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La commission d'examen pour l'épreuve de « relations professionnelles » du
diplôme de comptabilité et de gestion (DCG) est composée de deux membres :
un ...... 4.1 En ce qui concerne la responsabilité du fait des choses, sont exclus le
cas des animaux, la ruine des bâtiments et les accidents de la circulation. En ce
qui ...

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B.TECH. 2nd year Aeronautical Engineering -3rd
| | |Teaching Schedule |Examination schedule |Total |Duration|
|Course No. |Course Title | | |Marks |of Exam |
| | |L |T |P/D |Total |
| | |L |T |P/D|Total |
| | | |MATH-201 E | | |
| | | |Sessional |: | 50 Marks |
|L|T |P |Theory |: |100 Marks |
|3|1 |- |Total |: |150 Marks |
| | | |Duration of Exam. |: |3 Hrs. | NOTE: In the semester examination, the paper setter will set 8 questions in
all, at least two questions from each unit, and students will be required
to attempt only 5 questions, selecting at least one from each unit. UNIT - I
Fourier Series : Euler's Formulae, Conditions for Fourier expansions,
Fourier expansion of functions having points of discontinuity, change of
interval, Odd & even functions, Half-range series.
Fourier Transforms : Fourier integrals, Fourier transforms, Fourier cosine
and sine transforms. Properties of Fourier transforms, Convolution theorem,
Perseval's identity, Relation between Fourier and Laplace transforms,
Fourier transforms of the derivatives of a function, Application to
boundary value problems. UNIT-II
Functions of a Complex Variables : Functions of a complex variable,
Exponential function, Trigonometric, Hyperbolic and Logarithmic functions,
limit and continuity of a function, Differentiability and analyticity.
Cauchy-Riemann equations, Necessary and sufficient conditions for a
function to be analytic, Polar form of the Cauchy-Riemann equations,
Harmonic functions, Application to flow problems, Conformal transformation,
Standard transformations (Translation, Magnification & rotation,
inversion & reflection, Bilinear). UNIT-III
Probability Distributions : Probability, Baye's theorem, Discrete &
Continuous probability distributions, Moment generating function,
Probability generating function, Properties and applications of Binomial,
Poisson and normal distributions. UNIT-IV
Linear Programming : Linear programming problems formulation, Solution of
Linear Programming Problem using Graphical method, Simplex Method, Dual-
Simplex Method. Text Book
Higher Engg. Mathematics : B.S. Grewal
Advanced Engg. Mathematics : E. Kreyzig Reference Book
1. Complex variables and Applications : R.V. Churchil; Mc. Graw Hill
2. Engg. Mathematics Vol. II: S.S. Sastry; Prentice Hall of India.
3. Operation Research : H.A. Taha
| | | |B. Tech. (Third semester) Aeronautical | | |
| | | |Engineering | | |
| | | |ME- 201 E | | |
| | | |Sessional |: |50 Marks |
|L|T |P |Theory |: |100 Marks |
|3|1 |- |Total |: |150 Marks |
| | | |Duration of Exam. |: | 3 Hrs. | NOTE: In the semester examination, the paper setter will set 8 questions in
all, at least two questions from each unit, and students will be required
to attempt only 5 questions, selecting at least one from each unit.
