FV/LMA - Kentucky School for the Blind

Functional Vision Learning Media Assessment (FVLMA) and ... Joe reads Braille
books and listens to audio books. ..... He participated in group exercises.

Part of the document

Functional Vision Learning Media Assessment (FVLMA) and
Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC)
|Personal Data: | |
|Name: Joe Student |Date of Birth: 8/1/06 |
|School: Elementary |Age: 8 |
|Grade: 2 |Assessment Date: |
|District: Any |Assessed by: TBVI |
|Parent/Guardian: Mom and Dad Student |Address: |
|City, State, Zip: |Phone: |
| | |
Review of Records and General Information:
Joe is being referred for a FVLMA as part of the 3-year reevaluation
process. He is currently receiving VI (45 min. 5 x week), O&M (60 min. 2 x
month), OT (30 min. 1 x week), and PT (30 min. 1 x week) services. Joe was
born prematurely. He has been diagnosed with ROP (Retinopathy of
Prematurity). ROP is an eye condition that affects immature blood vessels
of the retina in premature babies. Joe has functional vision loss in both
eyes. He had surgery as an infant. He is under the treatment of an
ophthalmologist. His primary learning media is Braille. His secondary
learning media is auditory. Joe is an 8 year old second grade student at Elementary. He remains in the
regular classroom with the exception of the times he is receiving
specialized instruction from the TVI, COMS, OT, and PT.
With appropriate accommodations and modifications, Joe is an average to
above-average student. According to state and local assessments, he reads
above grade level, but he is slightly below in math. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine Joe's current level of
visual functioning and what modifications or accommodations might be
helpful in relation to any problems he may be experiencing during the
school day.
Parent Interview: Joe's mother, A. Student, stated that Joe's visual
impairment was caused by his prematurity and excess of oxygen. He has no
other documented disabilities, but he has asthma and allergies. Joe wears
prescription glasses, but she does not believe they help him to see better.
He has not been prescribed any low vision devices. Mrs. Student believes
that Joe has great listening skills and the ability to follow directions.
She stated he will turn his head when he hears someone enter a room. She
says he uses his hands to explore new objects, and by holding them close to
his face. She thinks that math is the area in school that he has the most
difficulty with. She says he has no difficulty completing homework
assignments in Braille. Mrs. Student said that Joe has access to a computer
at home as well as an iPad. She says he uses them for audio only, but can
see some lights. Mrs. Student indicated that Joe has problems getting
around in the dark and with bright light. He has tinted glasses to wear in
bright light to help him adjust. She stated that he has trouble getting
around in unfamiliar environments, and he does not travel independently
outdoors. He uses a cane to locate things outside. Mrs. Student said that
Joe watches television and plays video and computer games. She indicated
that he has to get against the screen to view it. He also turns his head to
the left to look at things. She believes he can see bright lights, bright
colors and large objects best. He prefers toys with sound and texture. Joe
reads Braille books and listens to audio books. When Joe is tired, over-
exerted, or irritated, Mrs. Student stated that Joe will rub his eyes. The
areas of daily living that she said he has the most difficulty with are:
personal body care, self-help, home assistance, recreation/leisure skills,
and moving in the near environment. She stated that he has trouble finding
food or knowing what is on his plate. She says he has difficulty with
dressing with shoes and socks. Mrs. Student describes Joe's personality as
normal and explained that he has friends and interacts with other children
in about the same way as other children his age. She stated that he enjoys
talking and listening to other kids and playing. Some of Joe's favorite
activities are audio books, video games, and fishing. She said that he
enjoys playing basketball with help, but he avoids baseball. He likes to
eat all kinds of food. He likes to listen to folk tales and short stories.
She is pleased with his educational progress and believes his educational
program is supporting his goals with availability to help from his VI
