1.1 Jetairfly Cadet Pilot Program introduction - Jobservice Odisee

Apr 30, 2016 ... Key exercises will be recorded on video camera for review. Instructor .... 2-turn
spin with exit recovery in the entry axis within 10°; looping; aileron roll; barrel roll;
immelman or cuban eight (either manoeuvre) ... He can even learn how to set
attitude and power if the flight model is accurate. But it will never ...

Part of the document

Jetairfly B737NG flight deck: if you would like to work here, read on.
[pic] Cadet Pilot Program Pilot information
Version 1.4 Dear Cadet Pilot candidate, Jetairfly is a unique airline company to work for. We operate the latest
technology aircraft, to various destinations all over the world. Jetairfly
creates unique opportunities for pilots such as mixed fleet flying, flying
a mix of our medium haul aircraft (737/E-jet) and long haul fleet
(767/787). In 2013 we introduced the 787 Dreamliner as the only Belgian
customer of this type of ultra modern long range aircraft. We give our
pilots computers (laptop or tablet) to communicate using high tech
procedures. But above all, we understand that people are the most important asset of an
airline company. Our pilots are to be the best in the industry. Therefore,
we invest, per pilot, more money and resources in training than any other
airline, because we do not see pilot training as a "cost center". We think
pilot training is an important investment in our future. If you want to be
part of the future, start here to join us. Happy landings, Capt Andre Berger
F/I - TRI/TRE B737/B767/787
Director of Flight Operations
1 Concept 2-4 1.1 Jetairfly Cadet Pilot Program introduction 2-4
1.2 Why some pilot training programs don't work 2-4
1.3 Fair but firm commitments 2-5 2 Flight training 2-7 2.1 General 2-7
2.2 Flight school equipment 2-7
2.3 Cadet Pilot prerequisites 2-8
2.4 Targets of cadet pilot training 2-8 3 Training modules 3-9 3.1 Introduction 3-9
3.1.1 The Private Pilot's Licence and night rating 3-9
3.1.2 Ground school ATPL theoretical knowledge 3-10
3.1.3 The Instrument Rating (IR) modular course 3-10
3.1.4 Special Aerobatic course 3-11
3.1.5 The Multi Engine rating (ME/IR) modular course 3-12
3.1.6 The CPL modular course 3-12
3.1.7 The Multi-Crew Cooperation course (MCC) 3-13
3.1.8 Recurrent training 3-13 4 Other differentiators 4-14 4.1 Training uniform 4-14
4.2 Use of simulators 4-14
4.3 Use of flight briefings 4-14
4.4 Jetairfly supervision and audit team 4-15 Concept
1 Jetairfly Cadet Pilot Program introduction In 2011, Jetairfly launched the Cadet Pilot Program to radically change ab
initio pilot training. The four parties that work together for the best possible pilot training
. the pilot trainee
. the flight school - our training partner
. the Belgian authorities
. the airline - Jetairfly It is essential to have a firm commitment from all parties to build the
best possible ab intio pilot training. Jetairfly decided to take the lead. 2 Why some pilot training programs don't work In a typical ab initio pilot training program, the trainee has to commit
huge amounts of money (80.000E - 100.000E), time and resources for self
sponsored training. Financing by a state or a company is not available. The
trainee has to choose a flight training organization (FTO), but has no clue
how to choose one. There is no commitment from the flight school that the pilot will be hired
by an airline. As the school is probably not even linked to an airline, the
flow of information going both ways is informal, not structured and
sometimes even erratic. There is no commitment from the trainee to study hard and become the best
possible pilot. Trainees see themselves as "clients to be served" (in fact
they "pay the bill"). Trainees are sometimes "buying" a license via extra
training. But a trainee who does not study very hard will never become a good pilot. The airlines are not involved, there is no commitment from their part. And
the authorities do not commit any financial resources to pilot training, it
is taxed it instead. Almost anyone in the industry realizes that this system does not provide
airlines with highly qualified, skilled pilots who can guarantee safety,
comfort and economy of flight. More than once, young licensed pilots in this system are never hired. Their
licenses expire and these (ex-)pilots have to look for a job elsewhere. Is
this a "fair deal" towards these young men and women? We don't think so. 3 Fair but firm commitments At Jetairfly, we think the trainee should not pay all the bills and be the
"client". To do so, the commitment of all parties has to change, including
ours. This is how we plan to change the business.
