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(WITH EFFECT FROM THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-10) The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur shall confer
M.C.A Post Graduate degree to candidates who are admitted to the Master of
Computer Applications Programs and fulfill all the requirements for the
award of the degree. 1.0 ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSIONS:
Admission to the above programme shall be made subject to the eligibility,
qualifications and specialization prescribed by the University for each
programme, from time to time. 1. Admissions shall be made either on the basis of merit rank obtained by
the qualified candidates at an Entrance Test conducted by the
University or on the basis of ICET score, subject to reservations
prescribed by the University or Government policies from time to time. 2. COURSE WORK:
1. A Candidate after securing admission must pursue the M.C.A course of
study for Six Semesters duration.
2. Each semester shall be of 20 weeks duration including all
3. A candidate admitted to a programme should complete it within a period
equal to twice the prescribed duration of the programme from the date
of admission. 3. ATTENDANCE:
1. A candidate shall be deemed to have eligibility to write end semester
examinations if he has put in at least 75% of attendance on cumulative
basis of all subjects/courses in the semester.
2. Condonation of shortage of attendance up to 10% i.e., from 65% and
above and less than 75% may be given by the college on the
recommendation of the Principal.
3. Condonation of shortage of attendance shall be granted only on genuine
and valid reasons on representation by the candidate with supporting
4. If the candidate does not satisfy the attendance requirement he is
detained for want of attendance and shall reregister for that semester.
He / she shall not be promoted to the next semester.
The performance of the candidate in each semester shall be evaluated
subject wise, with a maximum of 100 marks for Theory and 100 marks for
practicals, on the basis of Internal Evaluation and End Semester
1. For the theory subjects 60% of the marks will be for the External End
Examination. While 40% of the marks will be for Internal Evaluation,
based on the better of the marks secured in the two Mid Term-
Examinations held, one in the middle of the Semester (I-IV units) and
another immediately after the completion of instruction (V-VIII) units
with Three questions to be answered out of four in 2 hours, evaluated
for 40 marks.
*Note: All the Questions shall have equal weightage of 10 marks and the
marks obtained for 3 questions shall be extrapolated to 40 marks, any
fraction rounded off to the next higher mark.
2. For practical subjects, 60 marks shall be for the End Semester
Examinations and 40 marks will be for internal evaluation based on the
day to day performance.
3. For Seminar there will be an internal evaluation of 50 marks. A
candidate has to secure a minimum of 50% to be declared successful. The
assessment will be made by a board consisting of HOD and two internal
experts at the end of VI semester instruction.
4. A candidate shall be deemed to have secured the minimum academic
requirement in a subject if he secures a minimum of 40% of marks in the
End Examination and a minimum aggregate of 50% of the total marks in
the End Semester Examination and Internal Evaluation taken together.
5. In case the candidate does not secure the minimum academic requirement
in any subject(as specified in 4.4) he has to reappear for the Semester
Examination either supplementary or regular in that subject, or repeat
the course when next offered or do any other specified subject as may
be required.
Following are the conditions to avail the benefit of improvement of
internal evaluation marks. 1. The candidate should have completed the course work and obtained
examinations results for all six semesters pending Project work
2. He should have passed all the subjects for which the Internal
evaluation marks secured are more than 50%.
3. Out of the subjects the candidate has failed in the examination due to
Internal evaluation marks being secured being less than 50%, the
candidate shall be given one chance for each Theory subject and for a
maximum of three Theory subjects for Improvement of Internal evaluation
4. The candidate has to re-register for the chosen subjects and fulfill
the academic requirements.
5. For each subject, the candidate has to pay a fee equivalent to one
third of the semester tuition fee and the amount is to be remitted in
the form of D.D. in favour of 'the Registrar, JNTUA' payable at
Anantapur along with the requisition through the Principal of the
respective college.
6. In the event of availing the Improvement of Internal evaluation marks,
the internal evaluation marks as well as the End Examinations marks
secured in the previous attempt(s) for the reregistered subjects stand
Every candidate shall be required to submit thesis or dissertation
after taking up a topic approved by the college/ institute.
1. Registration of Project work: A candidate is permitted to register for
the project work after satisfying the attendance
requirement of all the courses (theory and practical
courses of I to V Sem)
2. An Internal Departmental Committee (I.D.C) consisting of HOD,
Supervisor and one internal senior expert shall monitor the progress of
the project work.
3. The work on the project shall be initiated in the penultimate semester
and continued in the final semester. The candidate can submit Project
thesis with the approval of I.D.C. at the end of the VI semester
Instruction as per the schedule. Extension of time within the total
permissible limit for completing the programme is to be obtained from
the Head of the Institution.
4. The student must submit status report at least in two different phases
during the project work period. These reports must be approved by the
I.D.C before submission of the Project Report.
5. The viva-voce examination may be conducted for all the candidates as
per the VI semester examination schedule.
6. Three copies of the Thesis / Dissertation certified in the prescribed
from by the supervisor and HOD shall be presented to the H.OD. One copy
is to be forwarded to the University and one copy to be sent to the
7. The college shall submit a panel of three experts for a maximum of
every 5 students. However, the viva voce examiners will be nominated by
the University.
8. If the report of the examiner is favorable viva-voce examination shall
be conducted by a board consisting of the Supervisor, Head of the
Department and the examiner who adjudicated the thesis / dissertation.
The board shall jointly report candidates work as:
1. Very Good Grade A
2. Good Grade B
3. Satisfactory Grade C
4. Not satisfactory Grade D
If the report of the viva-voce is not satisfactory (Grade D) the
candidate will retake the viva-voce examination after three months. If
he fails to get a satisfactory report at the second viva-voce
examination he will not be eligible for the award of the degree unless
the candidate is permitted to revise and resubmit the thesis. AWARD OF DEGREE AND CLASS:
A candidate shall be eligible for the award of respective degree if he
satisfies the minimum academic requirements in every subject, Seminar and
secures 'satisfactory' or higher grade report on his thesis/dissertation
and viva-voce. Based on overall percentage of marks obtained, the
following class is awarded.
First class with Distinction: 70% or more
First class below 70% but not
less than 60%
Second class below 60% but not less than 50% WITH - HOLDING OF RESULTS:
If the candidate has not paid dues to the university or if any case of in-
discipline is pending against him, the result of the candidate shall be
withheld and he will not be allowed / promoted into the next higher
semester. The issue of degree is liable to be withheld in such cases. TRANSITORY REGULATIONS:
Candidates who have discontinued or have been detained for want of
attendance or who have failed after having undergone the course in earlier
regulations and wish to continue the course are eligible for admission
into the unfinished semester from the date of commencement of class work
with the same or equivalent subjects as and when subjects are offered,
subject to 4.5 and 2.3 sections. GENERAL:
i. The academic regulations should be read as a whole for purpose of any
ii. Disciplinary action for Malpractice/improper conduct in examinations is
iii. There shall be no places t