2013 ? 1

Pp. 203?207. 20. .... 46?49. (In Russ.) 2. Bukalov A.V. Fenomen
geliofizicheskogo imprintinga i vliyanie solnechnoi ... Voprosy kurortologii,
fizioterapii i lechebnoy fizicheskoy kul'tury [Questions of balneology, physical
therapy and exercises].

Part of the document

2013 N 1 Mediko-biologicheskie i sotsial'no-psikhologicheskie problemy
bezopasnosti v chrezvychaynykh situatsiyakh [Medical-Biological and Socio-
Psychological Problems of Safety in Emergency Situations]. 2013. N 1. Pp. 5-
Dezhurny L.I., Boyarintsev V.V., Turin M.V. O sozdanii edinoi sistemy
okazaniya pervoi pomoshchi v Rossiiskoi Federatsii [On creation of a
unified system of first aid provision in the Russian Federation]
Teaching and Research Medical Center, Executive Office of the President of
(Russia, 121352, Moscow, Stavropolskaya Str., 10);
The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM
of Russia
(Russia, 194044, Saint-Petersburg, Academica Lebedeva Str., 4/2);
The Kirov Military Medical Academy (194044, Russia, Saint-Petersburg,
Academica Lebedeva Str., 6)
Dezhurnyi Leonid Igorevich - Dr. Med. Sci. Prof., Leading researcher,
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics (Russia,
127254, Moscow, Dobrolubova Str., 11); e-mail: DL@npfmiral.ru;
Boyarintsev Valerii Vladimirovich - Dr. Med. Sci. Prof., Teaching and
Research Medical Center, Executive Office of the President of Russia
(Russia, 121352, Moscow, Stavropolskaya Str., 10); e-mail: wpx@mail.ru;
Tyurin Mikhail Vasil'evich - Dr. Med. Sci. Prof., The Nikiforov Russian
Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia (Russia,
194044, Saint-Petersburg, Academica Lebedeva Str., 4/2), The Kirov Military
Medical Academy (Russia, 194044, Saint-Petersburg, Academica Lebedeva Str.,
6); e-mail: mixail_turin@mail.ru
Abstract. The need for a uniform system of first aid provision in Russia
is discovered. This system shall include: regulatory framework for
organizing the provision of first aid; measures to promote and enhance the
motivation; training subsystem; equipping first aid providers with the
necessary means and medicines; subsystem for accounting and performance
analysis. Regulations on first aid are analyzed in detail, along with their
development prospects.
Keywords: first aid, urgent conditions, accidents, healthcare
organization, health protection.
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Received 26.10.2012 Mediko-biologicheskie i sotsial'no-psikhologicheskie problemy
bezopasnosti v chrezvychaynykh situatsiyakh [Medical-Biological and Socio-
Psychological Problems of Safety in Emergency Situations]. 2013. N 1. Pp.
Kotenko P.K., Kireev S.G., Martynov A.I. Opyt primeneniya polevoi
mobil'noi meditsinskoi gruppy MChS Rossii v khode provedeniya gumanitarnoi
operatsii na territorii Respubliki Yuzhnaya Osetiya v avguste-sentyabre
2008 goda [Experience of using the EMERCOM field mobile medical unit in the
humanitarian operation in the Republic of South Ossetia in August -
September 2008]
The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM
of Russia
(Russia, 194044, Saint-Petersburg, Academica Lebedeva Str., 4/2)
Kotenko Petr Konstantinovich - Dr. Med. Sci. Prof., of Nikiforov Russian
Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia (Russia,
194044, Saint-Petersburg, Academica Lebedeva Str., 4/2), e-mail:
Kireev Sergey Grigor'yevich - PhD Med. Sci., Head of the Department,
Hospital N 40 (Russia, 197706, Saint-Petersburg, Borisova Str. 9, litera
B), ?-mail: serg-kir@mail.ru;
Martynov Andrei Ivanovich - PhD Med. Sci., director of the sanatorium
"Druzhba" (Russia, 354000, Krasnodar region, Sochi, Beregovaya Str., 8/25);
?-mail: may_doc@mail.ru
Abstract. Experience of using