You will teach balanced, effective classes like a master if ... - Les Mills

Agenda Item 2 ? JAMP and Contracting Parties' evolving monitoring as drivers for
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.... A LMS neutral red exercise was held in Sweden with predominantly Nordic ...

Part of the document

CONTRIBUTORS Dr Jackie Mills B Phys Ed, MBCh B, Dip Obstetrics
Creative Director, Les Mills International Ltd Janine Phillips
Former Head BODYBALANCE National Trainer, Les Mills New Zealand Emma Barry B Phys Ed
Creative Director, Les Mills International Ltd Maureen Baker ISTD, MBBO, Dip CR
Training Director, Les Mills International Ltd Bryce Hastings Adv Dip Phys, MNZSP
Les Mills International Technical Consultant Liz Marcus BA Lib, IYTA, Dip Nat Therapies
Former Technical Consultant, Les Mills International Ltd Vincent Bolletta Dip Sports Sci
Technical Consultant for BODYBALANCE, Les Mills New Zealand Molly Fox
Former BODYBALANCE Choreographer, Les Mills International Ltd Phillip Mills BA
Creative Director, Les Mills International Ltd Steven Renata MCom
Agency Support Manager and International Master Trainer, Les Mills
International Ltd Greg Hurst Dip Phys Ed, Dip Health Ed Ann-See Yeoh M Med Sci, BA (Hons)
UK National Trainer and Assessor, Fitness Professionals Ltd, UK Ani Brunet BA/LLB (Hons)
Group Fitness Training Manager, Les Mills New Zealand Barbara Hastings-Asatourian MSc, BNurs, RN, RM, RHV, Cert Ed
Senior Lecturer, University of Salford, England, and holds an Honorary
Senior Fellowship in Public Health at the University of Manchester, England
Garry Hart BA
Training Director, Les Mills Asia Pacific (LMAP), BODYBALANCE Master
Trainer, LMAP Bridget Armstrong MHSc (Hons), Postgrad Dip Phys, MNZSP, MNZMPA
Education Manager, Les Mills International Ltd © 2006 Les Mills International Limited. All rights reserved. No part of
this document may be used, stored or reproduced in any form or by any means
without prior written permission from LMI International Limited. Requests
and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Les
Mills International Limited, 150 Victoria Street West, Auckland, New
Zealand, PO Box 91137, Auckland Mail Centre. Telephone +64 (09) 366-9900.
First published 1999, revised 2001 and 2004
Report Coordinator: Bridget Armstrong
Word Processing Software - This document has been created using Word 2000.
Table of contents
Message from Phillip Mills 1
Welcome to Les Mills 2
The 5 Key Elements to packing classes 5
Les Mills Culture 9
Choreography to WOW! Your Classes 12
BODYBALANCE Choreography 16
Role-Model Technique 22
BODYBALANCE Technique 24
The BODYBALANCE Exercises: Tai Chi Warmup 26
The BODYBALANCE Exercises: Sun Salutations 36
The BODYBALANCE Exercises: Standing Strength 44
The BODYBALANCE Exercises: Balance 49
The BODYBALANCE Exercises: Hip Openers 54
The BODYBALANCE Exercises: Core - Abdominals 59
The BODYBALANCE Exercises: Core - Back 69
The BODYBALANCE Exercises: Twists 76
The BODYBALANCE Exercises: Forward Bends - Hamstrings 81
The BODYBALANCE Exercises: Relaxation and Meditation 87
Worksheet: Role Model Technique to Pack Classes 91
Worksheet: Day 1 Checklist 92
Worksheet: Day 1 Journal 93
Coaching Mastery 95
Coaching to Pack BODYBALANCE Classes 99
Instructor Scripting Sheet 105
Worksheet: Mind Map 106
Connecting 107
Worksheet: Connecting Mind Map 111
Creating Fitness Magic 113
Worksheet: Creating Magic Mind Map 119
BODYBALANCE Introductory Classes 120
Pregnancy & Post-Natal Considerations 124
Pregnancy Exercise Guide 128
Les Mills Quality Assurance 130
Assessment Self-Analysis Form 133
Assessment Cover Sheet 134
Instructor Assessment Form 135
Introduction to Yoga 138
Introduction to Tai Chi 140
Introduction to Pilates 142
Ongoing Team Training 143
Worksheet: Day 2 Checklist 147
Worksheet: Day 2 Journal 148
Instructor Action Plan 149
"Focus on BODYBALANCE" Brochure 150
Message from Phillip Mills People these days are getting busier and busier. We currently work 30% more
hours than we did in the 1960s. As we become busier we no longer have time
for traditional sports and leisure activities. We don't exercise, we eat
fast food and we get fat. In families, typically both parents work and
don't have time to take the kids to play sports. So the kids eat junk food
and play computer games and they get fat too. Obesity is predicted to be the number one health problem of this century.
It is growing at epidemic proportions and isn't predicted to peak until the
next decade. At the other end of the scale, however, is a growing group who know we have
to do something about this. The number of people using health-clubs in most
developed nations has doubled over the past 10-15 years. Partially driven
by people's time constraints, going to the gym is becoming the biggest
'sport' in the Western world. For us in the fitness industry, the challenge has been to replace the fun
