School: Hassiba ben-Bouali secondary school Unit: (1) Intercultural ...

Remplis la colonne vide de ces tableaux par la forme négative des 2 verbes. Fais
les exercices demandés : Complète les phrases par Be ou have en fonction du
sens : ???????????. your brother interested in science ? ??????
?????. you in your room ? ???????????. Andrew got a sister ? 4.

Part of the document

In this unit my pupils will learn to... SEQUENCE ONE
-listen, respond to, and give instructions.
-express your point of view and justify it.
-express your preferences and purpose.
-recognise intonation in polite requests and tree in two-syllable words.
-use the comparative forms of adverbs.
-read and respond to an e-mail.
-write an e-mail.
-describe a place and people's regular activities.
-use the simple present tense - frequency adverbs: rarely, seldom, ...
-use degree adverbs and reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself ...)
-use prepositions of place: in, in the north...
-listen and respond to telephone messages.
-read and respond to short messages.
-write a letter of enquiry.
-express obligation.
-write short notes (invitations, apologies...).
-use link words (to, in order to, so as to...).
-use articles: definite, indefinite and zero articles.
-use: either...or... and neither...nor...
-use modal "had to" and reflexive pronouns.
-fill in a form and write a letter of application.
-recognise problem consonants (/f/, /v/...)
-use sentences stress.
PROJECT -write a letter/ an e-mail
-create a web page
-writing a letter/ an e-mail
-creating a web page. 1. Write an e-mail to a penfriend of yours.
2. You are a job seeker. You have found an advertisement in a newspaper
or in internet. . make your own CV . write a letter of application. Sequence One: Listening and Speaking.
By the end of this sequence, pupils should be able to:
-listen, respond to, and give instructions.
-express a point of view and justify it.
-express preferences and purpose.
-recognise intonation in polite requests and stress in
two-syllable words.
-use the comparative forms of adverbs.
Anticipate: (p 4)
1. Listen to your teacher read the words in the box and pronounce them.
Then label the parts of the computer in the picture below:
|Screen |/skri?n / | |Monitor |/m?n?t?/ |
|Floppy disks|/fl?p? d?sks/ | |Mouse |/ma?s/ |
| |/sentrl | |Printer |/pr?nt?/ |
|Central unit|ju?n?t/ | |Floppy disk drive|/fl?p? d?sk |
| |/k?ns??l/ | | |dra?v/ |
|(console) |/ki?b??d/ | |Speaker |/spi?k?/ |
|keyboard | | | | |
(1-Printer) - (2- Central unit) - (3-monitor) - (4-screen) - (5-
speaker) - (6-mouse) - (7-keyboard) - (8-floppy disks) - (9- floppy disk drive).
2. Find other words related to computers and write them on your copybook:
Key: Compact Disk - Flash disk - Scanner - mouse mat - earphone - modem
- Windows -
3. Listen and say aloud the e-mail address below: Key: We write/see ( and we read/say (Yacine2005 at
yahoo dot com)
[user name] [arobas] [domain name]
4. Take turns to give your e-mail address to your partner. If you don't
have one, invent it:
*Excuse me, what's your e-mail address?
Excuse me, can you remind me of your e-mail address?
*It's "Karim1@ hotmail.Com"
Listen and Check: (p 5)
1. Reorder the instructions below for accessing e-mail. Match letters a-g
with numbers 1-7 in the box
|Numbers |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |
|Letters |b |a |c |f |d |g |e |
2. Now , listen to your teacher and check your answer to ex. 1:
3. Listen again to the dialogue and play it out using these sequencers:
first, then, next, after that, finally: Key: sample dialogue
A: I don't know how to use a computer to check my e-mail inbox. Can
you help me?
B: Of course. First, you have to switch on the computer. Then, you
need to select an ISP from the menu and to click on e-mail. After
that, you have to sign in and wait for the connection to your e-mail
inbox. Finally, you need to click on "read" or "write" to
check or send your messages
4. The table below compares e-mail and snail-mail (ordinary letters).
Tick in the appropriate boxes to say what you think. Do not use column
B for the moment: 5. Listen and fill in column B in the table. Do you have the same point
of view as the speaker? Key:
|Features |A: Your opinion |B: Speaker's opinion |
| |E-mail |Snail-mail|E-mail |Snail-mail|
|Faster | | | | |
|Cheaper | | | | |
|More interesting | | | | |
|Less personal | | | | |
|Less convenient | | | | | 6. Use the information in the table above and write a short paragraph
about your preferences. Justify your preference. Start like this: Key:
I prefer to send / sending my messages by e-mail rather than send /
sending them by snail-mail. First of all, e-mails are the most modern
(up-to-date) means of communication. Secondly, they are faster and
cheaper than snail-mails. Finally, they are more convenient than
ordinary messages. I prefer to send my messages by e-mail rather than send them by
snail-mail because of many reasons. Firstly, e-mails are faster.
Secondly, they are cheaper. Thirdly, they are more convenient. Finally,
I favor e-mails because I like the Internet. Say it Clear: (p 6)
1. Listen to your teacher read each of the sentences below and mark the
intonation at the end with an appropriate arrow ( ):
a. Could you speak more slowly please? ( )
b. Can you speak louder please? ( )
c. Can you say that more clearly please? ( )
d. Could you go less quickly please? ( )
2. Transform the statements below into requests and say them with the
right intonation:
Key: a. Could / can you type more /less slowly please?
b. Could / can you press the key more / less smoothly lease?
c. Could / can you drive more / less rapidly please?
d. Could / can you use the computer more / less frequently please?
e. Could / can you arrive earlier please?
f. Could / can you jump higher please?
g. Could / can you work harder please? 3. The words below have two syllables each. Copy them either in column A
or in column B according to the stress pattern: ( stressed
syllable unstressed syllable): Key: | A | B |
|Browser / |Connect / k??nekt|
|?bra?z? / |/ |
|Floppy / |Protect / |
|?fl?p? / |pr??tekt / |
|Cursor / |Remove / r??mu?v |
|?k??s? / |/ |
|Pointer / |Erase / ??re?z|
|?p??nt?/ |/ |
|Window / ?w?nd?? |Escape / ?s?ke?p|
|/ |/ |
|Icon / |Display / d?s?ple?|
|?a?k?n / |/ |
|Keyboard / | |
|?ki?b??d / | |
|Modem / ?m?dem| |
|/ | |
4. Listen to your teacher and check your answers to ex.3. Then pronounce
the words correctly:
The hidden message: The message below is written in phonetic script. Rewrite it using the
letters of the alphabet: / j?? ?fl?p? d?sk k?nt?e?nz ? ?va??r?s r??mu?v ?t fr?m
ma? k?m?pjmu?t? / Your floppy disk contains a virus ; remove it from my
Your Turn: (p 7) 1. Read the parts of sentences below and match each part in column A with
its corresponding part in B:
Key: |A |B |
|1.In order to start the |a. click on the e-mail option in the |
|computer, |menu. |
|2.If you want to create an |b. switch on the central unit and the|
|e-mail account, |monitor. |
|3.To choose a site, |c. in order to open the page for |
|4.Click on the "sign up" icon |personal details. |
| |d. go to the address section. |
1- b) - (2 - a) - (3 - d) - (4 - c) 2. Now order the sentences so as to have coherent instructions for
creating an e-mail account. Use sequencers and modals (need to, have
to ...):
A: Can you show me how to create an e-mail account please?
B: Of course. That's very easy. First, you have to switch on the central
unit and the monitor in order