Contextualized Learning Activities (CLAs) - dpcdsb-cla

Ex. H&T?SCH3U?Mole Cookie Lab.doc. Note to CLA Developers: For your
convenience, instructions (enclosed in square brackets) have .... [List all
assessment and evaluation strategies and tasks and attach handouts, tests,
assignments, exercises, etc.] [As you plan, keep the following important
considerations in mind: ...

Part of the document

C.1 Template: Contextualized Learning Activities (CLAs)[1] For the "other required credits" in the bundle of credits, students in an
SHSM program must complete learning activities that are contextualized to
the knowledge and skills relevant to the economic sector of the SHSM. CLAs,
a minimum of six hours and a maximum of ten hours in length, address
curriculum expectations in these courses in the context of the sector. This template must be used to develop a CLA that will be submitted to the
ministry. CLAs are posted on the Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB)
website at as well as on the SHSM e-
Community website, a password-protected site for educators, at Prior to writing a CLA all teachers should have familiarized themselves
with the CLA How-to Write Guide In order for a CLA to be posted, it is important to:
. submit all material in a single Microsoft Word file (not as a PDF)
please note, no attachments will be accepted (exception: PowerPoint
presentations that accompany a CLA)
. observe all copyright regulations (see Access Copyright - The
Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency at . Complete all sections of the template including: o 4 Key Search Words - these should allow others to search and locate this
CLA from an electronic database. You do not need to include the course
code and the SHSM sector as key words, as those will be default key
words. |e.g. Key Search Words |geometry, manufacturing,|
| |conversions, |
| |calculations |
o Differentiated Instruction portion of the template . When saving the CLA, please use the following document naming format: Sector-Course Code-Title (max 250 characters for entire title) Ex. H&T-SCH3U-Mole Cookie Lab.doc Note to CLA Developers: For your convenience, instructions (enclosed in
square brackets) have been provided throughout this template. Remove these
instructions when you complete the template. |Contact Information |
|Board | |
|Development date | |
|Contact person | |
|Position | |
|Phone |( ) - |
|Fax |( ) - |
|E-mail | |
|SHSM sector | |
|Course code and course | |
|title | |
|Name of CLA | |
|Brief description of CLA | |
|Key Search Terms (Do not |[Max.4 - do not use SHSM, CLA, the course code or |
|use SHSM, CLA, Course Code|the sector of the CLA as these are default search |
|or Sector) |terms] |
|Duration |[The CLA must take a minimum of 6 and a maximum of|
| |10 hours to complete.] |
|Overall expectations |[Identify the overall expectation(s) from the |
| |Ontario curriculum to be assessed or evaluated |
| |through the CLA.] |
|Specific expectations |[Identify the specific expectations related to the|
| |above overall expectations that will be addressed |
| |in the instructional and assessment strategies. |
| |Include relevant strand titles. No codes are |
| |required.] |
| |[Consider the following as part of your planning: |
| |What do we want students to learn? |
| |. What specific/key learning goals for students |
| |are related to these expectations? |
| |. Are these specific/key learning goals arranged |
| |in a way that will allow students to achieve the |
| |desired learning incrementally?] |
| | |
|Catholic graduate | |
|expectations (if | |
|applicable) | |
|Essential Skills and work |[Check off the Essential Skills and work habits |
|habits |that are addressed in this CLA.] |
| |Essential Skills |
| |? Reading Text |
| |? Writing |
| |? Document Use |
| |? Computer Use |
| |? Oral Communication |
| |Numeracy |
| |? Money Math |
| |? Scheduling or Budgeting and Accounting |
| |? Measurement and Calculation |
| |? Data Analysis |
| |? Numerical Estimation |
| |Thinking Skills |
| |? Job Task Planning and Organizing |
| |? Decision Making |
| |? Problem Solving |
| |? Finding Information |
| |Work Habits |
| |? Working Safely |
| |? Teamwork |
| |? Reliability |
| |? Organization |
| |? Working Independently |
| |? Initiative |
| |? Self-advocacy |
| |? Customer Service |
| |? Entrepreneurship |
|Instructional/Assessment Strategies |
|Teacher's notes |
|[Provide suggestions that will assist the teacher in delivering the CLA. For |
|example, remind teachers to make sure that handouts, such as authentic |
|workplace materials/documents used by the sector, are available for the CLA.]|
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|Context |
|[Describe the workplace context for the CLA.] |
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|Strategies |
|[In point form, describe the sequence of instructional and assessment |
|strategies that will support the intended learning. Attach all student |
|handouts and worksheets.] |
|[How will the learning be designed? |
|. Do the instructional and assessment strategies support the achievement of |
|the learning goals? |
|. Are the assessment strategi