HP Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Volume 3 - ODYSSEE Theater

«poser un lapin» [page 53] : «faire attendre quelqu'un en ne venant pas à un
rendez-vous» ;. - «potache» ..... «logomancie» [page 420] : «exercice de la
divination grâce aux mots» ; ...... Humbert prétendit que le mal dont aurait souffert
Charlotte était «abdominal» ; mais Lolita comprit d'abord «abominable» [page

Part of the document

by H.P.Blavatsky OCCULTISM As for what thou hearest others say, who persuade the many that the soul
when once freed from the body neither suffers.... evil nor is conscious, I
know that thou art better grounded in the doctrines received by us from our
ancestors and in the sacred orgies of Dionysus than to believe them; for
the mystic symbols are well known to us who belong to the Brotherhood.
The problem of life is man. Magic, or rather Wisdom, is the evolved
knowledge of the potencies of man's interior being, which forces are divine
emanations, as intuition is the perception of their origin, and initiation
our induction into that knowledge ... We begin with instinct; the end is
A.Wilder |Table of Contents |Sec|Page |
| |t. | |
|Introductory | |1 |
|One Key to All Sacred Books | |3 |
|Assumptions have to be proven | |5 |
|The Spirit of Plato's Teaching | |7 |
|Self-Contradiction of the Critic | |9 |
|The Character of Ammonius Saccas | |11 |
|Plato a follower of Pytaghoras | |13 |
|Preliminary Survey |1 |14 |
|The Protectors of China |1 |15 |
|The A.B.C. of Magic |1 |17 |
|Magic as old as Man |1 |19 |
|The Tree of Knowledge |1 |21 |
|Occultism must win the Day |1 |23 |
|Black Magic at Work |1 |25 |
|Black Magic and Hypnotism |1 |27 |
|The Philosophy stands on its own Merits |1 |29 |
|Modern Criticism and the Ancients |2 |30 |
|All Honour to Genuine Scientists |2 |31 |
|What is a Myth |2 |33 |
|Chaldaean Oracles |2 |35 |
|The Origin of Magic |3 |36 |
|The Books of Hermes |3 |37 |
|What is the Origin of Magic |3 |39 |
|Pherecydes of Syros |3 |41 |
|Cain Mathematical and Anthropomorphic |3 |43 |
|The Secrecy of the Initiates |4 |44 |
|Exoteric and Esoteric Teachings |4 |45 |
|Origen on "Genesis" |4 |47 |
|The "Dark Sayings" of the "Testaments' |4 |49 |
|The Greatest Crime ever perpetrated |4 |51 |
|Asiatic Religions proclaim their Esotericism openly |4 |53 |
|The Wisdom Religion |4 |55 |
|Some Reasons for Secrecy |5 |56 |
|The Key of Practical Theurgy |5 |57 |
|The Ladder of Being |5 |59 |
|Three Ways open to the Adept |5 |61 |
|Man is God |5 |63 |
|Jesus taught Reincarnation |5 |65 |
|The Dangers of Practical Magic |6 |67 |
|Names as Symbols |6 |69 |
|The Three Mothers |6 |71 |
|The Bible and Word-Juggling |6 |73 |
|Moses and the Jews |6 |75 |
|Old Wine in New Bottles |7 |76 |
|Copies Antedated Originals |7 |77 |
|Which were the Thieves? |7 |79 |
|Character of the "Bible" |7 |81 |
|The "Book of Enoch" the Origin and Foundation of |8 |82 |
|Christianity | | |
|The "Book of Enoch" and Christianity |8 |83 |
|Enoch records the Races |8 |85 |
|The "Book of Enoch" symbolical |8 |87 |
|Occultists do not reject the "Bible" |8 |89 |
