Auction 24 - Dorothy Sloan?Rare Books

Table Page. 1. ..... of these studies for rhetorical criticism are the works of Roger
N. Whybray ...... 67 Overland, "Literary Structure in Proverbs 1-9," 145-46. .... 76 In
rhetorical terms, analysis of the teacher's ...... Is rhetoric a cooperative exercise
between a rhetor and an audience ...... person who exercises sound judgment (vv

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[pic] Dorothy Sloan-Rare Books
La invasión norteamericana, 1846-1848
The Mexican-American War The J. Dudley Thompson Collection
Rare Books, Maps, Prints, Broadsides & Ephemera Thursday & Friday, December 15 & 16, 2016,
10:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m., each day
102 West Tarrant Street, Llano, Texas, 78643 and live online
Tuesday & Wednesday, December 13 & 14,
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., each day Copyright 2016 Dorothy Sloan-Rare Books, Inc.
Texas Auctioneer's License 10210
Dorothy Sloan-Rare Books, Inc. ~ Box 4825 Austin, Texas 78765-4825
Phone 512-477-8442 ~ Fax 512-477-8602 ~ ¡Mueran los americanos! 1. ADAME, Ramón. El Gobernador del Estado de San Luis Potosi á sus
conciudadanos. San Luis Potosí, 1847. Dated in type, August 25, 1847.
Broadside: 31.5 x 22.2 cm. Slightly wrinkled at lower right, upper margin
somewhat chipped, otherwise very good. Rare. Only two other copies located. First edition. Garrett & Goodwin, p. 498. A bitterly anti-American diatribe written after Trist and Pacheco
negotiated the Armistice of Tacubaya. Denounces any treaty with the U.S.:
"¡Mueran los cobardes infames que firmen una paz afrentosa para la
República!" Although never menaced by Taylor, San Luis Potosí had its share
in the war. It was from there that Santa-Anna launched his ill-fated attack
on Buena Vista and there to which he retreated after the battle. Feelings
obviously still ran deep. ($100-$200)
2. [ADDRESSES, ESSAYS & LECTURES]. Group of seven pamphlets on various
subjects. All are first editions. [1] Black Republican Imposture Exposed! Fraud upon the People! The Account
of Fremont Examined; Showing an Astounding Disregard of the Public
Interest, only to Be Accounted for by Extravagance, Recklessness, or an
Utter Want of Judgment!. Washington, 1856. [1-3] 4-14 [2, blank] pp. 8vo
(21.5 x 14 cm), disbound. Title page lightly chipped with small stains,
lightly browned. Cowan II, p. 222. Rocq 16684. An attack on Frémont for "carelessness, recklessness, favoritism, and
connivance with the claimants." The pamphlet examines the "chief dealing of
Colonel Fremont as a disbursing officer during the campaign in California
whilst he commanded the volunteers" during 1846-1847. Tables, facts,
figures are produced and analyzed. Treats "principally of his frauds in the
purchase of horses in 1846 and 1847, while disbursing officer in
California." [2] BRAMAN, Milton Palmer. The Mexican War. A Discourse Delivered on the
Annual Fast, 1847. Danvers: Printed at Courier Office, 1847. [1-3] 4-36 pp.
8vo (22.5 x 14.5 cm), later green wrappers, stitched. Upper wrapper
detached. Eberstadt 64. Garrett & Goodwin, p. 366. Sabin 7369. An anti-war address: "May God deliver our countrymen from coveting their
neighbor's lands-from the lust of conquest-from the spirit of war-the
thirst for human blood. May the love of peace be shed into the counsels of
both the contending nations" (p. 36). Braman (1799-1882) was long-time pastor of the church at Danvers. [3] BRIDGE, Jonathan Davis. The Character of War. A Discourse Delivered in
the M.E. Church, Roxbury, on the Day of the Annual Thanksgiving Nov. 30,
1848. Worchester: Printed by Samuel Chisin, 1849. [1-3] 4-22 [2, blank] pp.
8vo (20.5 x 13.5 cm), disbound. Fine. Eberstadt 69. Pacifist publication: "If we have only hinted, we now affirm, there is
not one redeeming trait in the character of war, as a mode of settling
national controversies" (p. 14). Bridge (1812-1856) is best remembered as a prominent member of the
Underground Railroad. He held pastorates at numerous churches in
Massachusetts. [4] EVERETT, Horace. Mr. Everett's Address to the Whigs of Vermont, July,
1848. Windsor: Bishop and Tracy's Steam Press, 1848. [1-3] 4-32 pp. 8vo
(23.5 x 16 cm), stitched, untrimmed. Creased where formerly folded, foxed,
soiled, worn, chipped. Explains his feelings about Taylor's candidacy for president and his
position on slavery, especially the Wilmot Proviso. Everett (1779-1851) was a politician elected to Congress several times. [5] HOLDEN, Charles C.P. The Result of the Mexican War. An Open Letter from
Charles C.P. Holden of Chicago to the Hon. George F. Hoar of Massachusetts.
