The correspondence between Ionel Pop and Monica Laz?r mostly refers to the
preparation .... This drama brings absolutely provocative reading exercises for
the reader, .... L'aventure européenne d'une famille princière au XVIIIe siècle)
and at Polirom Publishing House in Jassy, in 2010 in a version made ... Adina
Part of the document
ANEXA nr. 5.2.
|Nr. |Comunicarea |Conferin?a |Autor/i |
|crt. | | | |
|0 |1 |2 |3 |
| |2005 |
| |Risk factors and subclinical |8-th International|R. Avram, F. Pârv, M. Balint,|
| |atherosclerotic valvular |Symposium on |A. Suta, D. Motoc, M. Floroni|
| |echocardiographic lesions in |Interdisciplinary | |
| |women |Regional research | |
| | |Hungary-Romania-Se| |
| | |rbia and | |
| | |Muntenegro, august| |
| | |2005 CD, ISIRR 8 | |
| |Environment and psychiatric |7 th Regional |Rodica Avram, Florina Parv, |
| |disorders in hospitalised |Conference on |Simona Tamasan, M. Balint, |
| |cardiac patients |Environment and |V.D. Moga |
| | |Health Hungary , | |
| | |Szeged , 17 iunie | |
| | |2005 | |
| |The Relationship betweeen |7-th Regional |Mariana Moga, V. Moga, L. |
| |euroregions on the modern |Conference on |Bosneag, L. Staicu Tivadar, |
| |hospital |Environment and |Rodica Avram, F. Sicurello |
| | |Health Hungary, | |
| | |Szeged, 17 iunie | |
| | |2005 | |
| |Wavelets as methods for ECG |XIth Congress of |Mariana Moga, V.D. Moga |
| |signal processing |the International | |
| | |Society for Holter| |
| | |and Noninvasive | |
| | |Electrocardiology,| |
| | |Gdansk, Poland, | |
| | |2005 | |
| |Continuous Wavelet Transform |The XIX |Mariana Moga, V.D. Moga, |
| |in ECG Analysis. A Concept For|International |Gh.I. Mihalas |
| |Clinical Uses |Congress of the | |
| | |European | |
| | |Federation for | |
| | |Medical | |
| | |Informatics, | |
| | |Geneva, | |
| | |Switzerland 2005 | |
| |Efficacy of benfluorex in |The 41th Annual |P. Moulin, K. Abdul Kadir, H.|
| |combination with sulfonylureas|Meeting 12-15 |Saldanha, V. ?erban, D. Koev,|
| |in 325 type 2 diabetic |September 2005, |R. Moore, H. Alawi |
| |patients: a 18 week randomized|Athens, Greece | |
| |double-blind study versus | | |
| |placebo | | |
| |The incidence of childhood |The 41th Annual |V. ?erban, Corina Hogea, |
| |type 1 diabetes in Romania. A |Meeting 12-15 |Gabriela Cre?eanu, Cleo |
| |ten-year follow-up |September 2005, |Simionescu, Mihaela Ro?u, M. |
| | |Athens, Greece |Mihu, C. Mihai |
| |The impact of new diagnostic |The 41th Annual |R. Z. Timar, V. ?erban, L. F.|
| |criteria for impaired fasting |Meeting 12-15 |Diaconu, A. Vlad, M. Ro?u, O.|
| |glucose |September 2005, |Olari, V. Botea |
| | |Athens, Greece | |
| |Trends of therapy, |The 41th Annual |Gabriela Negri?anu, Raluca |
| |complications and mortality in|Meeting 12-15 |Memu, M Munteanu, Alexandra |
| |elderly type 2 diabetic |September 2005, |Sima |
| |patients diagnosed in the 80's|Athens, Greece | |
| |and in the 90's | | |
| |Cerebral Microangiopathy in |3rd World Congress|Ligia Petrica, M. Petrica, M.|
| |Patients With Diabetic |of Nephrology, |Munteanu, F. Bob, Cristina |
| |Nephropathy, Nephrology, A23 |26-30 June, 2005, |Gluhovschi, Gh. Gluhovschi, |
| | |Singapore |C. Jianu, A. Schiller, Silvia|
| | | |Velciov, Virginia |
| | | |Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdoc |
| |Urinary |3rd World Congress|Gh. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, |
| |N-acetyl-glucosaminidase in |of Nephrology, |A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, |
| |the assessment of tubular |Singapore, 26-30 |A. Schiller, L. Petrica, Gh. |
| |lesions during renal colic |June 2005 |Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob|
| |Cerebral microangiopathy in |3rd World Congress|L. Petrica, M. Petrica, M. |
| |patients with diabetic |of Nephrology, |Munteanu, F. Bob, C. |
| |nephropathy |Singapore, 26-30 |Gluhovschi, Gh. Gluhovschi, |
| | |June 2005 |C. Jianu, A. Schiller, S. |
| | | |Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, |
| | | |Gh. Bozdog |
| |The Effect of Steroids on |Renal Week 2005- |C. Gluhovschi, Gh. |
| |Lymphocyte Profile in Primary |Philadelphia, 8-13|Gluhovschi, D. Herman, E. |
| |Chronic Glomerulonephritis |Nov. 2005 |Potencz, V. Trandafirescu, A.|
| | | |Schiller, L. Petrica, S. |
| | | |Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, F. Bob, |
| | | |C. Muntean, C. Vernic, W. |
| | | |Brown |
| |Does a Nonsteroidal |Renal Week 2005- |Gh. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, |
| |Antiinflammatory Drug, |Philadelphia, 8-13|A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, |
| |(NSAID), Ketoprofen, Exert a |Nov. 2005 |A. Schiller, L. Petrica, Gh. |
| |Renoprotective Effect in Renal| |Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. |
| |Colic? | |Bob, I. Michnea, C. Muntean, |
| | | |C. Vernic, W. Brown |
| |The efficiency of PegIntron |2005 World |I. Sporea, Mirela Danila, |
| |versus Pegasys in Chronic C |Congress of |Roxana Sirli, Alina Popescu, |
| |viral hepatitis |Gastroenterology, |Adriana Laza, Luminita |
| | |10-14 September |Baditoiu |
| | |2005, Montreal | |
| | |Canada | |
| |The prevalence of anti-HCV |2005 World |I. Sporea, Mirela Danila, |
| |antibodies in hospitalised |Congress of |Luminita Baditoiu, Denis |
| |patients |Gastroenterology, |Badin, Alina Popescu, Roxana |
| | |10-14 September |Sirli |
| | |2005, Montreal | |
| | |Canada | |
| |Prevalence and association |Falk Symposium |Daniela Laz?r, A.Goldi?, |
| |with predisposing condition of|no.150: Disease |Adriana Tudora, I.Sporea, |
| |NAFLD and NASH in general |Progression and |C.Abou Salha, Iulia Ra?iu |
| |population from the west part |Disease Prevention| |
| |of Romania |in Hepatology and | |
| | |Gastroenterology, | |
| | |3-4 oct. 2005, | |
| | |Berlin, pg.67 | |
| |Clinical and pathological |Falk Symposium |Daniela Laz?r, Marioara |
| |significance of hepatic