COMPRÉHENSION : 100 pts - Aix - Marseille

Traitez l'un des deux sujets suivants, au choix. 1) Do you like ... Guide pour l'
évaluation de l'expression personnelle en anglais ... Réalisation de l'exercice.

Part of the document

1. Where is the scene set? Justify by quoting from the text. ( 2 réponses +
2 citations par réponse)
1 pt x 6 6 pts
. City: Paris "before I leave Paris" (l. 11), "the Louvre" (l.35),
"the DCPJ" (l. 26).
. Exact location: In a hotel (room): "hotel phone" (l. 13), "the
hotel bathrobe" (l. 23), "you sent someone to my room?" (l. 17). 2. When does the action take place? Justify by quoting three phrases from
the text.
1 pt x 4 4 pts
-The action takes place at night :
"in the darkness" (l. 2)
"It was 12.32 A.M." (l. 6)
"It's after midnight." (l. 34)*
*Refuser: "tonight" (l. 37)
Exiger trois justifications.
3. Which characters are actually present in the scene? Fill in the grid
whenever possible.
1 pt x 5 5 pts |Name |Occupation |
|Robert Langdon |a lecturer / a symbologist |
| |A concierge |
|Jerome Collet |An agent / a lieutenant (accepter :|
| |a policeman) | 4. Which characters are mentioned but not actually present? Fill in the
grid. 1 pt x 3 = 3pts |Name |Occupation |
|Jacques Saunière |a curator |
| |The capitaine / The captain |
5. Who or what do the following pronouns refer to ? 2 pts x 5 = 10 pts
a) The face staring back at him was thin (l. 27-8): Robert Langdon
b) He and the revered curator (l. 36): Robert Langdon
c) How did you know that? (l. 38): "you were scheduled to meet
with the curator of the Louvre this
evening" (l. 35)
ou "He and the revered curator Jacques Saunière had been
slated to meet for drinks after Langdon's lecture
tonight" (l. 36/37)
d) We found your name in his daily planner (l. 39): Jacques Saunière
e) Langdon barely heard him (l. 55): Jerome Collet / the agent / the
lieutenant / the policeman
6. Say whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Justify your
answers by quoting from the text.
(0 point si absence de justification). 3 pts x 5 = 15 pts a) Langdon agrees to see his visitor immediately.
False "could you take the man's name and number and tell him I'll try
to call him before I leave
Paris on Tuesday?" (l. 10/11 - tout ou partie)
b) Saunière had met Langdon earlier that evening.
False "Saunière had never shown up"(l. 37)
c) The police have just started this investigation.
True "This photo was taken less than an hour ago" (l. 43)
d) Langdon had had a very pleasant holiday in Rome the year before.
False "Twenty-four hours later, he had almost lost his life in Vatican
City."(l. 51/52)
e) Collet thinks Langdon has murdered Saunière.
False "Monsieur Saunière did that to himself" (l. 61) 7. "...a man like this... I cannot presume the authority to stop him." (l.
18) : what does this reveal about the impression that Jérome Collet makes
on people? 6 pts
It shows that the man carries the image of authority with him. He
inspires respect and awe. (accepter : he impresses people, people are
scared of him ou tout énoncé allant dans ce sens). 8. "He and the revered curator Jacques Saunière had been slated to meet for
drinks after Langdon's lecture tonight" (l. 36-37). Quote two sentences
(from line 37 to line 61) which confirm this piece of information.
2pts x 2 = 4 pts
. (l. 39) "We found your name in his daily planner."
. (l. 48) "your plans to meet with him." 9. Indicate two reasons why the capitaine wants to meet Langdon. Justify
with one quotation.
(3 pts + 3pts quotation) = 6 pts
He is an expert in symbology and he had planned to meet with Saunière (l.
47 : "Considering your knowledge in symbology and your plans to meet with
