ARMY 12.1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Proposal ...

W. J. Marinelli, C. M. Gittins, A. H. Gelb, and B. D. Green, ?Tunable Fabry?Perot
...... during simulated weapon on target tactical engagement training exercises.

Part of the document

12.1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
Proposal Submission Instructions INTRODUCTION The US Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM) is
responsible for execution of the Army SBIR Program. Information on the
Army SBIR Program can be found at the following Web site: Solicitation, topic, and general questions regarding the SBIR Program
should be addressed according to the DoD Program Solicitation. For
technical questions about the topic during the pre-release period, contact
the Topic Authors listed for each topic in the Solicitation. To obtain
answers to technical questions during the formal Solicitation period, visit Specific questions pertaining to the Army
SBIR Program should be submitted to: John Smith
Program Manager, Army SBIR
US Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM)
3071 Aberdeen Blvd.
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5201
TEL: (703) 399-2049
FAX: (703) 997-6589
The Army participates in three DoD SBIR Solicitations each year. Proposals
not conforming to the terms of this Solicitation will not be considered.
Only Government personnel will evaluate proposals. Please note, due to recent changes in SBIR policy, Phase II efforts
following a Phase I award resulting from the 11.1 and subsequent
Solicitations will have a maximum dollar amount of $1,000,000. Phase II
efforts following a Phase I award prior to the 11.1 Solicitation will
continue to have a maximum dollar amount of $730,000. PHASE I PROPOSAL SUBMISSION Army Phase I Proposals have a 20-page limit including the Proposal Cover
Sheets (pages 1 and 2 are added electronically by the DoD submission site---
Offerors are instructed to NOT leave blank pages or duplicate the
electronically generated cover pages THIS WILL COUNT AGAINST THE 20 PAGE
LIMIT), as well as the Technical Proposal (beginning on page 3, and
including, but not limited to: table of contents, pages intentionally left
blank, references, letters of support, appendices, technical portions of
subcontract documents [e.g., statements of work and resumes] and all
attachments). Therefore, a Technical Proposal of up to 18 pages in length
counts towards the overall 20-page limit. ONLY the Cost Proposal and
Company Commercialization Report (CCR) are excluded from the 20-page limit.
As instructed in Section 3.5. d of the DoD Program Solicitation, the CCR
is generated by the submission website, based on information provided by
you through the "Company Commercialization Report" tool. Army Phase I
proposals submitted over 20-pages will be deemed NON-COMPLIANT and will not
be evaluated. This statement takes precedence over Section 3.4 of the DoD
Program Solicitation. Since proposals are required to be submitted in
Portable Document Format (PDF), it is the responsibility of those
submitting the proposal to ensure any PDF conversion is accurate and does
not cause the proposal to exceed the 20-page limit. Phase I proposals must describe the "vision" or "end-state" of the research
and the most likely strategy or path for transition of the SBIR project
from research to an operational capability that satisfies one or more Army
operational or technical requirements in a new or existing system, larger
research program, or as a stand-alone product or service. Phase I proposals will be reviewed for overall merit based upon the
criteria in Section 4.2 of the DoD Program Solicitation. PHASE I OPTION MUST BE INCLUDED AS PART OF PHASE I PROPOSAL The Army implements the use of a Phase I Option that may be exercised to
fund interim Phase I activities while a Phase II contract is being
negotiated. Only Phase I efforts selected for Phase II awards through the
Army's competitive process will be eligible to have the Phase I Option
exercised. The Phase I Option, which must be included as part of the Phase
I proposal, should cover activities over a period of up to four months and
describe appropriate initial Phase II activities that may lead to the
successful demonstration of a product or technology. The Phase I Option
must be included within the 20-page limit for the Phase I proposal. COST PROPOSALS A firm fixed price or cost plus fixed fee Phase I Cost Proposal ($150,000
maximum) must be submitted in detail online. Proposers that participate in
this solicitation must complete Phase I Cost Proposal not to exceed a
maximum dollar amount of $100,000 and six months. A Phase I Option Cost
