Commonwealth of Virginia - Department of Planning and Budget

Learning a second language is simply learning a new tool. ... Organize your listening exercises, written exercises, and compositions in a notebook, ... There is a high correlation between your class participation and your grade in the course. ... The Workbook /Lab Manual will provide plenty of written exercises to be done ...

Part of the document

| |
|Commonwealth of Virginia |
|Executive Branch Strategic Planning, Service Area Planning, and |
|Performance-Based Budgeting |
|Workshop |
|Agency Strategic & Service Area Measures: Continuous Improvement |
| |
|July 29, 30 and August 4, 2009 |

Office of the Secretary of Finance - Department of Planning and Budget


. John Wheatley and Jacqueline Anderson, International Consulting

Subject Matter Experts

. Don Darr, DPB

. Emily Ward, DPB

. Constance Scott, VITA


. Introduction: Opening Remarks, Learning Objectives, and Workshop

. Measurement Issues and Challenges

. Refresher on Measures

. Improving Measures - Practice Exercises

. Evaluating and Improving Your Agency Measures

. Your Game Plan for Measures

. Open Issues and Questions

. Strategic Planning/Budgeting for the 2010-2012 Biennium: Changes and
Handbook Updates

. Workshop Recap and Your Feedback

Learning Objectives

At the end of today's session, you should be able to:

. List and explain the components of measures used in agency strategic
and service area plans.

. Evaluate and improve measures.

. Describe how to effectively use measures as management tools.

. Describe changes in the strategic planning and budgeting process for
the next biennium.

Workshop Logistics

. Time: 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

. Lunch: 45 minutes, starting around 11:45 a.m. or 12:00 p.m.

. Breaks will be woven into group activities.

Measurement Challenges & Issues

Topics Submitted Via E-Mail:

. Budget development, reductions, expectations

. Schedules and deadlines

. Administrative measures

. Developing good measures and targets

. Strategic planning process and plan maintenance

. Agency-level measures vs. service area-level measures

What measurement challenges or issues would you like to discuss today?


The Evolution of Agency Measures

Circa 2004: Great variation in approaches to measurement

< Management Scorecard

< Standard approach for strategic plan measures

< Governor's key measures

< Productivity measures

< Administrative measures (replacing the old Management Scorecard)

< Integration of measures into a new agency management scorecard


What is Virginia's vision for measures? What is your vision?

Transforming the Management Scorecard into Administrative Measures

A review team representing 11 agencies was created. Their recommendations:

. Objectives - Recognize that there are multiple audiences, including
the public and management.

. Criteria - Use only criteria that apply to most agencies.

. Measures - Be more specific and objective.

. Frequency - Report semi-annually (January and August) with year-end
information made public (deadline to be published in the Leadership

The New Administrative Measures



Administrative Measures

Entering Data for Administrative Measures:

1. Log in to your agency work site in Virginia Performs.

2. From the agency screen, click on the administrative measures tab and
choose the 'Edit' link.

3. Make sure the version pull-down has "2009" selected.

4. Select the rating (green, yellow, red) for each measure, based on
results. Select gray if data are not available. The data entry screen
is shown below.

5. Explanatory comments are mandatory if your color indicator is yellow or
red. Comments are optional for green indicators.

6. Unlike your performance measures, you can use the "Publish" link on the
Administrative Measures tab to make your administrative measures public
when you are ready.


Data Sources & Helpful Resources for Administrative Measures

In the near future, a table that lists all data sources for administrative
measures will be available in the administrative measures area of Virginia
Performs. The table will also contain contact information for subject
matter resources for each measure.
Changes in the Agency Administration Objective

- 2010-2012 Planning & Budgeting Process

Changes for 2010 - 2012 Biennium

|Objective |To ensure that resources are used efficiently |
|-No Change |and programs are managed effectively, and in a|
| |manner consistent with applicable state and |
| |federal requirements. |
|Measure |Percent of administrative measures marked as |
|-Changed for 2010-2012 |"meets expectations" (green indicator) for |
|biennium - used to be |the agency |
|"percent of scorecard | |
|categories..." |Note: You may find your agency's most recent |
| |scores at: |
| ||
| |/scorecardresults.cfm |
| | |
|Measure type |Outcome |
|-No Change | |
|Measure class |Agency other |
|-No Change | |
|Measure frequency |Annual - Agencies are required to publish |
|-Changed for 2010-2012 |results for their administrative measures on |
|biennium - used to be |Virginia Performs after the end of each fiscal|
|quarterly |year. The specific deadline for publishing |
| |results will be posted in the Leadership |
| |Communiqué. |
| | |
| |Agencies should review their results in |
| |January to determine whether actions are |
| |needed to meet their targets by the end of the|
| |fiscal year. |
|Baseline |The FY 2009 score of the agency |
|-Changed for 2010-2012 | |
|biennium - formerly | |
|listed as FY 2007 agency| |
|results | |
|Target |To be developed by each agency |
|-No Change | |
|Data source and |Data Source: There are currently 13 |
|calculation |administrative measures organized into five |
|-Changed for 2010-2012 |categories. Each measure has a different data|
|biennium - used to be |source. Agencies should refer to the |
|based on old scorecard |administrative measures data source |
|categories |information table to locate the data source |
| |for each measure. The table is located in |
| |Virginia Performs / Agency Planning and |
| |Performance / Administrative Measures. |
| | |
| |Calculation: Agencies select the appropriate |
| |colored indicator (green, yellow, red) for |
| |each measure, depending on results. A gray |
| |indicator is used for measures where data are |
| |unavailable. The agency administration |
| |measure is the percent of the administrative |
| |measures that have a green indicator (meets |
| |expectations). Exclude items with a gray |
| |indicator from the calculation. |
|Strategy |To be developed by each agency |
|-No Change | |

The Other Classes of Measures from the New Management Scorecard

. Key Measures - Approved by Chief of Staff

. Productivity Measures - Approved by Chief of Staff

. Other Agency Performance Measures - Approved by Secretary

Quick Quiz

|What is it? |Key? |Productivit|Other? |
| | |y? | |
|We will control the amount of square| | | |
|feet of office space leased per | | | |