MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF UKRAINE Kharkiv National Medical U ...

Physical-restoring exercises in regime of a day "unsupervised and individual
physical exercises";. - Be engaged in sport-citizen ..... Theme 12. Mastering and ...

Part of the document

Kharkiv National Medical University
???????????? ??????? ???????? ???????
??????????? ???????????? ???????? ??????????? METHODICAL MANUAL
For the foreign first-year medicals who are studying in English language ????????? ????????
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by academic council KhNMU
Protocol N___ from______________
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???????? N___ ??? ______________
KhNMU 2010
Methodical manual for physical education of foreign first-year medicals who
are studying in English language:/ Composers: A.G. Istomin, O.I. Galashko
and others - Kharkiv: KhNMU, 2010. - 26 p. ????????? ???????? ? ????????? ????????? ??? ?????????-????????? I ?????,
?? ?????????? ?? ??????????? ????:/ ??????????: ?.?. ???????, ?.?. ???????
?? ???? - ??????: ????, 2010. - 26 ?.
Composers: Galashko Oleksandr Ivanovich
Galashko Maxim Mikolayovich
Istomin Andriy Georgiyovich
Kamaiev Vladyslav Olegovich
Lapko Svitlana Vasilivna
Lukavenko Olena Genadiivna
Poruchikov Volodimir Volodimirovich
Selivanov Yevgen Victorovich
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????????? ????? ?????????? Reviewers: professor V.O. Gradusov, head of a chair of Olympic and
professional sport of KhSAPC;
professor L.V. Podrigalo, head of a chair of health-improving
and remedial gymnastic of KhNPU G.S. Skovorodi
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Physical education in higher educational establishments (HEE) of
Ukraine is an integral part of forming an overall and professional culture
of future specialist's personality. Physical education provides overall and
special callisthenics and is one of the basic means of forming of all-round
developed personality, preservation and strengthening of health,
optimization physical and psychophysiological state of students in the
vocational training of doctors.
Physical education in medical HEE is not only means for strengthening
of health, increasing of mental and physical capacity of students but
integral part of education and vocational training of future doctors.
Proceeding from conception of healthy way of living, a doctor should be
oriented not only on pathology but also on prophylactics of diseases, in
other words on health of healthy person. Nowadays graduating student of
medical HEE should become a propagandist of forming prestigiousness of
health and implement physical culture and its way of life of all sections
of the population. Medical HEE are supposed to train all-round developed
specialists, which have theoretical knowledge and practical abilities and
skills on how to apply different means of physical culture to their
medioprophylactic work. This is the only way to save healthy genofond of
Ukraine from physical extinction. In connection with this, «Physical
education and health» should be a priority discipline in training process
for medical personnel in HEE.
Educational program of discipline «Physical education» based on
conceptual frameworks of Ukrainian Low «About physical culture and sport»;
Law of Ukraine «About high education»: enactment of the Ministry of Ukraine
from 15.11.2006 N 1594 «About approval of governmental program of
development of physical culture and sport for 2007-2011» and other
normatively-legal documents.
Main purpose of discipline «Physical education» - to identify the
standard of physical education, proper minimal level of mandatory education
for students who study in higher medical education establishments and get
qualification - «bachelor», «specialist», «master's degree». All main
regulations of the discipline "Physical training" are tested in higher
education establishments of III-IV levels of accreditation of Ministry of
Health of Ukraine.
Purpose of physical education of students of higher medical education
establishments is training of future specialists for high productive work,
inculcate the need of systematic physical exercises for maintenance of
proper physical and psychological state depending on psychophysiological
loads and with accounting of characteristics of their future professional
activity, improvement of health and also acquirement of abilities and
skills for application of various means of physical culture in future
prophylactic-therapeutic activity and forming prestige of health within all
sections of population.
Final purpose of educational discipline "Physical education and health"
of higher medical education establishments follows from the purpose of
educational and professional education of graduating students and
determinates by content of theoretical knowledge, methodical preparedness,
practical abilities and skills, which doctor-specialist should have.
Final purpose of educational discipline is formulated accordingly to
educationally professional program (EPP) and educationally-qualification
characteristics (EQC):
1. Maintain, develop and improve a functional state of own organism.
2. Demonstrate understanding of principles of physical culture.
A student masters mandatory practical skills:
- to master technique of performance of basic motor skills and
- to master self-control skills;
- to settle basis of healthy way of living;
- to know basics of professionally-applied vocational training and
skills and be able to apply them to practice;
- to be able to apply a systematic physical training of health
improving or sport orientation;
- execution of running check tests and so on.
Tasks of physical education:
- saving and strengthening health of students, promote to form healthy
way of living;
- cultivate among students a need of systematic physical exercises
with accounting of
peculiarity of their professional activity and physical self-
- mastering an evaluation methodic of physical development, functional
state and self
control while perform physical exercises;
- acquirement of motor skills and abilities;
- sportsmanship improvement of students-athletes.
Content of educational program
Programmed material of physical education is composed of methodical and
practical parts.
Methodical part provides for knowledge by students principles of
composing complexes overall-developing exercises, correcting and
professionally applied gymnastic, mastering methods for self-control of
functional state of organism during physical exercises process, provide
execution of tasks, which contains practical activity of students.
Practical part of program includes education material directed on
development and improvement of physical qualities, indices improvement of
functional state of organism, mastering motor skills and abilities, sport-
technical and professional-applied skills, mastering methods of self-
control for functional state of organism during process of application of
physical exercises, organization and refereeing of sport and physical
health improving arrangements.
Physical education of students implements during studies and in
unsupervised work (UW). Studies conducted by a teacher of physical culture
accordingly to curriculum.
- Doing of homework for physical training and so on.
Studies of physical educational at the end of each year should be ended
with competitions in widespread kinds of sports in HEE and also by taking
control tests.
Forms of unsupervised work for student:
- Physical exercises and different forms of physical culture and sports
during educational day;
- Physical-restoring exercises in regime of a day "unsupervised and
individual physical exercises";
- Be engaged in sport-citizen clubs for sports;
- Be engaged in sport exercises within sport sections of HEE under
guidance of trainers and teachers;
- Be engaged in sport section, established on the course, faculty under
guidance of teachers or students-athletes;
- Be engaged in sport sections domiciliary of students (in hostels);
- Be engaged in groups of overall physical education;
- Be engaged in preparatory and special medical groups;
- Be engaged in physical health improving sport camps;
- Mass physical health improving arrangeme