Chicago: J.C. Drake, Printer, 181 & 183 W. Madison St., [1882] [wrapper
title]. [1-3] 4- pp. 8vo (23 x 15.5 cm), original pale slate green
printed wrappers. Wrappers lightly soiled, otherwise good. First Separate Edition (originally appeared in the Chicago Times,
September 23, 1882). 1,000 copies printed. Reviews the war and its acquisitions, but mainly criticizes Hoar for
failing to properly support and pension soldiers who fought in the war. Holden (b. 1827) fought in the war and was a prominent Chicago citizen. [6] Review of the Diplomatic Policy Adopted by the Executive of the United
States to Negotiate, in Connection with the Operations of the Commander-in-
Chief of the Army to Conquer, a Peace with Mexico. Washington: Printed at
the National Whig Office, 1847 [wrapper title]. [1] 2-8 pp. 8vo (23 x 14
cm), original tan printed wrappers. Lower wrapper missing, upper wrapper
darkened, worn, and chipped. Verso of upper wrapper with contemporary ink
note: "To the Hon. William Upham with the Respects of J.E. [Tirel?]" From
the collection of Clint and Dorothy Josey, with her pencil note on last
leaf. Very critical of Polk and his conduct of the War. Makes fun, for
example, of Polk's falling for Santa-Anna's ruse and letting him pass the
blockade at Veracruz. [7] BLANDING, William. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Address by William
Blanding (Capt. Palmetto Reg't South Carolina Volunteers) before the
Associated Veterans of the Mexican War, San Francisco, Cal., August 1888.
[San Francisco?: 1888?] [wrapper title]. [1] 2-27 pp [1, blank] pp. 8vo
(23.5 x 15 cm), original grey printed wrappers, stapled. Upper wrapper
separating, wrappers slightly soiled, otherwise good. A review of the war and the creation of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
Complains that many official records cannot be consulted to learn the
truth. ($150-$300)
3. [ADDRESSES, ESSAYS & LECTURES]. Group of six pamphlets on various
subjects. All are first editions. [1] HOWARD, Oliver Otis. Address by...Delivered at the Banquet of the 41st
Anniversary of the Associated Veterans, Mexican War, September 14th, 1888
[caption title]. [N.p., 1888]. [1] 2-4 pp. 8vo (22.5 x 14 cm), folded
sheet. Creased where formerly folded, slightly stained. Tutorow 546. A call for the government to spend part of the budget surplus for the
better support of the army and navy. Howard (1830-1909), known as the "Christian General," lost an arm in the
Civil War, served on the Western frontier, and accepted the surrender of
Chief Joseph of the Nez Percé. [2] LORD, Thomas Newman. Cause, Character and Consequences of the War with
Mexico. A Discourse Delivered on the Day of the Annual Fast, April 8, 1847.
Portland: Printed by Thurston & Co, 1847. [1-3] 4-16 pp. 8vo (21.5 x 13.5
cm), disbound. Old library cloth on spine. Slightly soiled, various stray
marks in text. A firmly anti-slavery, anti-war sermon. Lord (1807-1884) was a prominent Congregational minister. [3] REED, William Bradford. Oration Delivered at Philadelphia by...February
22, 1849. Philadelphia: Crissy & Markley, Printers, No. 4 Minor Street,
1849. [1-3] 4-44 pp. 8vo (21.5 x 13.5 cm), disbound. Slightly stained. Garrett & Goowin, p. 372. A paean to Washington and Zachary Taylor. Reed (1806-1876) was a man of many talents who once served at Joel
Poinsett's secretary in Mexico in the 1820s. [4] SHACKFORD, Charles Chauncey. A Citizen's Appeal in Regard to the War
with Mexico. A Lecture, Delivered at Lyceum Hall, Lynn, January 14, 1848.
Boston: Printed by Andrews & Prentiss, No. 11, Devonshire Street, 1848. [1-
3] 4-40 pp. 8vo (23 x 14 cm), original grey printed wrappers. Spine
wanting, wrappers reattached with tape. Moderately stained throughout. Garrett & Goodwin, p. 372. Sabin 79677. Tutorow 4085. Completely anti-war, with discussions of Texas and slavery. States that
all politicians in favor of the war are deluded. [5] TILDEN, William Phillips. All War Forbidden by Christianity. An Address
to the Citizens of Dover, Delivered on Thanksgiving Evening, Nov. 25, 1847.
Dover N.H.: M.D.L. Stevens, Printer, 1847. [1-3] 4-16 pp. 8vo (21.5 x 14
cm), disbound. Old stitch holes in left margin, creased where formerly
folded. Otherwise, very good. Pacifist, anti-war sermon. Tilden (1811-1890)was a Unitarian minister. [6] YOUNG, Bryan Rust. Address the Citizens of the Fifth
Congressional District in Kentucky, and in Reply to the Hon. C.A. Wickliffe
[caption title]. [Washington, 1847]. [1] 2-8 pp. 8vo (25.5 x 14.5),
disbound. Critical of Polk's administration, with considerable discussion of Texas
and its role in causing the war. Young (1800-1882) was a Kentucky politician who held several offices.
Execution of an African-American for R