|Hermetic and Kabalistic Doctrines |9 |91 |
|The "Kabalah" and the "Book of Enoch" |9 |93 |
|Numbers and Measurer |9 |95 |
|The Doctrine belongs to all |9 |97 |
|Various Occult Systems of Interpretation of Alphabets |10 |98 |
|and Numerals | | |
|Numbers and Magic |10 |99 |
|Gods and Numbers |10 |101 |
|The Universal Language |10 |103 |
|The Hexagon with the Central Point, or the Seventh Key|11 |105 |
|Occult Weapons |11 |107 |
|The Duty of the True Occultist towards Religions |12 |109 |
|Christians and non-Christian Adepts |12 |111 |
|Post-Christian Adepts and their Doctrines |13 |112 |
|Unfair Criticism |13 |113 |
|The Two Eternal Principles |13 |115 |
|Simon and his Biographer Hippolytus |14 |117 |
|Uneven Balances |14 |119 |
|Stones as "Evidences" |14 |121 |
|St. Paul the Real Founder of present Christianity |15 |122 |
|Abrogation of Law by Initiates |15 |123 |
|Paul changed to Simon |15 |125 |
|Peter a Jewish Kabalist,not an Initiate |16 |126 |
|The Seat of Peter |16 |127 |
|Apollonius of Tyana |17 |129 |
|The Mysterious Teacher |17 |131 |
|Apollonius cannot be Destroyed |17 |133 |
|De Mirville on Apollonius |17 |135 |
|Apollonius no Fiction |17 |137 |
|Facts underlying Adept Biographies |18 |138 |
|Jesus and Apollonius |18 |139 |
|Biographies of Initiates |18 |141 |
|Similarity of Legends |18 |143 |
|Nature of Christ |18 |145 |
|A serious Mistranslation |18 |147 |
|Secret Doctrine of Jesus |18 |149 |
|The Cros and Crucifix |18 |151 |
|The Story of Jesus |18 |153 |
|The Primitive Woman |18 |155 |
|Kabalistic Reading of Gospels |18 |157 |
|Universal Teaching |18 |159 |
|St. Cyprian of Antioch |19 |160 |
|Magic in Antioch |19 |161 |
|Sorcerer become Saint |19 |163 |
|The Eastern Gupta Vidya and the Kabalah |20 |164 |
|A Mystery within a Mystery |20 |165 |
|Authorship of the "Zohar" |20 |167 |
|Chaldaic and Hebrew |20 |169 |
|The first Men |20 |171 |
|Many events not Historical |20 |173 |
|The real Hebrew Characters Lost |20 |175 |
|Hebrew Esotericism not Primitive |20 |177 |
|The Concealed of All the Concealed |20 |179 |
|Three-in-One and Four |20 |181 |
|The Septenary Sephira |20 |183 |
|The Blind Leading the Blind |20 |185 |
|Hebrew Allegories |21 |186 |
|The Hebrew Bibles does not Exist |21 |187 |
|Some Hebrews were Initiates |21 |189 |
|The Seven Creative Gods |21 |191 |
|Seven Keys to all Allegories |21 |193 |
|Gerald Massey on the Seven creators |21 |195 |
|The Father and Mother |21 |197 |
|The "Zohar" on Creation and the Elohim |22 |199 |
|Angels as Builders |22 |201 |
|Who are the Elohim? |22 |203 |
|Monad, Duad, and Triad |22 |205 |
|The Creative Gods |22 |207 |
|God the Host |22 |209 |
|What the Occultists and Kabalists have to Say |23 |211 |
|The Mystery of the Sun |23 |213 |
|Modern Kabalists in Science and Occult Astronomy |24 |215 |
|The Place of Neptune |24 |217 |
|Self-Generation ex-Nihilo |24 |219 |
|Are there Angels in Stars? |24 |221 |
|Eastern and Western Occultism |25 |222 |
|Primordial Matter |25 |223 |
|The Great Deep |25 |225 |
|The Chaos of Genesis |25 |227 |
|The Bible of Humanity |25 |229 |
|Chaos is Theos or Kosmos