Proposal for Introduction to Digital Video Class - Rogue Community ...
Class discussion, graded homework, and completion of hands-on exercises. ...
Demonstrate ability to select appropriate audio and video file types and ...
Demonstrate ability to apply text media effects, credit rolls, noise textures and
Part of the document
Course No: CS125dv Credits: 3
Date: April 2011 Course Title: Introduction to Digital Video Institution: Rogue Community College Type of Course: Transfer Length of Course: A minimum of thirty (30) lecture hours per one
term. Prerequisites: CS120 or equivalent computing experience. Department Assignment: Computer Science Course Description: Introduces digital video production planning,
acquisition, comprehension, editing and distribution. Also covers
potential uses of digital video in related computer applications. Includes
a hands-on component using industry-standard software to edit a variety of
digital video projects. Intended Course Outcomes, ISLO (Institutional Student Learning Outcomes)
Indicators and Assessment: On successful completion of this course students
will be able to: |Intended Outcomes: |Key ISLO Indicators: |Assessments Methods: |
|1. Determine project |CT 4 - Envision |1. Class discussion, |
|objectives. |creative approaches to|graded homework, and |
|Effectively plan a |issues and problems. |completion of hands-on|
|video project to | |exercises. |
|include vision, | | |
|audience, and the | | |
|resources needed. | | |
|2. Demonstrate a |CT 3 - Locate, |2. Class discussion, |
|functional |organize, analyze, and|graded homework, |
|understanding of |interpret data. |quizzes, and |
|digital video | |completion of hands-on|
|terminology. | |exercises. |
|3. Demonstrate ability|CT 3 - Locate, |3. Class discussion, |
|to capture and edit |organize, analyze, and|graded homework, |
|video, organize clips |interpret data. |quizzes, and |
|and apply sound tracks|AK 2 - Integrate |completion of hands-on|
|using |previous and new |exercises |
|industry-standard |learning, along with | |
|software. |practical skills, to | |
| |solve problems. | |
|4. Demonstrate ability|AL 5 - Use |4. Class discussion, |
|to select appropriate |technological tools to|graded homework, |
|audio and video file |research new |quizzes, and |
|types and |information, solve |completion of hands-on|
|differentiate their |problems, and |exercises. |
|use depending upon |communicate | |
|type of digital |effectively. | |
|content used. | | |
|5. Demonstrate ability|AL 5 - Use |5. Class discussion, |
|to manipulate color |technological tools to|graded homework, |
|adjustment, use video |research new |quizzes, and |
|effects and maintain |information, solve |completion of hands-on|
|aspect ratios. |problems, and |exercises. |
| |communicate | |
| |effectively. | |
|6. Demonstrate ability|AL 5 - Use |6. Class discussion, |
|to apply text media |technological tools to|graded homework, |
|effects, credit rolls,|research new |quizzes, and |
|noise textures and |information, solve |completion of hands-on|
|graphics. |problems, and |exercises. |
| |communicate | |
| |effectively. | |
|7. Demonstrate |AL 5 - Use |7. Class discussion, |
|ability to apply |technological tools to|graded homework, |
|effective transitions |research new |quizzes, and |
|and adjust transition |information, solve |completion of hands-on|
|parameters. |problems, and |exercises. |
| |communicate | |
| |effectively. | |
|8. Troubleshoot |AK 1 - Demonstrate |8. Class discussion, |
|effective solutions |ability to transfer |graded homework, |
|for a range of digital|learning in familiar |quizzes, and |
|video problems |and unfamiliar |completion of hands-on|
|involving both |contexts in order to |exercises. |
|conceptual and |complete tasks. | |
|technical learning. |CT 3 - Locate, | |
| |organize, analyze, and| |
| |interpret data. | |
|9. Troubleshoot |AK 2 - Integrate |9. Class discussion, |
|software problems. |previous and new |graded homework, |
| |learning, along with |quizzes, and |
| |practical skills, to |completion of hands-on|
| |solve problems. |exercises. | Typical Required and Recommended Text(s): Editing Digital Video: the
Complete Creative and Technical Guide [Paperback] by Robert Goodman and
Patrick McGrath | McGraw-Hill. Typical Required and Recommended Equipment and Materials:
. For Online Delivery: Access to personal computer installed with Sony
Vegas Pro 10 and Internet access.
. For Face to Face: Access to personal computer installed with Sony
Vegas Pro 10 (or access to the college computer labs) and Internet
access plus thumb drives, CD's or DVD's for backup storage.
|Week |Topic |
|1 |Introduction: Syllabus, Course Outline; Sony Vegas System |
| |Requirements and Interface; an overview of the timeline and video|
| |preview settings. |
|2 |Importing Media: Project properties and planning; track labeling;|
| |adding audio/video to the timeline; arranging clips on the |
| |timeline; Media Bins and Project Media. |
|3 |Manipulating the Timeline: Selecting tracks; arranging and |
| |deleting clips; drag & drop digital media; edit tools (normal, |
| |envelope, selection); event grouping and crossfades. |
|4 |Rendering: Selecting appropriate audio/video file types; looped |
| |regions; custom rendering templates. |
|5 |Editing: Copying, pasting and splitting clips; keeping linked |
| |clips in sync; opacity levels; media grouping; creating fade-ins |
| |and fade-outs. |
|6 |Editing (continued): Reversing events; inserting empty events; |
| |dragging to trim; inserting additional video/audio tracks. |
|7 |Video FX: Brightness, contrast and color correction; adding video|
| |effects to clips; using Event Pan/Crop, adjusting and maintaining|
| |aspect ratios; masking techniques. |
|8 |Audio: Audio timelines; waveforms; adjusting audio levels; |
| |applying Track FX and Master FX. |
|9 |Media Generators: Text media effects, properties and placement; |
| |credit rolls; solid colors, noise textures & gradients; working |
| |with graphics. |
|10 |Transitions and Slideshows: Applying transitions; transition |
| |parameters; inserting a digital photo-based Slide Show into the |
| |timeline; placement and effects. |
|11 |Course Review and Final Exam |
| | |
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