ECE Preparation for ABET Review - Stevens Institute of Technology

Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab ...... The following three exercises are to be
done by implementing the following source files ...... Rajkamal, The concepts and
feature of micro controllers 68HC11, 8051 and 8096; S Chand Publishers, New ...

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Self Study Report for the
Computer Engineering Program According to Engineering Criteria 2000
2003-2004 Accreditation Cycle Submitted by
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, New Jersey to the Engineering Accreditation Commission
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc.
111 Market Place, Suite 1050
Baltimore, Maryland 21202-40127/27/02 June 26, 2003
TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Background Information 5 A1 Degree Titles 5
A2 Program Modes 7
A3 Actions to Correct Previous Deficiencies 10
A4 Contact Information 12 B. Accreditation Summary 13 B1 Students 13
B2 Program Educational Objectives 21
B3 Program Outcomes and Assessment 42
B4 Professional Component 75
B5 Faculty 81
B6 Facilities 84
B7 Institutional Support and Financial Resources 90
B8 Special Program Criteria 92 Appendix I Additional Program Information 94 I-A Tabular Data for Program 94
I-B Course Syllabi 101
I-C Faculty Curriculum Vitae 196
I-D School of Engineering Assessment System 220
I-E Detailed SoE Outcomes 229
I-F: Program Specific Information 241
I-G CpE Evaluations 258
I-H Capstone Project APCs - Objectives 7 through 13 284 Appendix II Institutional Profile 288 II-A Institutional Background Information 288
II-B Background Information for the Charles V. Schaefer, Jr., School of
Engineering 293
Figure B2.1. Schematic of the School of Engineering Curriculum 28
Figure B2.2. Organization of ECE Department for Curriculum Decisions
Figure B2.3. SoE Objectives Assessment Process 33
Figure B3.1. Hierarchical organization of outcome definitions and
performance criteria. 43
Figure B3.2. SoE Outcomes Assessment Process 52
Figure B3.3. CpE student performance assessment by course instructor
Figure B3.4. Instructions for completion of Student Performance Assessment
form (SoE-EAC). 56
Figure B3.5. Example of instructor's completed student performance
assessment form 57
Figure B3.6 Instructor Course Assessment Form 59
Figure B3.7. General structure of Web-based evaluation of course by
student 60
Figure B3.8. Overall CpE program assessment. 65
Figure B3.9 Fall 02 EBI exit survey results for CpE students 68
Figure I-D.1. School of Engineering Assessment System 221
Figure I-F.1. CpE Undergraduate Male/Female Mixture (Seniors) 241
Figure I-F.2. Ethnic Mixture of CpE Program (Seniors) 242
Figure I-F.3. ECE Co-op Student Participation 242 Tables
Table A.1: Minors in EE and CpE 6
Table A.2: ECE Graduate Certificates 7
Table A.3. Stevens Cooperative Education Program Schedule 9
Table A.4. Actions to correct previous ABET deficiencies 11
Table B1.1. Grade Quality Points 13
Table B2.1. SoE and CpE Mission Statements 21
Table B2.2. School of Engineering Objectives 21
Table B2.3. CpE Program Objectives 22
Table B2.4. ECE External Advisory Board 24
Table B3.1 Stevens Assessment Terminology 42
Table B3.2. Relation of Program Outcomes to ABET Criteria 44
Table B3.3. Relationships between CpE Outcomes, Abet Criteria, and CpE
Objectives 50
Table B3.4. Mapping of Core Engineering Course Outcomes to Program
Outcomes 63
Table B3.5. Mapping of CpE Required Courses to CpE Outcomes 1 through 6.
Table B5.1. ECE Faculty 81
Table B5.2. Association between faculty and programs 82
Table B6.1: Laboratory Facilities for CpE Engineering Program 85
Table I-A.1. Basic-Level Curriculum: B.E. in Computer Engineering (2002-
03 catalog). 94
Table I-A.2. Course and Section Size Summary: Computer Engineering (AY
2002-2003) 96
Table I-A.3. Faculty Workload Summary 97
Table I-A.4. Faculty Analysis (Computer Engineering) 99
Table I-A.5. Support Expenditures: B.E. Computer Engineering 100
Table I-D.1. School of Engineering Assessment Terminology 222
Table I-D.2. School of Engineering Curriculum Outcomes and their
Relationship to ABET Criterion 3 a-k 223
Table I-D.3. School of Engineering Curriculum Outcome 3 and Related
Performance Criteria 224
Table I-F.1. (a) CpE specific study plan developed for ECE students
Table I-F.1. (b) Completed Study Plan 247
Table I-F.1. (c) Completed Application for Candidacy form 249
Table I-F.2. ECE Capstone Projects (2002-2003) 254
Table I-F.3. Salary data for ECE undergraduates graduating in 2003.