Unit I
Basic Concepts: Thermodynamics: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approach,
Thermodynamic Systems, Surrounding and Boundary, Thermodynamic Property
-Intensive and Extensive, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, State, Path, Process
and Cycle, Quasistatic, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Working
Substance. Concept of Thermodynamic Work and Heat, Equality of Temperature,
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamic and its utility. Ideal and Real Gases: Concept
of an Ideal Gas, Basic Gas Laws, Characteristic Gas Equation, Avagadro's
law and Universal Gas Constant, P-V-T surface of an Ideal Gas. Vander
Waal's Equation of state, Reduced Co-ordinates, Compressibility factor and
law of corresponding states. Mixture of Gases, Bass, Mole and Volume
Fraction, Gibson Dalton's law, Gas Constant and Specific Heats, Entropy for
a mixture of Gases. Unit II
First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy and its Forms, Energy and 1st law of
Thermodynamics, Internal Energy and Enthalpy, 1st Law Applied to Non-Flow
Process, Steady Flow Process and Transient Flow Process, Throttling Process
and Free Expansion Process. Second Law Of Thermodynamics: Limitations of
First Law, Thermal Reservoir Heat Source and Heat Sink, Heat Engine,
Refrigerator and Heat Pump, Kelvin- Planck and Clausius Statements and
Their Equivalence, Perpetual Motion Machine of Second Kind. Carnot Cycle,
Carnot Heat Engine and Carnot Heat Pump, Carnot's Theorem and its
Corollaries, Thermodynamic Temperature Scale. Unit III
Entropy: Clausius Inequality and Entropy, Principle of Entropy Increase,
Temperature Entropy Plot, Entropy Change in Different Processes,
Introduction to Third Law of Thermodynamics. Availability, Irreversibility
and Equilibrium: High and Low Grade Energy, Availability and Unavailable
Energy, Loss of Available Energy Due to Heat Transfer Through a Finite
Temperature Difference, Availability of a Non-Flow or Closed System,
Availability of a Steady Flow System, Helmholtz and Gibb's Functions,
Effectiveness and Irreversibility. Unit IV
Pure Substance: Pure Substance and its Properties, Phase and Phase
Vaporization, Evaporation and Boiling , Saturated and Superheat Steam,
Solid - Liquid
Vapour Equilibrium, T-V, P-V and P-T Plots During Steam Formation,
Properties of Dry, Wet and Superheated Steam, Property Changes During Steam
Processes, Temperature - Text Books:
1. Engineering Thermodynamics - Jones and Dugan, PHI, New Delhi.
2. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics - E. Radhakrishnan, PHI, New
Reference Books :
1. Theory and Problems of Thermodynamics - Y. V.C. Rao, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,
New Delhi.
2. Engineering Thermodynamics - C P Arora, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Engineering Thermodynamics - P K Nag, Tata McGraw Hill
| | | |B. Tech. (Third semester) Aeronautical | | |
| | | |Engineering | | |
| | | |ME-203E | | |
| | | |Sessional |: | 50 Marks |
|L|T |P |Theory |: |100 Marks |
|3|1 |- |Total |: |150 Marks |
| | | |Duration of Exam. |: |3 Hrs. | NOTE: In the semester examination, the paper setter will set 8 questions in
all, at least two questions from each unit, and students will be required
to attempt only 5 questions, selecting at least one from each unit.
Unit 1
Simple stresses & strains : Concept & types of Stresses and strains,
Polson's ratio, stresses and strain in simple and compound bars under axial
loading, stress strain diagrams, Hooks law, elastic constants & their
relationships, temperature stress & strain in simple & compound bars under
axial loading, Numerical. Compound stresses & strains: Concept of surface
and volumetric strains, two dimensional stress system, conjugate shear
stress at a point on a plane, principle stresses & strains and principal-
planes, Mohr's circle of stresses, Numerical. Unit II
Shear Force & Bending Moments : Definitions, SF & BM diagrams for
cantilevers, simply supported beams with or without over-hang and
calculation of maximum BM & SF and the point of contraflexture under (i)
concentrated loads, (ii) uniformly distributed loads over whole span or a
part of it, (iii)combination of concentrated loads and uniformly
distributed loads, (iv) uniformly varying loads and (v) application of
moments, relation between the rate of loading, the shear force and the
bending moments, Problems. Torsion of circular Members : Torsion of thin
circular tube, Solid and hollow circular shafts, tapered shaft, stepped
shaft & composite circular shafts, combined bending and torsion, equivalent
torque, effect of end thrust. Numericals. Unit III
Bending & shear Stresses in Beams: Bending stresses in beams with
derivation & application to beams of circular, rectangular, I,T and channel
sections, composite beams, shear stresses in beams with derivation combined
bending torsion & axial loading of beams. Numericals. Columns & Struts:
Column under axial load, concept of instability and buckling, slenderness
ratio, derivation of Eulers formulae for the elastic buckling load, Eulers,
Rankine, Gordom's formulae Johnson's empirical formula for axial loading
columns and their