command Summary Table, |
| | |in the row "open workbook", add |
| | |following keyboard shortcut: |
| | |"or [Ctrl]+[F12]" |
|64 |Incomplete instructions |In Lesson 2 Command Summary Table, |
| | |in the row with "AutoSum" add the |
| | |following keyboard shortcut |
| | |[Alt]+[=] |
|100 |Incomplete instructions |In Lesson 3 Command Summary Table: |
| | |Add the following keyboard shortcut|
| | |to the row with feature "Table, |
| | |create": [Ctrl]=[T] |
|133 |Inaccurate instructions |In Exercise 4-19, step 6: There is |
| | |no key called "Down" Please replace|
| | |the word "Down" with the symbol for|
| | |a down-pointing arrow. |
|146 |Inaccurate instructions |In Lesson 4 Command Summary Table: |
| | |The task path for the feature |
| | |"borders" should read: "Home, Font"|
|152 |Inaccurate instructions |5 e should read "Select cells |
| | |D4:D8" |
|153 |Inaccurate instructions |Exercise 4-33 Step 3 should read: |
| | |"Copy the cells A15:A19"|
|175 |Inaccurate instructions |Exercise 5-12, steps 4, 5, 6, 7 |
| | |should all read "Press F4".... |
|186 |Incomplete instructions |In Lesson 5 Command Summary Table: |
| | |Delete the icon in the row with |
| | |"copy sheet" and in the row with |
| | |"Percent Style" add following |
| | |keyboard shortcut: |
| | |Or [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[%] |
|195 |Inaccurate instructions |Step 6 should read: "Use....for |
| | |cells E15:E19..." |
|258 |Inaccurate instructions |Exercise 7-21 Step 5 should read: |
| | |"Copy the formula in column D |
| | |first, and then hide column C." |
|260 |Incomplete instructions |In Lesson 7 Command Summary Table: |
| | |In the "Collapse Formula Bar" row |
| | |AND in the "Expand Formula bar" |
| | |row, add following keyboard |
| | |shortcut: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[U]; in |
| | |the "Page break preview" row, add |
| | |following Task Path: "View, |
| | |Workbook views" |
|290 |Inaccurate instructions |Exercise 8-15, Step 5 should read: |
| | |"...Right align cells C and D. |
| | |Apply..." |
|426 |Inaccurate instructions |Exercise 12-14, Step 4e. should |
| | |read: "Format cell B...through cell|
| | |B." |
|462 |Inaccurate instructions |Exercise 13-27, Step 8 should read:|
| | |"In cells C9-C43 use....." |
|483 |Incomplete instructions |In Lesson 14 Command Summary Table,|
| | |to rows with "Constant, create" AND|
| | |"Name range" AND "Scope, set" add |
| | |following keyboard shortcut: |
| | |[Ctrl]+[F3]; to row with "Name |
| | |range from selection", add |
| | |following keyboard shortcut: |
| | |[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F3]. |
|485 |Inaccurate instructions |Exercise 14-20, Step 2a. should |
| | |read: "Click cell B..."; Step 2c. |
| | |should read: "Name cells D5-D17..."|
|492 |Inaccurate instructions |Exercise 14-27, Step 10 should |
| | |read: "....The result is 113,206 |
| | |and this is incorrect." |
|554 |Incomplete instructions (insert|Exercise 16-24 Step 4 should read:|
| |text) |" the table style. If the |
| | |menu option to "Format Entire Row" |
| | |is unavailable, simply format |
| | |values between 15,000 and 16,500 |
| | |with a coordinating fill color." |
|571 |Incomplete instructions (insert|In the note next to Exercise 17-14,|
| |text) |it should read:"...installed on |
| | |your computer. The command to |
| | |Restrict Permission may not appear |
| | |in the Prepare menu on a |
| | |single-user machine. Use Help to |
| | |learn about this feature." |
|579 |Incomplete instructions |In Exercise 17-18, Step 5 should |
| | |read: "....following these steps. |
| | |(You may not be able to complete |
| | |this step at a single-user |
| | |machine.)" |
|601 |Incomplete instructions (insert|In Exercise 18-14, Step 6 should |
| |text) |read: "...on the page. Find a table|
| | |layout similar to the stock price |
| | |indexes if the Web page has been |
| | |changed. You can also try a |
| | |different site." |
|605 |Inaccurate instructions |In the Tip Box to the left of Steps|
| | |8 and 9, Replace button with |
| | |attached button file: |
| | |R-MoveBack.tif |
|609 |Incomplete instructions |In the Lesson 18 Command Summary |
| | |Table, in the row with "Connection,|
| | |refresh" add following keyboard |
| | |shortcut [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F5] |
|669 |Incomplete instructions |In the Lesson 20 Command Summary |
| | |Table, in the row with " Refresh |
| | |PivotTable", add the following |
| | |Keyboard Shortcut [Alt]+[F5] |
|699 |Inaccurate instructions |Exercise 21-16, Step 3a. should |
| |(replace text) |read: "Click the arrow with the |
| | |Macros button to activate relative |
| | |references." |
|753 |Inaccurate instructions |In the Note box next to Exercise |
| |(replace text) |23-11, it should read " used |
| | |in the following exercises." |
|755 |Inaccurate instructions (delete|In Exercise 23-13, Step 4, delete |
| |text) |the last word of the last sentence |
| | |(twice). The last sentence should |
| | |read: "Click OK". |