him.". 10. Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe the
characters? Fill in the grid.
1 pt x 10 = 10 pts
Un point par personnage, un point par citation. Une seule citation exigée
par ligne.
|Adjective |Who? |Line + quotation |
|exhausted |Langdon |(l. 7):"he felt like the dead" |
|determined |The agent |(l. 21):"a heavy fist pounded on Langdon's |
| | |door" |
| | |(l.24/25):"a sharp, authoritative bark" |
|cautious |Langdon | (l. 27):"leaving the security chain in |
| | |place" |
| | |(l. 31/32):"Langdon hesitated, feeling |
| | |uncertain" |
| | |(l. 38):"How did you know that?" |
|scared |Langdon |(l. 49):"his horror now laced with fear" |
|apologetic |The |(l. 8):"I apologize" |
| |concierge |(l. 15):"my apologies", (l. 18):"I |
| | |apologize" |
11. "Langdon felt a sudden surge of uneasiness." (l. 36). Explain why. 6
He understands something is wrong with Saunière / something might have
happened to Saunière since he didn't turn up at the meeting. He is afraid
of being considered a suspect.
12. Pick out three phrases showing that Langdon cannot stop looking at the
picture Collet has handed him.
2 pts x 3 = 6 pts
(l. 44) "stared at the bizarre image"
(l. 49) "stared at the picture"
(l. 55) "His eyes were still riveted on the picture".
13. What suggests that Saunière might have been the victim of a serial
killer? Give three quotations.
2 pts x 3 6 pts
l. 50: "an unsettling sense of déjà vu."
l. 51:" similar request for help."
l. 53: "Something about the scenario felt disquietingly familiar." 14. Translate from: "A little over a year ago..." (l.50) to
"...familiar."(l.53) 13 pts |Texte anglais |Traduction proposée |points |
|A little over a year ago, |Il y avait un peu plus d'un |1 |
| |an, | |
|Langdon had received |Langdon avait reçu |1 |
|a photograph of a corpse |la photo d'un cadavre / une |1 |
| |photo de cadavre | |
|and a similar request for |et une demande d'aide |1 |
|help. |semblable. | |
|Twenty-four hours later, |Vingt-quatre heures plus tard,|1 |
|he had almost lost his life |il avait failli perdre la vie |2 |
|inside Vatican City. |au Vatican. |1 |
|This photo was entirely |Cette photo-ci était |1 |
|different, |entièrement / très / | |
| |totalement différente, | |
|and yet something about the |et pourtant, cette scène |2 |
|scenario | | |
|felt disquietingly familiar.|avait quelque chose de |2 |
| |familier qui le troublait. | |
|Total traduction | |13 | II - EXPRESSION : 100 points
Traitez l'un des deux sujets suivants, au choix. 1) Do you like detective stories? Explain why. (250 words) 2) Imagine what happened to Langdon in Vatican City the year before. (250
Guide pour l'évaluation de l'expression personnelle en anglais
Baccalauréat séries L LV2, ES LV1, S LV1 et S LV2
Suggestions du groupe d'anglais de L'Inspection Générale des Langues
Vivantes Candidat : copie N° _________________ |Réalisation de l'exercice |Recevabilité linguistique |Total |
|et traitement du sujet |6 points |des |
|4 points | |points |
| | | |
|0.5 point |0.5 - 1 - 1.5 point | |
| | | |
|présentation inacceptable |inintelligible | |
|écriture illisible |lexique indigent | |
|consignes non respectées |erreurs récurrentes de | |
|hors sujet |grammaire élémentaire | |
|contresens | | |
| | | |
|1 - 1.5 - 2 points |2 - 2.5 - 3 - 3.5 points | |
| | | |
|recopiage du support |compréhension possible malgré| |
|hors sujet partiel |des erreurs fréquentes | |
|sujet compris mais traitement |lexique limité | |
|plat et superficiel |syntaxe peu élaborée | |
|construction vague | | |
| | | |
|2.5 - 3 - 3.5 points |4 - 4.5 - 5 points | |
| | | |
|existence d'une problématique |erreurs occasionnelles | |
|effort de construction |vocabulaire adapté | |
| |sy