2007_August_Minutes0.. - Motorcycle Action Group

Madam Speaker, this august House is aware that such exercises in the past have ... 4. Calling on other security organs to report, review and trace all ... They have done a fantastic job with limited resources; they have been ...

Part of the document

MAG National Committee Meeting
11th August 2007
Masonic Hall, Rugby

1. Present

|Jane Chisholm |Chairman MAG UK |
|Selina Lavender |Regional Rep - East Anglia |
|Stu Chivers |Regional Rep - South East |
|Trevor Baird |General Secretary MAG UK |
|Jim Crowther |West London/Greater London |
|Tony Cox |Director - Regional Rep - North West |
|Steve Wykes |Director - Regional Rep - Scotland |
|Nev Chamberlain |Eastern Region |
|Jez Dodington |Regional Rep - Southern |
|Bryan Chapman |NC Liaison - Western |
|(Trace) | |
|Eddie Lowe |Regional Rep - West Midlands |
|Andrew Davies |Regional Rep - South Wales |
|Justine Travis |National Finance Officer |
|Fergus O' Connell |Vice Chair and National Clubs Liaison |
| |Officer |
|Rob C |Regional Rep - Thames Valley |
|David Short |Campaigns Manager |

Meeting commenced 10:00 Hrs

2. Apologies

Ian Mutch (President), Gerard Livett (Director - Regional Rep - Greater
London), Mike Baker (South West), Paul Turner (Cumbria), Archi Hipkins
(National Network Communications Officer), Ian Cook (Director - Regional
Rep - North East)

3. Removal of any item not deemed by NC to be appropriate or related to
Regional Reps

No items were identified for removal.

4. Register of Interests

Register of Interest sheets circulated to those present at the NC to record
any gifts, hospitality or interests received.

5. Minutes of last Meeting - matters of correctness

The Minutes of the last NC were reviewed and were accepted, with some minor
typographical corrections.

NC minutes - Proposed Jez Dodington, Seconded Andrew Davis

Vote unanimous

6. Matters arising

There were no matters arising that had not been scheduled for detailed
discussion on the Agenda and it was agreed to deal with these issues at the
appropriate times.

7. Minutes Ratification

The NC formally ratified the Final minutes of the AGC held at Bromsgrove on
8th April 2006. Proposed Andrew Davies, seconded Trace
Vote unanimous
8. Appointments and Resignations

Finbar Colson had stood down at the Southern Regional AGM, Jez Dodington
had been appointed as regional rep. The NC recorded a vote of thanks for
Fin's efforts and welcomed Jez back on board the NC.

9. National Officer Reports - Chair, Vice Chair/Clubs Officer, Finance
Director , National Network Communications Officer

Chairman's Report

These past two months have been my least mobile after my back operation,
but my busiest in terms of communications on various topics. I'm still not
able to ride my bike, but I am going back to work at the beginning of

To try to give you a snap shot I will list some of the headings, thought
they are not exhaustive and the time taken on e mail and telephone.

Work on launch of the new log and website for the Farmyard Party 19.06.07;
Contract obligations with current companies; Short term and long term plans
with website; Products for the launch and visual profile on site of new
logo in the MAG stall and at other places around the site, with David
Short, Trevor Baird, Neil Stevenson, David Trump, Claire Quartemaine, Andy
Meredith, Pete Walker, Ian Mutch, Fergus O'Connell and others.

General membership queries and information required.
Feedback from launch.
Further work on implementing logo throughout all our paper work.
Meetings on website.
Support and then cancellation of Moto GP 24.06.07 with Pete Walker, David
Short and others.
Numerous discussions on political issues and meetings with David Short: Off
Road Bill, Select Committee, Transport Committee, Department for Transport,
National Motorcycle Council.
Discussions with Local Reps and David Short on Local Council Actions -
Sheffield and North Yorkshire Transport strategies.
Discussions with Alan Waldron, ex East Midlands Regional Rep, about monies
still in Regional Account. Janet Batchelor and Ian Jones involved.
Discussions on future relationships with business partnerships, insurance
companies and sponsorships. Heidi Chapman Trevor Baird
Work on job descriptions, business plans and procedures within MAG.
Day spent with Neil Stevenson reviewing his past year of work with MAG
stall presence, [22 events] MAG training, finance and salary. Plans for
training, 2008. Plans for NEC show, 2007.
Meetings with Yorkshire Pudding Rally Committee, responsibility for Custom
show and meeting with Mayor of Barnsley at event, communications with local
community and organisation of trophies for event.
Discussions on advertising of products in the Road with the new logo on,
with Anji Sewell and Ian Mutch.
Endless minute checking.
Many discussions with Fergus on rising interest from clubs wanting more
information and visits from MAG at their committee meeting and AGMs.
Letters and e mails sent.
Farmyard Party de briefing meeting.
Intermittent fault on computer was and is still very annoying - more than
the floods me thinks. Daily back ups being made!

