Gonzaga Debate Institute 2009 1 Gordon/Lacy/Symonds Hyde ...

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Part of the document

Hyde Amendment Aff Abortion 1AC - Women's Rights/Racism 3
Abortion 1AC - Modular Advantages 16
Abortion 1AC - Critical 25
Topicality - Social Services 35
Topicality - Persons Living in Poverty (1/2) 36
Topicality - Persons Living in Poverty (2/2) 37
Inherency - Hyde Amendment Now (1/2) 38
Inherency - Hyde Amendment Now (2/2) 39
Population Control - I/L: Abortion (1/4) 40
Population Control - I/L: Abortion (2/4) 41
Population Control - I/L: Abortion (3/4) 42
Population Control - I/L: Abortion (4/4) 43
Population Control - Impact (1/4) 44
Population Control - Impact (2/4) 45
Population Control - Impact (3/4) 46
Population Control - Impact (4/4) 47
Population Control - US Key (1/3) 48
Population Control - US Key (2/3) 49
Population Control - US Key (3/3) 50
Population Control - A2: Simon (1/4) 51
Population Control - A2: Simon (2/4) 52
Population Control - A2: Simon (3/4) 53
Population Control - A2: Simon (4/4) 54
Population Control - A2: Underpopulation Worse (1/2) 55
Population Control - A2: Underpopulation Worse (2/2) 56
Racism/Classism - I/L: Hyde Racist 57
Racism/Classism - I/L: Hyde Classist (1/7) 58
Racism/Classism - I/L: Hyde Classist (2/7) 59
Racism/Classism - I/L: Hyde Classist (3/7) 60
Racism/Classism - I/L: Hyde Classist (4/7) 61
Racism/Classism - I/L: Hyde Classist (5/7) 62
Racism/Classism - I/L: Hyde Classist (6/7) 63
Racism/Classism - I/L: Hyde Classist (7/7) 64
Racism/Classism - Plan Solves 65
Racism/Classism - Impact: Racism (1/2) 66
Racism/Classism - Impact: Racism (2/2) 67
Racism/Classism - Impact: Classism (1/2) 68
Racism/Classism - Impact: Classism (2/2) 69
Racism/Classism -- A2: Abortion Racist 70
Racism/Classism - A2: Pro-Life Criticism 71
Unwanted - Abortion Decreases Crime (1/2) 72
Unwanted - Abortion Decreases Crime (2/2) 73
Unwanted - Impact: Poor Unfortunate Souls (1/3) 74
Unwanted - Impact: Poor Unfortunate Souls (2/3) 75
Unwanted - Impact: Poor Unfortunate Souls (3/3) 76
Patriarchy - Inherency (1/2) 77
Patriarchy - Inherency (2/2) 78
Patriarchy -- I/L: Hyde Amendment (1/4) 79
Patriarchy - I/L: Hyde Amendment (2/4) 80
Patriarchy - I/L: Hyde Amendment (3/4) 81
Patriarchy - I/L: Hyde Amendment (4/4) 82
Patriarchy -- Plan Solves (1/4) 83
Patriarchy - Plan Solves (2/4) 84
Patriarchy - Plan Solves (3/4) 85
Patriarchy - Plan Solves (4/4) 86
Patriarchy - Impact: Try or Die 87
Patriarchy - Impact: Womyn 88
Patriarchy - Impact: War (1/6) 89
Patriarchy - Impact: War (2/6) 90
Patriarchy - Impact: War (3/6) 91
Patriarchy - Impact: War (4/6) 92
Patriarchy - Impact: War (5/6) 93
Patriarchy - Impact: War (6/6) 94
Biopower - I/L: Anti-Abortion 95
Biopower - I/L: Hyde Amendment 96
Biopower - I/L: Conventional Views of Womyn 97
Biopower - Impact: Reduces People (1/2) 98
Biopower - Impact: Reduces People (2/2) 99
Biopower - Impact: Violence/War 100
Biopower - Impact: Extinction 101
Biopower -- Discouse Shapes Identity 102
Humyn Rights - I/L: Hyde Amendment 103