After a stringent pilot selection process, Jetairfly offers a number of
trainees a cadet pilot contract. A trainee starts his career on the ground,
still having to train for the required pilot licenses. The commitment that Jetairfly gives is unique:
. we give the cadet pilot an airline job from day one
. we partially finance pilot training and make this training financially
accessible to anyone with talent and skills, even if they only have
small funds
. we supervise, plan, guide and advise on pilot training
. cadet pilots are given the opportunity to work at Jetairfly during the
training, with Jetairfly pilots, ground personnel, training staff, and
. we train the cadet pilot on our own aircraft once they have the
required skills and licenses, assuming we need pilots when they are
ready. If not, cadet pilots will at least have an airline job (e.g. on
the ground) while waiting to become a commercial airline pilot. The
trainees will also remain current (licenses). The commitment that our training partners give is unique:
. a training program using Jetairfly standards, the highest in the
. training methods applied (and copied) by Boeing, Airbus and other
commercial airline manufacturers
. newly designed and ultra-efficient flight briefing and debriefing
. the best courseware
. the best instructors and examiners available (they are not the
"easiest" ones)
. modern and safe training aircraft to train for the latest technology
airline fleet in Belgium. Because that is what we operate at
Jetairfly. The commitment that the cadet pilot has to bring to this program is unique:
. talent, skill, intelligence
. the commitment to study and work very hard
. ability to form an excellent team with other people
. good communicator skills
. positive attitude as a trainee, an employee and a pilot
. firm commitment to do anything to become the best Although the trainee has to commit some financial resources to finance the
pilot training, the burden of the training costs is covered by a contract
with Jetairfly.
This makes pilot training accessible to anyone with the required skills and
talent. Pilot training is the only training in our country that receives no
financial support. It would be fair to have the authorities share at least
part of the financial burden. We and our partners continue to work to
convince the authorities of the importance of supporting pilot training in
creating employment with new high quality jobs. Jetairfly launches the cadet pilot selection in July 2016 and will start
contracting the first cadets in the summer of 2016. The full course will
take up to 4 years. [pic] Flight training
1 General The Jetairfly Cadet Pilot Program is part of the airline training and
introduces commercial jet flying operations from the start. Training Partners and trainees are using audio visual systems, including a
PC based Flight simulator with appropriate courseware and an airplane model
similar to the training aircraft used. Terrain familiarization of the
training area is required for VFR navigation and study the airport
environment (via Google earth or similar program) is introduced. Flight sessions are prepared and executed as follows:
- Class room briefing before each new training phase
- Self briefing and review by each trainee including electronic self
preparation by flying the training session on PC and self study of the
- Individual briefing with instructor All flight session are recorded for playback after the flight:
- GPS track log of the flight (using a standard program such as Google
- Radio communications (MP3 format)
- Key exercises will be recorded on video camera for review Instructor debriefing takes around 1h per flight session. Audio visual
means (PC-Laptop) for playback is available. Then the trainee performs the
- Electronic debriefing review (including self review) of GPS log,
video, RT These recordings shall be added to the electronic student file. 2 Flight school equipment Flight school equipment used for the cadet training program is monitored by
Jetairfly. The training partner operates:
. Modern single engine aircraft for VFR and IFR training.
. Modern twin engine aircraft for ME/IR training.
. A certified FNPT2 device.
. A B737NG simulator "look alike" if MCC training is given 3 Cadet Pilot prerequisites To be selected as Cadet Pilot, the candidate will meet the following
. Criteria:
o Eyesight better than -4/+3, no colour blindness
o Higher degree (bachelor, master or equivalent)
o Insight in mathematics and physics
. Tests
o Language (basic knowledge): English - Dutch - French
o Psychological tests
o Skill test (simulated flight)
. Medical check class 1 4 Targets of cadet pilot training The following targets