Vol - NSW Department of Justice

1. Delete subclause 3.10 of clause 3, Salaries, of the award published 31 August
2001, (327 I.G. 399), and reprinted 27 January 2012, and insert in lieu ......
Employees reclassified at Grade 2 by virtue of the above exercise, shall be paid
at Grade 3 from the effective date of this award, and continue to be so paid whilst

Part of the document

Vol. 376, Part 1 28 March 2014 Pages 1 - 207 [pic]NEW SOUTH WALES
Printed by the authority of the
Industrial Registrar
47 Bridge Street, Sydney, N.S.W.
ISSN 0028-677X
CONTENTS Vol. 376, Part 1 28 March 2014 Pages 1 - 207 Page Awards and Determinations - |Charitable Institutions (Professional |VSW |1 |
|Paramedical Staff) (State) Award 2006 | | |
|Charitable Sector Aged and Disability Care |VSW |8 |
|Services (State) Award 2003 | | |
|Charitable, Aged and Disability Care Services |VSW |13 |
|(State) Award | | |
|Crown Employees (Fire and Rescue NSW |VIRC |18 |
|Tradespersons) Award 2012 | | |
|Crown Employees (Public Sector - Salaries 2008)|VIRC |24 |
|Award | | |
|Crown Employees (Roads and Maritime Services - |VIRC |28 |
|School Crossing Supervisors) Award | | |
|Crown Employees (Roads and Maritime Services |AIRC |30 |
|Traffic Signals Staff) Award | | |
|Crown Employees (Roads and Maritime Services |VIRC |77 |
|Traffic Signals Staff) Award | | |
|Local Government (Electricians) (State) Award |VSW |79 |
|Marine Charter Vessels (State) Award |VSW |81 |
|Nurses' (Private Sector) Training Wage (State) |VSW |83 |
|Award | | |
|Nursing Homes, &c., Nurses' (State) Award |VSW |86 |
|Operational Ambulance Officers (State) Award |VIRC |90 |
|Private Hospitals, Aged Care and Disability |VSW |93 |
|Services Industry (Training) (State) Award | | |
|Roads and Maritime Services (Maritime) Award |VIRC |99 |
|2007 | | |
|Roads and Maritime Services (Wages Staff) Award|VIRC |101 |
|State Transit Authority Bus Engineering and |AIRC |103 |
|Maintenance Enterprise (State) Award 2014 | | |
|State Transit Authority Bus Engineering and |VIRC |151 |
|Maintenance Enterprise (State) Award 2014 | | |
|State Transit Authority Bus Operations |VIRC |152 |
|Enterprise (State) Award 2012 | | |
|State Transit Authority Newcastle Ferry Masters|AIRC |154 |
|Interim Award 2014 | | |
|State Transit Authority Newcastle Ferry |AIRC |178 |
|Operations, General Purpose Hand Enterprise | | |
|Interim Award 2014 | | |
|State Transit Authority Senior and Salaried |VIRC |199 |
|Officers' Enterprise (State) Award 2012 | | |
|Transport Industry - Quarried Materials, &c., |VCD |201 |
|Carriers Contract Determination | | |
|Transport Service of New South Wales Salaries |VIRC |206 |
|and Conditions of Employment Award 2011 | | | Enterprise Agreements Approved by the Industrial Relations Commission
INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar
The Honourable Justice C. G. STAFF*
The Honourable Justice A. F. BACKMAN*
The Honourable Acting Justice R. P. BOLAND*
Commissioner I. TABBAA AM
Commissioner J. D. STANTON+
* These Presidential members are also Judicial members of the Industrial
Court of New South Wales, established as a superior court of record
pursuant to section 152 of the Industrial Act 1996.
+ These members are dual appointees of Fair Work Australia.
# These dual appointees work full-time from Fair Work Australia premises at
80 William Street, Sydney. |(345) |SERIAL C8178 | Charitable Institutions (Professional Paramedical Staff) (State) Award 2006 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION OF NEW SOUTH WALES Application by Unions NSW, Industrial Organisation of Employees and State
Peak Council. (No. IRC 968 of 2013) |Before The Honourable Acting Justice Boland |12 February 2014 | VARIATION
1. Delete subclause 3.10 of clause 3, Salaries, of the award published 31
August 2001, (327 I.G. 399), and reprinted 27 January 2012, and insert
in lieu thereof the following: 3.10 The rates of pay in this award include the adjustments payable
under the State Wage Case 2013. These adjustments may be offset
against: (a) any equivalent over-award payments, and/or (b) award wage increases since 29 May 1991 other than safety net,
State Wage Case, and minimum rates adjustment. 2. Delete Part B, Monetary Rates, and insert in lieu thereof the
following: PART B MONETARY RATES Table 1 - Salaries |Classification |Wage Rate as from | Charitable Sector Aged and Disability Care Services (State) Award 2003 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION OF NEW SOUTH WALES Application by Unions NSW, Industrial Organisation of Employees and State
Peak Council. (No. IRC 970 of 2013) |Before The Honourable Acting Justice Boland |12 February 2014 | VARIATION 1. Delete subclause (iv) of clause 5, Wages, of the award published 7 May
2004 (344 I.G. 331) and reprinted 27 January 2012 (372 I.G. 62), as
varied, and insert in lieu thereof the following: (iv) The rates of pay in this award include the adjustments payable under
the State Wage Case 2013. These adjustments may be offset against: (i) Any equivalent over award payments, and/or (ii) Award wage increases other that State Wage Case adjustments 2. Delete Table 1 and 2 of Part B of the said award and insert in lieu
thereof the following: Table 1 - Monetary Rates | |Wage Rate | Charitable, Aged and Disability Care Services (State) Award INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION OF NEW SOUTH WALES Application by Unions NSW, Industrial Organisation of Employees and State
Peak Council. (No. IRC 971 of 2013) |Before The Honourable Acting Justice Boland |12 February 2014 | VARIATION 1. Delete subclause (iii) in clause 5, Wages, of the award published 21
June 2002 and reprinted 27 January 2012 (372 I.G. 127) and insert
inlieu thereof the following: (iii) The rates of pay in this award include the adjustments payable
under the State Wage Case 2013. These adjustments may be offset
against: (i) Any equivalent over award payments, and/or (ii) Award wage increases other that State Wage Case adjustments 2. Delete Table 1 and 2 in Part B of the said award and insert in lieu
thereof the following: Table 1 - Monetary Rates | |Wage Rate | Crown Employees (Fire and Rescue NSW Tradespersons) Award 2012 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION OF NEW SOUTH WALES Application by Fire and Rescue NSW. (Nos. IRC 610 of 2013 and IRC 99 of 2014) |Before The Honourable Justice Walton, President |4 March 2014 | VARIATION 1. Delete subclause 50.2 of clause 50, No Extra Claims of the award
published 29 June 2012 (372 I.G. 923) and insert the following: 50.2 The terms of the preceding paragraph do not prevent the parties from
taking any proceedings with respect to the interpretation, application
or enforcement of existing Award provisions. 2. Delete Part B, Monetary Rates and insert in lieu thereof the
following:: PART B MONETARY RATES TABLE 1- WAGES Classifications from the Crown Employees (New South Wales Fire Brigades -
Maintenance, Construction and Miscellaneous Staff) Award |Clause 4, Rates of pay |From |From |From |
|Classification |1/07/2011 |1/07/2012 |16/7/2013 + |
| |+ 2.5% |+2.5% |+2.27% |
| |per week |per week |per week