Proposal not to exceed a maximum dollar amount of $50,000 and four months.
The Phase I and Phase I Option costs must be shown separately but may be
presented side-by-side in a single Cost Proposal. The Cost Proposal DOES
NOT count toward the 20-page Phase I proposal limitation. When submitting
the Cost Proposal, the Army prefers the small businesses complete the Cost
Proposal form on the DoD Submission site, versus submitting within the body
of the uploaded proposal.
Phase I Key Dates Phase I Evaluations January - February 2012
Phase I Selections March 2012
Phase I Awards May 2012*
*Subject to the Congressional Budget process PHASE II PROPOSAL SUBMISSION Army Phase II Proposals have a 40-page limit including the Proposal Cover
Sheets (pages 1 and 2 are added electronically by the DoD submission site---
Offerors are instructed to NOT leave blank pages or duplicate the
electronically generated cover pages THIS WILL COUNT AGAINST THE 40 PAGE
LIMIT), as well as the Technical Proposal (beginning on page 3, and
including, but not limited to: table of contents, pages intentionally left
blank, references, letters of support, appendices, technical portions of
subcontract documents [e.g., statements of work and resumes] and all
attachments). Therefore, a Technical Proposal of up to 38 pages in length
counts towards the overall 40-page limit. ONLY the Cost Proposal and
Company Commercialization Report (CCR) are excluded from the 40-page limit.
As instructed in Section 3.5. d of the DoD Program Solicitation, the CCR
is generated by the submission website based on information provided by you
through the "Company Commercialization Report" tool. Army Phase II
proposals submitted over 40-pages will be deemed NON-COMPLIANT and will not
be evaluated. Since proposals are required to be submitted in Portable
Document Format (PDF), it is the responsibility of those submitting the
proposal to ensure any PDF conversion is accurate and does not cause the
proposal to exceed the 40-page limit. Note: Phase II proposal submission is by Army invitation only.
Generally, invitations to submit Phase II proposals will not be requested
before the fifth month of the Phase I effort. The decision to invite a
Phase II proposal will be made based upon the success of the Phase I
contract to meet the technical goals of the topic, as well as the overall
merit based upon the criteria in Section 4.3 of the DoD Program
Solicitation. DoD is not obligated to make any awards under Phase I, II,
or III. For specifics regarding the evaluation and award of Phase I or II
contracts, please read the DoD Program Solicitation very carefully. Phase
II proposals will be reviewed for overall merit based upon the criteria in
Section 4.3 of the solicitation. Invited small businesses are required to develop and submit a technology
transition and commercialization plan describing feasible approaches for
transitioning and/or commercializing the developed technology in their
Phase II proposal. Army Phase II cost proposals must contain a budget for
the entire 24 month Phase II period not to exceed the maximum dollar amount
of $1,000,000. During contract negotiation, the contracting officer may
require a cost proposal for a base year and an option year. These costs
must be submitted using the Cost Proposal format (accessible electronically
on the DoD submission site), and may be presented side-by-side on a single
Cost Proposal Sheet. The total proposed amount should be indicated on the
Proposal Cover Sheet as the Proposed Cost. Phase II projects will be
evaluated after the base year prior to extending funding for the option
year. BIO HAZARD MATERIAL AND RESEARCH INVOLVING ANIMAL OR HUMAN SUBJECTS Any proposal involving the use of Bio Hazard Materials must identify in the
Technical Proposal whether the contractor has been certified by the
Government to perform Bio Level - I, II or III work. Companies should plan carefully for research involving animal or human
subjects, or requiring access to government resources of any kind. Animal
or human research must be based on formal protocols that are reviewed and
approved both locally and through the Army's committee process. Resources
such as equipment, reagents, samples, data, facilities, troops or recruits,
and so forth, must all be arranged carefully. The few months available for
a Phase I effort may preclude plans including these elements, unless
coordinated before a contract is awarded. FOREIGN NATIONALS If the offeror proposes to use a foreign national(s) [any person who is NOT
a citizen or national of the United States, a lawful permanent resident, or
a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b (a) (3) - refer to
Section 2.3 of this solicitation