Table I-G.1: Computer Engineering Alumni Survey Results 266
Table I-G.2 Computer Engineering Co-Op Student Survey Results (32/33
students) 267
Table I-G.3 Computer Engineering Co-Op Employer Survey Results (27/33
employers) 270
Table I-G.4. Spring 2003 CpE student course evaluations - Outcomes. 273
Table I-G.5. Spring 2003 CpE student course evaluations - Details. 274
Table II-A.1. Faculty and Student Count for Institution 289
Table II-B.1. (a) Stevens School and Department Structure 295
Table II-B.1. (b). Stevens Institute Governance 296
Table II-B.1. (c). Charles V. Schaefer Jr., School of Engineering
Structure 297
Table II-B.2 (Part 1). Engineering Programs Offered 302
Table II-B.2 (Part 2). Degrees Awarded and Transcript Designations 304
Table II-B.3. Supporting Academic Departments 310
Table II-B.4(a). Support Expenditures 310
Table II-B.4(b) Expenditures 311
Table II-B.5. Personnel and Students 312
Table II-B.6. Faculty Salary Data* 322
Table II-B.7 (a). Engineering Enrollment and Degree Data (Entire School of
Engineering) 323
Table II-B.7 (b). Engineering Enrollment and Degree Data (Chemical
Engineering) 324
Table II-B.7 (c). Engineering Enrollment and Degree Data (Computer
Engineering) 325
Table II-B-7 (d). Engineering Enrollment and Degree Data (Electrical
Engineering) 326
Table II-B.7 (e). Engineering Enrollment and Degree Data (Biomedical
Concentration) 327
Table II-B.7 (f). Engineering Enrollment and Degree Data (Engineering
Management) 328
Table II-B.7 (g). Engineering Enrollment and Degree Data (Environmental
Engineering) 329
Table II-B.8. History of Admissions Standards for Freshmen (See note below)
Table II-B.9. Recent history of transfer students in SoE programs 333
Table II-B.10. Cooperative Education Student Participation By Major 338 A. Background Information
A1 Degree Titles
A1.1 Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering The Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering is the primary
undergraduate degree of the computer engineering program. Requirements for
this degree reflect the joint expectations of the Charles V. Schaefer, Jr.
School of Engineering and its Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering and are represented by curriculum templates included in the
Stevens' Undergraduate Catalog. These templates include an intensive
general engineering education, the Engineering Core, defining most of the
first four semesters of study and extending into the fifth and sixth
semesters. Discipline specific courses and discipline electives are
offered mainly during the fifth through eighth semesters of study. Students completing a Bachelor of Engineering degree complete a study
plan, consistent with the Stevens' Undergraduate Catalog's Computer
Engineering program template. Appendix I-F.2 includes the CpE-specific
study plan forms for students entering Stevens during the 2002-03 academic
years. These CpE-specific forms are posted on the Web site of the ECE
Department (standard study plan forms available on the Stevens Web site are
generic School of Engineering study plans without the discipline-specific
required course). The requirements, as reflected in these study plans (and
the corresponding catalog descriptions), have evolved continually over the
past 5 years, in both the Engineering Core program and in the Computer
Engineering requirements. A student is expected to fulfill the
requirements defined in the Steven's Undergraduate Catalog for the academic
year in which the student begins his/her studies. A student can change to
a later catalog, but in so doing must complete all requirements specified
in that later catalog. Students with outstanding pre-college academic records may be admitted to
Stevens Institute of Technology within its Scholars Program. Students in
the Scholars Program complete a set of four Honors Research Seminars and
are provided with various opportunities reflecting their high academic
performance. Special degree programs supplement the basic Bachelor's degree.
. A Simultaneous Degree Program through which students can complete a
bachelor's and master's degree concurrently in four years.
. An Accelerated Degree Program through which students can complete the
requirements for a bachelor's degree in three years.
. A Deferred Graduate Credit Program allowing a student to enroll in
extra courses at no extra tuition, the extra credits being applicable
to a master's degree.
A1.2 Minors Offered by ECE Department A student completing the program of another discipline can obtain a Minor
in Electrical Engineering (a minor available to CpE majors) or in Computer
Engineering by completing the five required courses specified in the ECE
portion of the Undergraduate Catalog. Students in the ECE program (either
EE or CpE) can apply courses in their major to satisfy the course
requirements for a minor in the other ECE program. The required courses
for the minors are shown in Table A.1.
|Table A.1: Minors in EE and CpE |
|Minor in Electrical