teacher and related services for his needs. Mrs. Student stated that Joe's
goal is to one day go to college. Student Interview: Joe stated that his favorite part of school is going to
"Study Island math" because he gets to listen to stories on the computer.
He also likes lunch because he gets to eat and likes getting to use the
iPad. His least favorite part of school is math because he sometimes gets
frustrated and it's hard to pay attention. He says he has a lot of friends
at school, and describes some as funny and nice to talk to. Joe says he is
a good listener. He says he doesn't have any problems in PE, except the day
of this interview he was trying to play basketball and the ball came back
after he threw it and hit him in the nose. He says he likes to go to movies
because he likes the sounds and colors. Joe says he doesn't know what his
visual condition is called, but that he knows he was born too early. He
says at school he needs to use a Braillewriter, and Ms. Assistant to help
him get places sometimes, and to help him understand math. He says he needs
Mrs. Teacher to help him with reading, and Mrs. TBVI to help him understand
math better, and to help him do abacus, listening things, and Braille
reading and writing. He needs Mrs. Cane to help with his cane. Joe says
during his free time he enjoys playing his GameBoy, GameCube and Atari,
watching TV, playing with toys, playing with his mom and "Bub" when he's
home, and playing with his dad. When asked what kind of work he wants to do
when he grows up, he said, "sell things to people like Daddy." Teacher Interview: Mrs. Teacher stated that Joe is in the second grade at
Elementary School. She indicated that Joe wears glasses, but they do not
appear to help him see better. Joe's educational strengths are his good
attendance, and he is on target in reading with same age peers. She states
his weakness is listening to task. For example, when he is listening to
oral directions given to the whole class, he needs to be redirected and he
doesn't want to ask the teacher for help. In her classroom, she addresses
the areas of use of assistive technology, social interaction skills, and
orientation and mobility. She explained that Joe is socially integrated in
the class by having him sit with the whole group and participate with small
groups and partners along with the rest of the class. She indicated that
the iPad is an activity he particularly enjoys, and that exercise is an
activity he tries to avoid. She believes that he is unable to perform
activities of daily living at a level equal to other children his age, but
that she has seen improvement. Mrs. Teacher explained that Joe has a reader
to help with computer activities in the classroom. She indicated that he
enjoys reading and uses Braille for reading media. She stated that she has
seen Joe hold objects closely and turn his head to look at them, and most
consistently looks at bright lights. Academically, Mrs. Teacher says math
seems to be more of a struggle for him. She stated that he has no trouble
losing his place when reading and can find specific passages in Braille.
She indicated that Joe seems to keep up with his peers in the classroom and
does not require extra time to complete assignments. She stated that the
instructional assistant helps him to be organized. Mrs. Teacher said that
Joe relates well with his peers and with adults, but sometimes does not
understand jokes. Assessment Instruments, Materials, and Strategies
|. Assistive Technology for Students |. FVLMA checklist |
|Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired |. WATI Assessment |
|. Classroom/School Environment |. ECC Screening |
|Observations |. Braille Inventory |
|. Teacher, Parent and Student |. EVALS Checklists |
|Interviews | |
|. Review of Records | |
|. Eye Report | |
|. Natural and Teacher-made Materials| |
Medical History Information:
| |Eye Care Specialist |Clinical Low Vision|Functional Vision|
| |MD - Ophthalmologist OD - | | |
| |Optometrist | | |
|Name: |Dr. Eye | |TBVI |
|Date: |1/5/15 | |3/2/12 |
2. Visual condition:
Primary: Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)
Secondary: None
3. Age of onset: Birth
4. Stability of visual condition: Stable Deteriorating Improving
5. Acuity (As reported by Dr. Eye)
|Distance |Near |
|Without |With |With Low |Without |With |With Low |
|Correction |Correction |Vision Device|Correction |Correction |Vision |
| | | | | |Device |
|OD: |OD: |OD: |OD: |OD: |OD: |
|OS: |OS: |OS: |OS: |OS: |OS: |
|OU: |OU: LP