Top line of doc - Division of Administration

Orphan?a person who does not live with either parent because the parent(s) is/
are dead or has/have abandoned him or the parental rights of the parent(s) has/
have ..... c. beginning with the fall semester, quarter, or term of the 2013-2014
award year, the tuition amount as of August 1, 2013, published by the
postsecondary ...

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Part III. Proprietary Schools1 Chapter 1. General Provisions 1
§101. Citation and Abbreviation 1
§103. Definitions 1
§105. Proprietary Schools Law and the Administrative Procedure Act
Incorporated 2
§107. Computation of Time 2
Chapter 3. Procedures 2
Subchapter A. General Procedural Rules 2
§301. Initiation of Proceedings 2
Subchapter B. Pleadings 3
§303. Petition to Adopt, Amend or Repeal a Rule 3
Subchapter C. Citation and Production of Evidence for Rule-Making
Procedures 3
§305. Voluntary Submission of Evidence 3
Subchapter D. Public Hearings 3
§307. Adjudication 3
Subchapter E. Declaratory Orders and Rulings 4
§309. Declaratory Orders and Rulings 4
Chapter 5. License Requirements 4
§501. Applications 4
§503. Student Protection Fund 5
§505. Affidavits 5
§507. Surety Bond 5
§509. Other Provisions Concerning License 5
§511. Denial of Recommendation of License and Commission Hearing 5
§513. Revocation of License 5
Chapter 7. Personnel Affidavits/Permits 6
§701. Completion of Affidavits by Non-Instructional
Personnel/Instructional Personnel 6
§703. Solicitor Application, Bonds, Renewal, Denial, and Revocation 6
Chapter 9. Proprietary Schools Applications 7
§901. Initial License or Change of Ownership License Procedures 7
§903. License Renewal 8
§905. Associate in Occupational Studies (AOS) Degree Application 9
Chapter 11. Student Protection Fund 9
§1101. Policies and Procedures 9
Chapter 13. Advertising Rules for Proprietary Schools 10
§1301. Advertising Rules 10
Chapter 15. Violations 10
§1501. Authority, Investigation, and Sanctions 10
Chapter 17. Student Complaint Procedure 12
§1701. Policies, Conciliation, Conference, Hearing, and Review 12
Chapter 19. Student Records 13
§1901. General Policies 13
§1903. Transfer of Student Records 13
§1905. Penalties 13
Chapter 21. Exceptions 13
§2101. Board Authority 13
Chapter 23. Forms 14
§2301. Proprietary Schools Licensure Forms 14 Part IV. Student Financial Assistance(Higher Education
Scholarship and Grant Programs Chapter 1. Scope 17
§101. Introduction 17
§103. Purpose 17
§105. Effective Date 17
§107. Authority to Audit 18
§109. Discrimination Prohibition 18
§111. Criminal Penalties 18
§113. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) 18
Chapter 3. Definitions 19
§301. Definitions 19
Chapter 5. Applications, Federal Grant Aid and ACT Test 28
§501. Initial Application 28
§502. Consent Required to Process Applications and Deadlines 29
§503. Application Deadlines for High School Graduates of 2003 and
Earlier 30
§504. Out-of-State and Out-of-Country High School Graduates and
Eligible Non-Graduates 31
§505. Application Deadlines for High School Graduates and Home Study
Completers of 2004 and
Later and Eligible Non-Graduates 31
§506. Proof of Compliance 35
§507. Final Deadline for Submitting Documentation of Eligibility 36
§509. ACT Testing Deadline 38
Chapter 7. Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS) Opportunity,
Performance, and
Honors Awards 39
§701. General Provisions 39
§703. Establishing Eligibility 42
§705. Maintaining Eligibility 57
Chapter 8. TOPS-Tech Award 60
§801. General Provisions 60
§803. Establishing Eligibility 60
§805. Maintaining Eligibility 65
Chapter 9. TOPS Teacher Award 66
§901. General Provisions 66
§903. Establishing Eligibility 67
§905. Selection Criteria 68
§907. Maintaining Eligibility 68
§909. Completion of Promissory Note and Acceptance of Award 68
§911. Discharge of Obligation 69
Chapter 10. TOPS-Tech Early Start Award 69
§1001. General Provisions 69
§1003. Definitions 70
§1005. Establishing Eligibility 70
§1007. Maintaining Eligibility 70
§1009. Responsibilities of LOSFA 70
§1011. Responsibilities of High Schools 71
§1013. Responsibilities of Louisiana Public and Nonpublic Postsecondary
Institutions and Approved Training Providers 71
§1015. Responsibilities of the Workforce Investment Council 71
§1017. Responsibilities of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary
Education (BESE) 71
Chapter 11. Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship 71
§1101. General Provisions 71
§1103. Establishing Eligibility 72
