Analisis Ima Mulyawati - matreg1pasca

Lima hal memberikan kerangka kerja untuk pengetahuan, keterampilan,
kemampuan, dan keyakinan yang merupakan kemahiran matematika. ..... Boaler
(1999, 2002) reports that practices such as working through textbook exercises or
discussing and using mathematical ideas were important vehicles for the
development ...

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ANALISIS HASIL STUDI INTERNATIONAL Dianalisis oleh: Nama : Ima Mulyawati NIM : 0401511003 Pendidikan Matematika Progam Pascasarjana UNNES Jurnal : International Electronic Journal of Mathematics
Education - I?JM? Volume 5 No 3 (2010) Judul Artikel : The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Students'
Mathematical Proficiency in Sweden Penulis : Joakim Samuelsson Sweden Linköpings Universitet/IBL, Linköping, Sumber : International Electronic Journal of Mathematics
Education - I?JM?, 2010, 5(3), 61-78 |No |Aspek yang |Isi |Bandingkan dengan |
| |dianalisis | |handbook reserach |
| | |(dalam bahasa inggris) |Translate (dlm bahasa Indoensia | |
|A |Judul |The Impact of Teaching Approaches on |Pengaruh Pembelajaran Matematika pada |Second Handbook of |
| | |Students' Mathematical Proficiency in |Kemahiran Siswa di Swedia |Research on Mathematics |
| | |Swenden | |Teaching and Learning |
| | | | |Mathematics teaching and|
| | | | |Classroom Practice |
| | | | |(225-230) |
| | | | |Mathematics Teachers |
| | | | |Belief and Affect |
| | | | |(305-308, 294-295) |
| | | | |The Effects of Classroom|
| | | | |mathematics Teaching on |
| | | | |Student Learning |
| | | | |(372-375) |
| | | | |The Mathematical |
| | | | |education and |
| | | | |Development of Teachers |
| | | | |(173-184,199-204) |
|B |BAB 1 | | | |
|1 |Latar |The influence of the learning |Pengaruh belajar pada pengetahuan |Perbedaan metode guru |
| |Belakang |environment upon knowledge development|telah mendapatkan sedikit perhatian |digunakan untuk |
| | |has received relatively little |dalam belajar dan mengajar matematika |efektivitas tujuan |
| | |attention in the field of mathematics |(Boaler, 1999; Samuelsson, 2008). |pembelajaran yang |
| | |teaching and learning (Boaler, 1999; |Meskipun demikian, guru sering |berbeda |
| | |Samuelsson, 2008). Even so, teachers |berharap peneliti memberikan |Metode yang digunakan |
| | |often expect researchers to provide |pengetahuan matematika secara |oleh guru dapat |
| | |that kind of knowledge in mathematics |didaktis. |dikatakan efektif dimana|
| | |didactics. |Apa yang terjadi di kelas memiliki |metode tersebut dapat |
| | |What happens in the classroom has an |pengaruh pada kesempatan siswa untuk |mengerti prosedur |
| | |impact on students' opportunity to |belajar. Aktivitas kelas, tindakan |kedalaman konsep dan |
| | |learn. The activities in the |yang berulang yang dilakukan siswa dan|memperoleh pelaksanaan |
| | |classroom, the repeated actions in |guru terlibat karena mereka belajar |prosedur yang kompleks. |
| | |which students and teachers engage as |dimana pengetahuan dihasilkan (Cobb, |Tambahan, beberapa |
| | |they learn are important because they |1988). Ada beberapa bukti bahwa gaya |metode guru dikatakan |
| | |constitute the knowledge that is |pengajaran yang berbeda memiliki |efektif dimana informasi|
| | |produced (Cobb, 1998). There is some |pengaruh yang berbeda pada prestasi |guru tidak hanya |
| | |evidence that different teaching |siswa (Aitkin & Zukovsky, 1994) dan |diterima dimemori jangka|
| | |styles can have different impacts on |pilihan pendekatan pengajaran dapat |pendek melainkan juga |
| | |student achievement (Aitkin & |membuat perbedaan dalam belajar siswa |diterima di memori |
| | |Zukovsky, 1994) and that the choice of|(Wentzel, 2002). Sintesis meta |jangka panjang. Satu |
| | |teaching approaches can make an |analisis dan review dari Teddlie and |akibat metode |
| | |important difference in a student's |Reynolds (2000) memberikan bukti |pembelajaran yang |
| | |learning (Wentzel, 2002). The |hubungan positif antara prestasi dan |berbeda efektif untuk |
| | |synthesis of meta-analysis and reviews|pengaturan kelas yang bervariasi. Case|tujuan pembelajaan yang |
| | |of Teddlie and Reynolds (2000) gives |(1996) berpendapat variasi metode |berbeda. |
| | |evidence for positive relationships |pembelajaran penting karena metode | |
| | |between achievement and varied |pembelajaran yang berbeda menarik | |
| | |classroom settings. Case (1996) argues|perhatian yang berbeda dalam | |
| | |that a variation of teaching methods |kompetensi matematika (misalnya | |
| | |is important because different |Boaler, 2002; Samuelsson, 2008). Jadi | |
| | |teaching methods draw attention to |kebanyakkan metode pembelajaran | |
| | |different competencies in mathematics |tampaknya menjadi penting untuk | |
| | |(e.g. Boaler, 2002; Samuelsson, 2008).|perkembangan kemahiran matematika | |
| | |Thus, the mode of teaching method in |siswa. | |
| | |mathematics seems to be important for |Dalam penelitian ini, efektivitas dua | |
| | |students' development of mathematical |pendekatan pengajaran tradisional, | |
| | |proficiency. |pemecahan masalah, memeriksa | |
| | |In the present study, the |matematika. | |
| | |effectiveness of two teaching | | |
| | |approaches, traditional and problem | | |
| | |solving, in mathematics is examined. | | |
|2 |Identifikasi |The mathematics curriculum during |Kurikulum matematika selama di sekolah|Di sini dijelaskan |
| |Masalah |elementary school in Sweden has many |dasar Swedia memiliki banyak komponen,|kurikulum di Swedia |
| | |components, but there is a strong | |mempunyai penekanan yang|
| | |emphasis on concepts of numbers and |tapi ada penekanan kuat pada konsep |kuat dalam operasi |
| | |operations with numbers. From an |angka dan operasi angka. Dari |angka. Aspek kompetensi |
| | |international perspective, mathematics|perspektif internasional, pengetahuan |matematika tidak hanya |
| | |knowledge is defined as something more|matematika didefinisikan sebagai |pengetahuan dasar tetapi|
| | |complex than concept of numbers and |sesuatu yang lebih kompleks dari |juga digunakan untuk |
| | |operations with numbers. Kilpatrick et|konsep angka dan operasi angka. |mengetahui efektivitas |
| | |al. (2001) argue for five strands |Kilpatrick et al. (2001) menyatakan |dan efisien (de Corte, |
| | |which together build students' |selama lima hal yang secara |Greer Verschaffel, 1996;|
| | |mathematical proficiency. The five |bersama-sama membangun kemampuan |Lester, 1994; |
| | |strands provide a framework for |matematika siswa. Li