and camaraderie that were previously created by traditional sports
activities. Until recently, going to the gym had been a pretty uninspiring
experience. If we go back 20 years, for instance, standard gym activities
like riding an exercise bike were tedious and boring. Over time, the
equipment got better and we saw innovations like the cardio theatre. Riding
our exercise bike became less boring, but it remained something of a chore. Then in the 1990s came a major change. Aerobics, which had bubbled away in
a niche through the '80s, became the Group Fitness revolution. Suddenly you
could ride your bike in a social environment with inspiring music and a
great instructor to motivate you. The same thing happened with weight-
training, martial arts, yoga, dance classes and a host of other activities.
Instead of being a chore, this new way of training became something that
people loved and wanted more and more. At Les Mills we have been passionately devoted to creating this revolution
for over 25 years. We welcome you to the team and hope you will share our
passion for the cause. As Group Fitness instructors you bring health,
community and magic to people's lives. What you do is very, very important. Kia ora tena koutou. Arohanui. Welcome and good luck. [pic] Phillip Mills
Les Mills International It's about you...
Creating life-changing fitness experiences everytime, everywhere Said another way, you are responsible for the environment to promote
positive change for your participants. And change can come in many forms -
big and small. Getting a result, caring for health, feeling great, escaping
everyday life or simply enjoying music and movement with others. Your job is to make sure this happens every time you teach, every place you
teach, wherever you are in the world.
Never been on stage? Just started teaching? Have courage. You are beginning an exhilarating journey and you will be
supported every step of the way.
Been teaching a while? Months? Years? Decades! Become a beginner again. Take a risk. Step outside your comfort zone.
Explore new ways to become better at your craft. Regardless of your background, you are joining a passionate group of people
committed to health, fitness and fun.
Welcome to Les Mills. Be a Leader Changing the world takes bold people, leaders. And the best leaders don't
talk about it, or even do it - they live the path. We share an ethic in the
Les Mills Creed:
We are the warriors in the battle against sedentary lifestyle We are here for the people in our classes We honor our program, our peers and our club We keep ourselves in peak physical condition We love music and exercise We welcome feedback We create magic fitness experiences We strive to be star performers and remain team players By inspiring positive change in our classes we can change the world To change the world you need to teach from a place of strength. Our job is
to help you get there. Together we can make great things happen. Are you
Think BIG. Keep the spirit alive. Keep writing until you reach the end of the page.
So what are your strengths?
What are you passionate about?
How well do you communicate with people?
What is your story? Your experience of exercise so far...
What changes do you dream of making? Your measure of success Let's face it - the ultimate test of successful group fitness teaching is
big class numbers. Your job is to grow class numbers, reaching as many
people as possible - one class at a time, one person at a time. You'll know you're there when your classes are packed!
The 5 Key Elements to packing classes 1. Choreography to WOW! your class 2. Role model Technique 3. Coaching mastery 4. Connecting 5. Creating Fitness Magic [pic] [pic] I think the biggest challenge for me out of the 5 Key Elements will be...
Nail the basics Les Mills programs deliver a result. Your specific role is to deliver safe,
effective classes. To do this you must satisfy some basic teaching skills.
These form your criteria for assessment.
Find your way to greatness Your road to great teaching is a personal one. You have unique strengths
and must teach from these. But don't stop there - take the many
opportunities within the Les Mills system to stretch yourself. Great
instructors have a huge repertoire of skills they draw from. Build yours so
you can bring more of yourself on stage.
Use this resource to develop your skills This book is the beginning of a conversation. Inside you'll find concepts
that have served many instructors over the decades and can help you become
a powerful instructor. This is a great resource to revisit. Your career unfolds in many ways.
Sometimes you'll just need a reminder of the basics. Other times you'll be
ready to extend your skills. Or simply remember why you love what you do!
So grab a pen and fill in the gaps... Notes Haka and Hongi - Maori traditions in the Les Mills culture Many of the original Les Mills trainers h