Humyn Rights - Global Leadership (1/3) 104
Humyn Rights - Global Leadership (2/3) 105
Humyn Rights - Global Leadership (3/3) 106
Humyn Rights - I/L: Reproductive Freedom 107
Humyn Rights - I/L: Reproductive Freedom 108
Humyn Rights - I/L: Reproductive Freedom 109
Humyn Rights - Plan Solves (1/3) 110
Humyn Rights - Plan Solves (2/3) 111
Humyn Rights - Plan Solves (3/3) 112
Humyn Rights - Impact: Reduces Womyn (1/2) 113
Humyn Rights - Impact: Reduces Womyn (2/2) 114
Humyn Rights - Impact: Womyn's Rights (1/7) 115
Humyn Rights - Impact: Womyn's Rights (2/7) 116
Humyn Rights - Impact: Womyn's Rights (3/7) 117
Humyn Rights - Impact: Womyn's Rights (4/7) 118
Humyn Rights - Impact: Womyn's Rights (5/7) 119
Humyn Rights - Impact: Womyn's Rights (6/7) 120
Humyn Rights - Impact: Womyn's Rights (7/7) 121
Humyn Rights - Impact: Freedom (1/2) 122
Humyn Rights - Impact: Freedom (2/2) 123
Humyn Rights - Impact: Reproductive Freedom (1/6) 124
Humyn Rights - Impact: Reproductive Freedom (2/6) 125
Humyn Rights - Impact : Reproductive Freedom (3/6) 126
Humyn Rights - Impact: Reproductive Freedom (4/6) 127
Humyn Rights - Impact: Reproductive Freedom (5/6) 128
Humyn Rights - Impact: Reproductive Freedom (6/6) 129
Humyn Rights - Impacts Outweigh (1/2) 130
Humyn Rights - Impacts Outweigh (2/2) 131
Heteronormativity - I/L: Abortion (1/3) 132
Heteronormativity - I/L: Abortion (2/3) 133
Heteronormativity - I/L: Abortion (3/3) 134
Heteronormativity -- Plan Solves (1/2) 135
Heteronormativity - Plan Solves (2/2) 136
Heteronormativity - Impact (1/4) 137
Heteronormativity - Impact (2/4) 138
Heteronormativity - Impact (3/4) 139
Heteronormativity - Impact (4/4) 140
Abortion Good - Laundry List 141
Abortion Good - Spending (1/2) 142
Abortoin Good - Spending (2/2) 143
Abortion Good - Utilitarianism 144
Abortion Good - Mother > Fetus 145
Abortion Good - Mother> Fetus 146
Abortion Good - Mother> Fetus 147
Abortion Good -- Impact: Morality/Choice (1/3) 148
Abortion Good - Impact: Morality/Choice (2/3) 149
Abortion Good -- Impact: Morality/Choice (3/3) 150
A2: Abortion Bad -- Abortion Inevitable (1/4) 151
A2: Abortion Bad - Abortion Inevitable (2/4) 152
A2: Abortion Bad - Abortion Inevitable (3/4) 153
A2: Abortion Bad - Abortion Inevitable (4/4) 154
A2: Abortion Bad - Murder (1/4) 155
A2: Abortion Bad - Murder (2/4) 156
A2: Abortion Bad - Murder (3/4) 157
A2: Abortion Bad - Murder (4/4) 158
A2: Abortion Bad - Religion (1/5) 159
A2: Abortion Bad - Religion (2/5) 160
A2: Abortion Bad - Religion (3/5) 161
A2: Abortion Bad - Religion (4/5) 162
A2: Abortion Bad - Religion (5/5) 163
A2: Abortion Bad - Trauma (1/4) 164
A2: Abortion Bad - Trauma (2/4) 165
A2: Abortion Bad - Trauma (3/4) 166
A2: Abortion Bad - Trauma (4/4) 167
A2: Abortion Bad - Womyn's Health (1/2) 168
A2: Abortion Bad - Womyn's Health (2/2) 169
A2: Abortion Bad - Cloning 170
A2: Abortion Bad - Stem Cell Research (1/2) 171
A2: Abortion Bad - Stem Cell Research (2/2) 172
A2: Abortion Bad - Haters (1/2) 173
A2: Abortion Bad - Haters (2/2) 174
A2: Abortion Bad - Stigma (1/2) 175