A snap shot of time spent:

14.06.07 to 17.06.07 working at Farmyard Party
22.06.07 - 4 hours meetings re website
03.07.07 - day spent with Neil Stevenson on Foundation Training and
21.07.07 - Farmyard Party De brief meeting
29 hours 15 minutes spent on phone calls and 97 hours 15 minutes dealing
with e-mails during the period.
02.08.07 to 05.08.07 [Thursday until Sunday Yorkshire Pudding Rally.]

Finance Report

Justine indicated that finance was in a similar position to last year with
finances being healthy and MAG UK being in profit once again. The precise
figures for the profit await the accountant's final deliberations.

Vice Chairman/National Clubs Liaison Officer's Report

Things have been pretty busy really. I have been chasing up clubs that have
not renewed (May 1st is renewal day) both via area and local reps and
directly myself. Had several clubs in touch especially since the re-launch
a couple of very respectable (if that's the right word) high profile clubs.
Several one make clubs have also had details. It can take anything up to a
year or more to sign a club up, they don't like the hard sell. I am a
patient man though.
I have analysed the clubs list and compared the actual numbers in the
clubs. Due to fluctuating numbers (up and down) we had a net gain of 468
members from last year.
We currently have 128 paid up clubs, with 4 more that have promised to
renew. There are 12 other clubs that have not renewed as yet. 1 has
disbanded and 2 others are not renewing, 1 due to internal strife and the
other because of money (?). This leaves 9 unaccounted for that I am waiting
to hear from via several reps.
Actual affiliated members are at their highest since I took over (that's a
relief) at 33701. Not as many as I would have thought, but I have several
very large clubs debating whether to join. Stu is quite correct in that PLI
is still the main stumbling block for many clubs. I don't know what can be
done about that.
Below is a list of some of my activities.
I will see whoever is going to the Yorkshire Pudding.
June 15th - 16th Worked on MAG stand at The Farmyard.
June 21st Ran local MAG meeting
July 3rd Ran local MAG meeting
July 6th - 8th Worked on MAG stand at VJMC Show at Uttoxeter.
July 18th Ran local MAG meeting
July 20th - 22nd Attended affiliated club (Pie Eaters) rally in
Scotland. Helped out a bit on the MAG stand whilst there (well sheltered
from the rain for 6 hrs)

National Network Communication Officer's Report

A very busy two months.
The Whitley Bay Festival of Motorcycles has taken up quite a lot of time
with more meetings than I have had hot dinners this month.
Stormin' has been similar in time consumption.
Helping set up the Heart of England Rally, helping to run it and then
helping to take it down.
Whilst there I received many positive responses to the new logo etc.
The only negatives I got was having to defend the lack of presence of
Regional Reps and National Officers to MAG members at the rally and demo;
there being only two RRs one of whom was the main organizer, one MAG
employee, the national President and myself. Good shot in the foot by NC
for an event voted upon by the NC to be the Annual National Demo!
Radio interview for Radio West Midlands for the demo which went well, the
interviewer came across as very pro charging but on all her statements I
was more than able to shoot them down.
Production of Network as ever including creating a new template due to the
new Logo and font.
Resolving a dispute between a small rally venue and PTW riders wanting to
use the location in the future, this was achieved and future rallies will
be held there, but the silver lining for one new rally up here is that the
Jocks and Geordies Rally will now be on a bigger and better site for less
Also had problems with my 'pute but in fact it was a problem in the Vista
is not compatible with Office 2007 [Microsoft still have no patch for it]
and Vista is also not compatible with many ISPs. The work around is:-
Change the outgoing server number from 25 to 587 and hey presto it works!
As soon as the patch is available I will circulate it.
