trainer_manual_final.doc - Kanwal Rekhi School of Information ...

The trainer is asked to take notes on how the session has been conducted, what
were the doubts raised and whether there was any confusion, etc. It will help in
improvement of ...... To be appropriate, information should relate to the lesson
objective and have a high possibility for student retention. To be useful, it should
aid ...

Part of the document

Trainer Manual Acknowledgement We are thankful to all those who have directly or indirectly contributed
towards creating this trainer manual on Computer Masti. A special thanks to
our mentors and reviewers; Professor Sahana Murthy (IIT, Bombay) and
Professor Sridhar Iyer (IIT, Bombay) for their guidance. We would also like
to thank the writers of this guide and creators of Computer Masti for their
contribution. Authors of this guide Chandrani Dasgupta
Neha Bhatia
Mahima Mehta
Monish Sonpal Creators of Computer Masti |Editors |Design |
|Sridhar Iyer |Sameer Sahashrabudhe |
|Malati Baru |Swati Revandkar |
|Authors |Illustrations |
|Farida Umrani-Khan |Kaumudi Sahasrabudhe |
|Usha Vishwanathan | |
|Vijayalakshmi Chitta | | Document history Creation
Computer Masti is a collaborative product from InOpen Technologies and IIT,
Bombay. InOpen has been providing Computer Masti learning solutions since
academic year of 2009. The implementation of Computer Masti in any school
is complimented with a teacher's training on Computer Masti and Open
Source. The experience and learning from the successful implementation of
Computer Masti and teacher's training in 2009 served as the basis for
creating this "Trainer Manual" This task of writing the training guide was undertaken with the goal of providing support for schools implementing Computer Masti (concept based
education in computers) for imparting better computer education to
raising the standard of computer education in schools through regular
training of computer teachers.
initiating the use of Open Source technology at school level by providing
basic knowledge for users to migrate from proprietary to open source
technology Review
Preface What is this manual?
This is the training manual for the Computer Masti training programme
designed for knowledge enhancement and skill building of the participating
teachers on the following topics
Computer Masti Philosophy
Teaching Computer Masti
Computer Masti Applications
FOSS and Operating System
Internet Searches
Who can use this manual?
This document is designed for Computer Masti trainers who will be
conducting the training for computer teachers of Computer Masti programme
in urban English Medium school. This document is to guide the trainer on
how every session in the training needs to be conducted. For whom is the training meant for?
This training is basically meant for computer teachers from English medium
schools in urban area
However, the course may also be useful for
Teachers of various subjects in English medium schools in urban area
Parents from urban area Structure of the document.
The manual has been divided into five categories with each category having
one or more modules. Every module is further subdivided into units and
every unit is a set of related topics to be covered for the training.
Each module has the following parts-
Name of the Module
Module level learning objectives which specifies what the trainees will be
able to do after attending the training session on this module
Module Table of Content in a tabular format which gives the units in which
the module has been divided, the learning objectives for the unit and the
topics to be covered in every unit.
Module literature.
Units- Every unit specifies the following
Unit number and name
Materials required for the unit
Time in which the training of this unit is to be covered
Matrix for application of methodology for facilitation of learning the
content in a tabular from which gives a detailed instruction about each and
every step for conducting the training session and also categorises each
step in accordance to the methodology. Each steps is numbered but not
sequenced. The trainers have to follow the steps in the order in which they
are numbered.
Here is a detailed description of the structure of every module,
Module X.Y : Title of the module Module level learning Objective
At the end of the module, the trainee should be able to:
This section gives the learning objective for the module. Module Table of Contents
|Unit No |Unit Name |Unit Learning Objectives|Unit Sub-topics |
|X.Y.1 |This column |This column gives the |This column has the sub-topics|
| |gives the |Learning objectives for |for this unit such that the |
| |title of the|the unit. |learning on these sub-topics |
| |unit. | |will cover the learning |
| | | |objective for the units. |
|X.Y.2 | | | |
Unit X.Y.1: Unit Name This gives the unit number and title. Total Minutes
This specifies the amount of time to be given to this unit while training. Materials Required
Here, necessary materials required for the training are specified. For eg.,
the materials could
Laptop/PC with necessary application installed
Templates and handouts specifying certain instructions for any activity, if
Objects for interactive games and activities designed for the unit Matrix for application of methodology for facilitation of learning of
| |Activities to be performed/Questions to be asked by| |
|Topi|the trainer during the session to facilitate |Additional |
|c | |guidelines for |
|No | |trainers |
| |Learning by |Learning by |Learning by | |
| |Pratyaksha |Anumana |Agama | |
|1 |Topic: Abc.. |
| |Here are |Only where |Wherever the |Here are |
| |instructions so |learning by |previous two |additional |
| |as to facilitate|Pratyaksha is |ways are not |guidelines for |
| |the learning in |not possible, |possible or the |the trainer. |
| |this topic by |instructions are|learner misses | |
| |Pratyaksa/direct|mentioned to |certain aspects |The trainer is |
| |experience. |promote learning|of the topic |asked to take |
| | |through |through previous|notes on how the|
| |It can be by |reasoning |two ways, |session has been|
| |playing games, | |instructions are|conducted, what |
| |or by showing |It can be by |mentioned to |were the doubts |
| |tools and |asking them |provide the |raised and |
| |letting them use|questions or |necessary |whether there |
| |the same. |providing |knowledge |was any |
| | |statements to |directly. |confusion, etc. |
| | |logically link | | |
| | |from what they | |It will help in |
| | |know to what | |improvement of |
| | |they need to | |the training |
| | |learn | |document. |
Training needs to be conducted such that the trainee learns through
pratyaksha as much as possible. Where pratyaksha is not possible, the
writer must design ways (through questioning and reasoning) such that the
learing happens by logical reasoning. And finally where both of the above
is not possible, provide the right knowledge directly. For any particular topic, detailed instruction about each and every step is
mentioned for conducting the training session and also categorises each
step in accordance to the methodology (in three columns of Pratyaksha,
Anumana, Agama). Each steps is numbered but not sequenced. The trainers
have to follow the steps in the order in which they are numbered.
How to use the document? To begin using the document for training purpose, the trainer has to
understand the structure of the whole document (described in the Structure
of the document of the preface). The trainer should understand the learners
objectives and how the module has been structured in order to meet those
objectives. Once the learning objectives are clear, the trainer must read
the Trainer's Manual atleast once before the training and this should be
done in parallel to the 'Teacher's Guide' which has the literature for the
topics. The teacher's guide is designed for the teachers participating in
the training to refer for content on the topics.
Before any session of the training, the trainer has to read the 'Teacher's
Guide' for the topics to be covered in the session to keep before
reading the 'Matrix for application of methodology for facilitation of
learning of content' for conducting the training. Within the matrix too,
there are references to certain link or worksheets or activities; all these
are compiled in Teacher's Guide. The trainer has to cross check the
Teacher's Guide wherever specified. The trainer must also go through the
'Additional guidelines for trainers' to be aware of where notes need to be
taken on the training for improvement in future trainings. This column also
specifies alternate teaching learning strategies that the trainer may use
for the training. To