§1105. Selection Criteria 74
§1107. Maintaining Eligibility 74
§1109. Acceptance of Award 74
§1111. Discharge of Obligation for Recipients First Accepting an Award
through the 2009-2010 Academic Year 74
Chapter 12. Louisiana GO Grant 75
§1201. General Provisions 75
§1203. Definitions 76
§1205. Initial Eligibility 77
§1207. Continuing Eligibility 77
§1209. Responsibilities of Eligible Louisiana Institutions [Formerly
§1211] 77
§1213. Responsibilities of LOSFA 79
§1215. Responsibilities of the Louisiana Board of Regents 79
Chapter 13. Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP) 79
§1301. General Provisions 79
§1303. Establishing Eligibility 80
§1305. Maintaining Eligibility 81
§1307. Annual Application for Participation in, and Certification of
Recipients of the LEAP Program 81
Chapter 14. Early Start Program 81
§1401. General Provisions 81
§1403. Definitions 82
§1405. Establishing Eligibility 82
§1407. Continuing Enrollment 84
§1409. Responsibilities of High Schools and School Boards and Parents
of Home School Students 84
§1413. Responsibilities of Eligible Louisiana Postsecondary
Institutions 84
§1415. Responsibilities of the Louisiana Board of Regents 85
§1417. Responsibilities of LOSFA 85
Chapter 15. Grant Opportunity for Youth ChalleNGe Skills Training Program
§1501. General Provisions 86
§1503. Establishing Initial Eligibility 86
§1505. Deadline to Enroll as a Full-Time Student 87
§1507. Maintaining Eligibility 87
§1509. Responsibilities of the State Military Department (SMD) 87
§1511. Responsibilities of LOSFA 88
§1513. Funding Shortfall 88
Chapter 16. Health Care Educator Loan Forgiveness Program 88
§1601. General Provisions 88
§1603. Definitions 88
§1605. Participation in the Program 89
§1607. Exceptions to Program Requirements 89
§1609. Discharge of Obligation 90
§1611. Responsibilities of Program Fund Recipients 91
§1613. Responsibilities of Participating Institutions 91
§1615. Responsibilities of the Louisiana Board of Regents 91
§1617. Responsibilities of LOSFA 91
Chapter 17. Responsibilities of High Schools, School Boards, Special School
Governing Boards, the Louisiana Department of Education and the Louisiana
Board of Regents on Behalf of
Eligible Non-Louisiana High Schools 92
§1701. Eligibility of Graduates Based upon the High School Attended 92
§1703. High School's Certification of Student Achievement 93
§1705. Notification of Certified Students 96
Chapter 18. Chafee Educational and Training Voucher Program 97
§1801. General Provisions 97
§1803. Definitions 97
§1805. Eligibility 98
§1807. Eligibility of Institutions of Higher Education 98
§1809. Responsibilities of Participating Institutions of Higher
Education 98
§1813. Responsibilities of the Louisiana Department of Children and
Family Services (DCFS) 99
§1817. Responsibilities of LOSFA 99
§1819. Responsibilities of LASFAC 99
Responsibilities of the Louisiana Board of Regents 99
Chapter 19. Eligibility and Responsibilities of Post-Secondary Institutions
§1901. Eligibility of Post-Secondary Institutions to Participate 99
§1903. Responsibilities of Post-Secondary Institutions 100
Chapter 20. John R. Justice Student Grant Program 103
§2001. General Provisions 103
§2003. Definitions 104
§2005. Eligibility 104
§2007. Applicable Deadlines 105
§2011. Responsibilities of LOSFA 105
§2013. Responsibilities of the Louisiana Board of Regents 105
Chapter 21. Miscellaneous Provisions and Exceptions 105
§2101. Academic Suspension of Awards and Reinstatement 105
§2103. Circumstances Warranting Exception to the Initial and Continuous
Enrollment Requirements 105
§2105. Repayment Obligation, Deferment, Cancellation and Reduced
Payments 110
§2107. Funding and Fees 113
§2109. Agency Decisions Subject to Appeal 114
§2113. Revision of the Core Curricula 115
§2115. Procedures for Disabled Students and Exceptional Children
Chapter 23. Tuition Payment Program for Medical School Students 116
§2301. General Provisions 116
§2303. Establishing Eligibility 116
§2305. Application Process and Selection Criteria 117
§2307. Award Amount 117
§2309. Maintaining Eligibility 117
§2311. Completion of Promissory Note and Acceptance of Award 118
§2313. Discharge of Obligation 118 Part V. Student Financial Assistance(Higher Education Loan Program Chapter 2. Bylaws of the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance
Advisory Board 121
Subchapter A. Purpose and Authority 121
§201. Purpose of the Advisory Board 121
§203. Authority of the Advisory Board 121
Subchapter B. Meetings 121