Appendix A Categorisation for quarantine pests considered in this ...

In North America the primary sponsors are the American College of Cardiology ... IHE Canada has also been formed. ... review, and maintained regularly through the identification and correction of errata. ... mental representation of a real or abstract thing; an atomic unit of thought. ... Name of discipline of exercise: DOC1790.

Part of the document


Final report for the non-regulated analysis of existing policy for apples
from New Zealand


August 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011

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Fisheries and Forestry, GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia.

Cite this report as: Biosecurity Australia (2011) Final report for the
non-regulated analysis of existing policy for apples from New Zealand.
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra.

The Australian Government acting through Biosecurity Australia has
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Postal address: Biosecurity Australia

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Cover image: Royal Gala apple in a Nelson orchard, New Zealand. Biosecurity


List of tables v

List of figures vi

Acronyms and abbreviations x

Abbreviations of units xii

Summary xiii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Australia's biosecurity policy framework 1

1.2 This pest risk analysis 2

2 Method for pest risk analysis 5

2.1 Stage 1: Initiation 5

2.2 Stage 2: Pest risk assessment 5

2.3 Stage 3: Pest risk management 13

3 New Zealand's commercial production practices for apples 15

3.1 Climate in production areas 15

3.2 Pre-harvest 20

3.3 Harvesting and handling procedures 24

3.4 Post-harvest 25

3.5 Production and export statistics 28

4 Pest risk assessments for quarantine pests 31

4.1 Fire blight 33

4.2 Apple leaf curling midge 79

4.3 European canker 97

4.4 Pest risk assessment conclusions 118

5 Pest risk management 121

5.1 Pest risk management measures and phytosanitary procedures 122

5.2 Operational systems for maintenance and verification of phytosanitary
status 128

5.3 Uncategorised and other pests 132

5.4 Audit of protocol 132

5.5 Review of policy 133

6 Conclusion 135

Appendix A Categorisation for quarantine pests considered in this review

Appendix B Additional quarantine pest data 141

Appendix C Issues raised in stakeholder comments 143

Appendix D Biosecurity framework 147

Glossary 153

References 159

List of tables

Table 2.1 Nomenclature for qualitative likelihoods 8

Table 2.2 Matrix of rules for combining qualitative likelihoods 9

Table 2.3 Decision rules for determining the consequence impact score
based on the magnitude of consequences at four geographic scales 11

Table 2.4 Decision rules for determining the overall consequence rating
for each pest 12

Table 2.5 Risk estimation matrix 12

Table 3.1 Export volume and percentages of each variety of fruit for
exports from New Zealands three main apple production regions (Pipfruit NZ
2010) 28

Table 4.1 Quarantine pests for apple fruit from New Zealand considered in
this risk analysis 31

Table 4.2 Probability of entry, establishment, and spread for Erwinia
amylovora 73

Table 4.3 Probability of entry, establishment, and spread for Dasineura
mali 94

Table 4.4 Probability of entry, establishment, and spread for Neonectria
ditissima 114

Table 4.5 Summary of unrestricted risk estimates for quarantine pests
associated with mature fresh apple fruit from New Zealand 119

Table 5.1 Summary of the assessment of unrestricted risk for quarantine
pests 122

Table 5.2 Summary of phytosanitary measures recommended for quarantine
pests for mature fresh apple fruit from New Zealand 124

List of figures

Figure a Map of Australia vi

Figure b Map of major apple producing regions in Australia vii

Figure c A guide to Australia's bio-climatic zones viii

Figure d Diagram of apple fruit ix

Figure 3-1 Map of New Zealand 15

Figure 3-2 Maximum and minimum temperatures and mean monthly rainfall for
Hamilton (Waikato) 1971-2000 17

Figure 3-3 Maximum and minimum temperatures and mean monthly rainfall for
Napier (Hawke's Bay) 1971-20007 17

Figure 3-4 Maximum and minimum temperatures and mean monthly rainfall for
Nelson 1971-20007 17

Figure 3-5 Maximum and minimum temperatures and mean monthly rainfall for
Alexandra (Central Otago) 1971-20007 17

Figure 3-6 Maximum and minimum temperatures and mean monthly rainfall for
Stanthorpe, Qld. 1981-2010 18

Figure 3-7 Maximum and minimum temperatures and mean monthly rainfall for
Batlow, NSW 1971-20008 18

Figure 3-8 Maximum and minimum temperatures and mean monthly rainfall for
Tatura, Vic. (Goulburn Valley) 1981-20108 18

Figure 3-9 Maximum and minimum temperatures and mean monthly rainfall for
Geeveson, Tas. (Huon Valley) 1981-20108 18

Figure 3-10 Maximum and minimum temperatures and mean monthly rainfall
for Lenswood, SA (Adelaide Hills) 1981-20108 19

Figure 3-11 Maximum and minimum temperatures and mean monthly rainfall
for Donnybrook WA 1981-20108 19

Figure 3-12 Representation of divisions within an orchard 20


Figure a Map of Australia [pic]

Figure b Map of major apple producing regions in Australia


Figure c A guide to Australia's bio-climatic zones


Figure d Diagram of an apple fruit

Acronyms and abbreviations

|Term or |Definition |
|abbreviation | |
|ABS |Australian Bureau of Statistics |
|ACERA |Australian Centre of Excellence for Risk Analysis |
|ACT |Australian Capital Territory |
|ALOP |Appropriate level of protection |
|ALPP |Areas of low pest prevalence |
|APAL |Apple and Pear Australia Limited |
|APHIS |Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service |
|APPD |Australian Plant Pest Database (Plant Health |
| |Australia) |
|AQIS |Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service |
|BA |Biosecurity Australia |
|BAA |Biosecurity Australia Advice |
|BSG |Biosecurity Service Group |
|CABI |CAB International, Wallingford, UK |
|CMI |Commonwealth Mycological Institute |
|CSIRO |Commonwealth Science and Industry Research |
| |Organisation |
|CT |Concentration time |
|DAFF |Australian Government Department of Agriculture, |
| |Fisheries and Forestry |
|DAFWA |Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia|
| |(formerly DAWA: Department of Agriculture, Western |
| |Australia) |
|DPIW |Department of Primary Industries and Water, Tasmania |
|EP |Existing policy |
|EPPO |European and Mediterranean Plant Protection |
| |Organization |
|FAO |Food and Agriculture Organization of the United |
| |Nations |
|FAS |The Foreign Agriculture Service in the United States |
| |Department of Agriculture |
|IDM |Integrated Disease Management |
|IPC |International Phytosanitary Certificate |
|IPM |Integrated Pest Management |
|IPPC |International Plant Protection Convention |
|IRA |Import Risk Analysis |
|IRAAP |Import Risk Analysis Appeals Panel |
|ISPM |International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures |
|MAFNZ |Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry New Zealand |
|MOU |Memorandum of Understanding |
|NASS |The National Agricultural Statistics Service in the |
| |United States Department of Agriculture |
|NPPO |National Plant Protection Organization |
|NSW |New South Wales |
|NT |Northern Territory |
|OEPP |Organisation européenne et méditerranéenne pour la |
| |protection des plantes |
|PIAPH |Product Integrity, Animal and Plant Health Division |
|PIMC |Primary Industries Ministerial Council |
|PRA |Pest Risk Analysis |
|Qld |Q