2. Hilyard, NC, Bieein HC: Physics for biologysts, School book ...

Exercise: The microscope and microscopic techniques. ...... Coccidiosis;
Toxoplasmosis; Sarcocystosis; Histomoniasis; Hexamitiasis; ..... of the mouth,
teeth, esophagus diseases, diseases of the rumen, abomasum and intestinal

Part of the document

Table 5.2. Subject description |[pic] |UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD |[pic] |
| | | |
| |Study Programme Accreditation | |
| | | |
| |(Veterinary medicine) | |
|Course: |Biology |
|Course id: | |
|3IBM1O01 | |
|Number of ECTS:| |
|4 | |
|Teacher: |Dragana Rajkovi?, PhD., Aleksandar Juri?i?, PhD., Aleksandra |
| |Petrovi?, MSc |
|Course status |Mandatory |
|Number of active teaching classes (weekly) |
|Lectures: 2 |Practical |Other |Study |Other classes: |
| |classes: 2 |teaching |research | |
| | |types: |work: | |
|Precondition |None/navesti ako ima |
|courses | |
|Educational goal |
|The aim of the course is well trained and educated students for the proper |
|use of primary biological, ecological, genetic and evolutionary concepts. |
|Training students for determination and identification of the biological |
|characteristics of the given animal species. |
|Educational outcomes |
|The student is qualified for further education through master's and PhD |
|studies. After passing the exam, students are able to carry out practical |
|recognition and identification of animal groups, as well as their importance |
|in veterinary medicine. |
|Course content |
|Lectures: Biology and levels of biological organization. Molecular basis of |
|the unity of life. Acellular forms, procaryotic and eucaryotic organisms. The|
|cell organelles. The cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and cell death, apoptosis. |
|Preembryonic and embryonic period of development of vertebrates. Elements of |
|cytogenetics. Reproduction and growth of animals. Types of regulatory and |
|control systems and their interactions. Biological homeostasis. Factors and |
|growth control. Genetics. The structure of chromosomes, homologous |
|chromosomes and allelic genes, homozygots, heterozygots, dominant and |
|recessive genes, mono and dihybrid crossing. Inheritance. Mechanisms of gene |
|recombination techniques. Interactionof genes. Pleiotropy, polygenia, |
|epistasis and lethal genes. Multiple alleles and balanced polymorphism. |
|Population genetics. Mutations and induced mutations. Genetic defects and |
|chromosomal defects. Biology, morphology, development and ecology of |
|honeybees. Biology, structure, development and fish ecology. |
|Exercise: The microscope and microscopic techniques. The shape and size of |
|the cell. The cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis. Chromosomes. A tissue as higher |
|structural level. Mendels rules of inheritance (monohybrid and dihybrid |
|inheritance). The observation of animal taxa important for Veterinary |
|Medicine: Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Acarina, Mollusca Insecta, |
|Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia. |
|Teaching methods |
|Lectures - oral, textual and illustrative / demonstrative methods. |
|Practical classes - management of students' individual work and demonstrative|
|/ illustrative methods |
|Knowledge evaluation (maximum 100 points) |
|Pre-examination |Mandator|Points |Final exam |Mandator|Points |
|obligations |y | |(izabrati) |y | |
|Lecture attendance |Yes |5 |Oral part of the |Yes |30 |
| | | |exam | | |
|Test |Yes |30 | |
|Exercise attendance|Yes |5 | |
|Colloquium |Yes |30 | |
|Literature |
|Ord.|Author |Title |Publisher |Year |
| |An?elkovi?, |?elija i tkiva |Bonafides |2002 |
| |Z., Somer, | | | |
| |Lj., Matavulj,| | | |
| |M., et al. | | | |
| |Kraljevi?-Bala|Genetika: |Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, |1991 |
| |li?, M., |teorijske osnove |Poljoprivredni i | |
| |Petrovi? S., |sa zadacima |Prirodno-matemati?ki | |
| |Vapa Lj. | |fakultet | |
| |Matoni?kin I.,|Op?a zoologija |?kolska knjiga, Zagreb |2002 |
| |Erben R. | | | |
| |Bowman D.D. |Georgis |W.B. Saunders Company |1999 |
| | |Parasitology for | | |
| | |Veterinarians 7th | | |
| | |edition | | |
| |Hickman, C.P.,|Integrated |McGrawHill, New York, USA. |2008 |
| |Roberts, L.S.,|Principles Of | | |
| |Keen, S.L., |Zoology, 14th Ed | | |
| |Larson, A., | | | |
| |I'Anson, H., | | | |
| |Eisenhour, | | | |
| |D.J. | | | |
| |Rajkovi?, D., |Praktikum iz |Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, |1995 |
| |Kosti?, D. |poljoprivredne |Prirodno-matemati?ki | |
| | |zoologije |fakultet, Institut za | |
| | | |biologiju, Novi Sad | | |Course: |Biophysics |
|Course | |
|id:3IVM1O03 | |
|Number of ECTS:| |
|4 | |
|Teacher: |Prof. dr Dragutin Mihailovic |
| |dr Branislava Lali?, van. dr Ilija Arseni?, docent |
|Course status |Mandatory |
|Number of active teaching classes (weekly) |
|Lectures: 2 |Practical |Other |Study |Other |
| |classes: 3 |teaching |research |classes: |
| | |types: |work: | |
|Precondition |None/navesti ako ima |
|courses | |
|Educational goal |
|Providing the basis for the formation of a certain view of the world, |
|getting to know the most important principles, theories and laws of |
|chemistry, providing theoretical basis for acquiring other skills, |
|mastering specific skills related to the application of theoretical |
|knowledge, the development of creative skills and practical skills |
|necessary for the exercise of the profession. |
|Educational outcomes |
|After completing the course of chemistry, students will train the |
|application of theoretical and practical knowledge of chemistry both in|
|life and in the acquisition of other knowledge (eg, biochemistry, |
|agrochemistry, microbiology, physiology, etc.). In terms of practical |
|knowledge and skills students will be able to compute in chemistry, |
|handling basic laboratory equipment, perform basic volumetric |
|determinations and basic instrumental measurements. In addition to |
|this, students should be able to continue their studies or to apply |
|their knowledge and understanding of the profession and to convey it to|
|others. |
|Course content |
|Theoretical classes: |
|Basics of systemology and info