A2: Abortion Bad - Stigma (2/2) 176
A2: Abortion Bad - Eugenics 177
Plan Solves - General (1/2) 178
Plan Solves - General (2/2) 179
Plan Solves - Questioning 180
Plan Solves - Societal Violence 181
A2: States CP - Hyde Amendment is a Symbol (1/2) 182
A2: States CP - Hyde Amendment is a Symbol (2/2) 183
A2: States CP - Fed Key (1/3) 184
A2: States CP - Fed Key (2/3) 185
A2: States CP - Fed Key (3/3) 186
A2: States CP - Fed Key (Prisons) 187
A2: States CP - Perm Do Both 188
A2: States CP - General (1/6) 189
A2: States CP - General (2/6) 190
A2: States CP - General (3/6) 191
A2: States CP - General (4/6) 192
A2: States CP - General (5/6) 193
A2: States CP - General (6/6) 194
A2: States CP - Budget Deficits (1/2) 195
A2: States CP - Budget Deficits (2/2) 196
A2: States CP - California DA (1/6) 197
A2: States CP - California DA (2/6) 198
A2: States CP - California DA (3/6) 199
A2: States CP - California DA (4/6) 200
A2: States CP - California DA (5/6) 201
A2: States CP - California DA (6/6) 202
A2: States CP - Illinois (1/3) 203
A2: States CP - Illinois (2/3) 204
A2: States CP - Illinois (3/3) 205
A2: States CP - Arizona 206
A2: Contraceptives CP 207
A2: Private Donor CP 208
A2: Courts CP-Abortion/Women's Rights 209
A2: Courts CP - Abortion/ Women's Rights 210
A2: Courts CP - General Solvency 211
A2: Courts CP - General Solvency 212
A2: Courts CP - General Solvency 213
A2: Courts CP - General Solvency 214
A2: Courts CP - Movements DA 216
A2: Courts CP - Separation of Powers DA (1/2) 217
A2: Courts CP -- Separation of Powers DA (2/2) 218
A2: Capitalism K 219
War Reps (1/3) 220
War Reps (2/3) 221
War Reps (3/3) 222
War Reps -- Links: War as an Event (1/3) 223
War Reps - Links: War as an Event (2/3) 224
War Reps - Links: War as an Event (3/3) 225
War Reps - Link/Impact - Legitimize the State (1/2) 226
War Reps - Link/Impact - Legitimize the State (2/2) 227
War Reps - Impact: Externalizing Violence 228
War Reps - Viewing War as Ongoing Solves 229
War Reps - A2: Permutation (1/2) 230
War Reps - A2: Permutation (2/2) 231
A2: Realism Inevitable 232
Representations First 233
A2: War Reps (1/4) 234
A2: War Reps (2/4) 235
A2: War Reps (3/4) 236
A2: War Reps (4/4) 237
Representations Not Key (1/2) 238
Representations Not Key (2/2) 239
A2: Politics Das (1/3) 240
A2: Politics Das (2/3) 241
A2: Politics Das (3/3) 242
Abortion 1AC - Women's Rights/Racism Contention One: Inherency The Hyde Amendment denies women living in poverty access to an abortion.
NWLC, Advancement Center for Women, 2007
(National Women's Law Center, October 2007,
http://www.nwlc.org/pdf/Public%20Funding%20factsheet%2010%2007.pdf, 06-29-
09, NG)
In 1973, Roe v. Wade legalized abortion for all women, including poor
women. Poor women were able to access abortions funded by Medicaid, the
joint federal-state program that provides low-income individuals with
basic healthcare services. Just three years after Roe, however, Congress
passed a prohibition on the use of federal funds for abortion services in
Medicaid. The prohibition - known as the Hyde Amendm