discourses - 3 Step Breath

The prism excercises if properly done will enable to bypass I.E.S.M. as and when
...... a child and so our Sun goes round and does exactly this to star Sirius.

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|BARODA-390 002. |
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-:SCRIBE :- SHREE S. N. TAVARIA I N D E X DISCOURSES---Volume:-5 |Sr. No. Date of Lecture Page No. Remarks. |
01 25-02-1988 02 ----- 02 31-03-1988 07 ----- 03 28-04-1988 16 ----- 04 16-06-1988 26/30 ----- 05 21-07-1988 36/40 ----- 06 25-08-1988 47/53 ----- 07 29-09-1988 56 ----- 08 27-10-1988 64/70 ----- 09 24-11-1988 75/77 ----- 10 12-01-1989 83 11 23-02-1989 93 ----- 12 30-03-1989 102 ----- 13 The Diagrams -----
MEETING PAPERS Dt. 25-2-1988 MIND Mind and what is it? We speak of Cosmic Mind or Infinite Mind or Chittie
and also speak of individual Mind as Cosmic Mind flowing through each type
of thinking instrument or brain or equivalent of a brain whether of a
human being or any type of lower life and call it Chitta and which is
supposed to remain as a catalyst during its flow. So we ask what is the nature and composition of mind, be it Cosmic Mind or
Individual Mind. Cosmic Mind: Is that when awareness is (1) pure awareness (Infinite) (2) When intelligence or intellect is pure intellect (Infinite Wisdom)
when (3) Life is absolute pure life (Infinite) together with infinite contents
of (4) Tamas (5)Rajas (6) Sattva, but all at total rest and rhythm (as cream
and butter are at total rest and rhythm in milk) Nonetheless we see the
six ingredients constituting Infinite mind or Chitti, where all six
ingredients are at total rest and rhythm thus forming an infinite ocean in
which the total Universe floats with all Its contents. Individual Mind :Is also the complex state of the six ingredients viz. (1)
awareness (2) Intellect or intelligence -wisdom (3) Life (4) Tamas
(5)Rajas (6) Sattva but in one of the myriad combinations and permutations
where anyone of the ingredient could be between 1 to 100 degrees of
intensity leading to infinitude of individual minds we call chitta and all
the six ingredients are in flux and never at total rest as in Cosmic Mind.
Such one combination and permutation is a code and structure of the
individual mind and is also the same code and structure of the individual
because normally mind gets involved with brain processes of I.E.S.M. based
on Karmic and cosmic laws of the Universe. Whenever and wherever mind is present be it individual mind in whatever
state, must show presence of all the six ingredients in whatever
combination and permutation and in flux, but if anyone of these six
ingredients is not present it ceases to be individual mind or even a
thinking instrument however crude. So a complex organism like a human being must be able to by various natural
interior processes be they conscious or beyond the threshold of our
awareness to partake of some degree the contents of the mind whether it be
individual mind or cosmic mind because individual mind is cosmic mind if
not polluted. It is said to be polluted when it involves itself with brain
processes and emotions of the computerised organism instead of remaining as
a mere catalyst.Details given later. Even so, as each mind is the same as the cosmic mind, (in potential) each
computerised organism through its thinking instrument is able to receive
i.e. partake of or from the cosmic mind what is inherent in each body/brain
system i.e. each computerised organism which is totally dependent on each
individual code and structure to that extent. This is a sort of churning
process. This is true in case of a human being or any type of lower life
anywhere in the Universe. When a computerised organism i.e. a body/brain system has no proper
processes of partaking the potential from the cosmic mind through the
individual mind, we say only a play of accumulated memory patterns along
with incoming impulses resulting in automatic reflex action because of the
functioning of I.E.S.M. centres in the registration area. This is the state
of the present day mankind. The result is formation of emotive granthies in
various parts of the body/brain system; with symptoms of stress, tension
and ailments. All knowledge however impressive is merely accumulated memory of different
type, it could also be some specialised type i.e. of a particular faculty
(like engineering, medicine, Astor physics etc.) and will be reproduced
mechanically like a tape recorder unless and until some natural process
(*consciously or unconsciously) take place within, so that the thinking
instrument partakes of or from cosmic mind through individual mind is
potential and then we find pioneers in various fields but not necessarily
spiritual (though it could be so.) Through Sage Patanjali's yoga sutra one is able to consciously partake of
or from cosmic mind its potential to a very substantial extent. Depending
on this extent one is on the stage of Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyana or
Samadhi. These are conscious stages (like S.S.C, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Etc.)
which denote to what extent one is able to communicate (consciously) with
all pervading cosmic mind. Such conscious progress is achieved through
scientific yoga practices. So now we ask another question, what is memory? The answer is, all that is
registered by each individual brain; but is all that is registered
different from all that is experienced? Is the quality of memory same in
all? If not why? Memory belongs to brain. So we another question, what is intellect or intelligence? Intellect or
intelligence is the ability and techniques of mind of making the quality of
memory better. Memory could be retentive or less retentive could be good on
recall or not so good, could be confused or could be clear (meaning it can
be properly filed as good administration demands). This will make one
individual differ in intellect or intelligence from the other; whereas
awareness remains the same in all the different individuals. Details given
later. (Refer page 5). So we come to the most important question, what is attention? Attention is the ability of each individual brain (depending on each
individual code and structure) to file and keep arranged memory and fully
co-operate with intellect or intelligence and maintain this link with one
of the ingredients of cosmic mind. Thus attention becomes the meeting
ground of brain and mind. So we see how important is attention in co-operation with intellect or
intelligence, (this being meeting ground of brain and mind) and in this is
forged the main link between brain and individual mind or cosmic mind to
partake of or from the cosmic mind its potential. Attention thus will make
all the difference in education be it inner or outer education and will add
value. Attention is an inner quality of brain of the individual and by this
link value is developed from within and not added from outside. So we come to the final question, what is brain? Brain is an organ of the
body or computerised organism as other organs are and one can feed any
number of cassettes of many different faculties or disciplines including
ideas on morality and religion i.e. good and bad, right and wrong etc.; and
all these will reproduced as a tape recorder will without imbibing
anything. The brain can appear foolish or can appear very intellectual and logical
but by itself cannot discriminate. It can only accept or reject different
views as is fed into it, and it would change tomorrow from to-day if fresh
material is fed into it. It can normally function on the bases of automatic
reflex action and what is most noteworthy to note; is that scholars,
preachers, philosophers, religious leaders and so called rational thinking
person's panic or lose control of themselves during an emotional storm or
an ego crisis. This happens when attention wavers and breaks its link with
intellect or intelligence of the mind. Unless attention with intellect or intelligence (which is one of the
ingredients of the cosmic mind and also the individual mind) can make the
brain partake of or from the cosmic mind its potential one cannot hope to
progress or achieve anything real or even obtain peace of mind or get
relief from tensions and stress or ill health and will break down during
emotional storm or ego crisis. The emotional granthies, this will be built
up in the body/brain system of the computerised organism. As long as attention, the faculty of