riga technical university - aiknc

... Swedish Boras University and Finnish Tampere Technological University. ......
Research Centers, 3M Company, St.Paul, MN, Austin, TX, USA, 1992, 1993,
1994, 1995, ...... Operator training: methods, exercises, professional selection

Part of the document

Faculty of Materials Sciences and Applied Chemistry
Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design Accepted RTU Senate session
2008.y. " " ............., prot.#. .....
Vice Rector for Studies .....................
U.Sukovskis SELF - EVALUATION REPORT Professional bachelor studies program
1. The aims and objectives of a study program 4 1.1. The aims 4 1.2. The objectives 4 2. The formation of a study program and its conformity to the aims and
objectives of Riga Technical University 5 3. The summary of the study program and study activities, included in the
program 5 4. Valuation system 12 5. The implementation of university education program 13 5.1. Applied study methods and programs 13 5.2. The involvement of students in scientific work 13 6. The perspective evaluation of the program 14 6.1. The correspondence of the program to the standard of professional
higher education 14 6.2. The correspondence of the program to analogical study programs 14 7. Students 14 8. Academic staff 15 8.1. The structure of academic staff, its division in age groups,
qualification 15 8.2. Administration of projects 15 8.3. The amount of doctors of science and professors 17 8.4. The renewal of academic staff 17 8.5. The qualification and competence of the academic staff 17 9. Financing sources to ensure infrastructure 20 10. Public relations 21 10.1. Cooperation with employers 21 10.2. Cooperation with the universities in Latvia and in abroad. 21 11. Closing of the program 22 12. The development plan of the study program 22 12.1. Improvement of marketing 22 12.2. Attraction of finances to fulfill the program: 23 12.3. The improvement of the study program: 23 12.4. The development of material resources: 23 12.5. The improvement of professional skills and renewal of the academic
staff: 23 12.6. The improvement of research work: 24 ANNEX 25 CV Academical staff 25 The maintenance of subjects 78 The sample of an issued diploma and its enclosure 164 Staff of Study program 170 Academical staff 174 Accreditation 177
1. The aims and objectives of a study program
Professional bachelor study program Clothing and textile technology
gives opportunity to train professional bachelors - clothing and textile
production engineers (code of profession - 2149 65) for clothing and
textile enterprises, able to work as technologists, designers,
constructors, the managers of production and sale, heads of enterprises and
etc. Taking into account the significance of an industry in country's
economy and the diversity of production, in the period of serious
competition among new textile products and development of technologies, the
study programs of this field have to be improved all the time.
Therefore the professional bachelor study program Clothing and textile
technology is formed on the bases of professional engineering study program
Textile and clothing technology supplementing it with several practical
line subjects, as well as, with new and marketable course of specialization
- textile and clothing consumption studies. 1.1. The aims 1. To train needed for the development of a country, highly qualified
clothing and textile production specialists, who have acquired the bases
of modern technologies and specialized designing methods of the branch.
2. Provide the integrated bachelor program of engineering studies, what
gives the complex engineering technical readiness and the bases of
material sciences in the field of clothing and textile, with the option
to specialize in one of the four fields of specializations.
1.2. The objectives
1. To educate competitive specialists, demanded in a textile and clothing
labour market, who can work with different level technologies and
understand the main processes of the development of the branches of
textile industry and their relating spheres (globalization, trade,
cooperation, etc.);
2. To offer sufficiently wide study program, which contains different
spheres of textile and clothing technologies, give opportunities to
acquire engineering bases of the branch, to know the specific of separate
technologies. To train production engineers with a wide mental outlook,
who can work without assistance, creatively in multiform spheres of
textile industry, follow to the development of technologies, market and
3. To develop students' abilities to analyze and solve concrete designing,
technological, engineering technical tasks, as well as, tasks connected
with designing of production enterprises, management and quality
4. To develop students' abilities, working individually and in groups, to
solve practical tasks, connected with textile technological processes and
their designing, administration and management of production. To give to
students needed knowledge to work successfully in production (fashion
business, trade) at textile enterprises and to continue master studies. A clothing and textile production engineer works for merchant of textile
and clothing production. Ensuring labour safety, he plans and manages his
and other employees' work, leads technological processes, follows the
quality of a product, makes economical evaluation of production processes,
efficiently uses equipment and staff, controls the quality of their work,
makes instructions in technological and labour safety questions. The
textile and clothing production engineer analyzes the information about the
development tendencies of textile and clothing branches, works out
strategic planes of development, promotes their implementation, designs and
introduces new technological processes, grounding them on corresponding
business plans and cost estimates, advises leaders about the ways of
economical and efficient use of resources, about the newest scientific and
technical achievements of textile and clothing branch, prepares scientific
articles and summaries.
2. The formation of a study program and its conformity to the aims and
objectives of Riga Technical University
Accordingly to new strategy, accepted by RTU, to form engineering
studies on the bases of a professional bachelor, the study program,
introduced for accreditation, is formed on the bases of professional
engineering study program Textile and clothing technology, supplementing it
with theoretical subjects, needed to achieve a bachelor's degree, and
practical subjects to ensure needed professional abilities and knowledge.
Considering also the demands of textile and clothing labour market, the
program is supplemented with the new and very marketable course of
specialization - textile and clothing consumption studies.
Intensifying practical part of the program, 3 study projects are
added to every specialization course. Developing them, students will have
to use practical knowledge making choice of conformable raw materials,
designing products, valuating the suitability of developed production
technology for the conditions of a concrete enterprise. The total of these
projects are 9CP.
3. The summary of the study program and study activities, included in the
The professional bachelor program (table 1) is formed on the bases of
the united principles of professional education at Riga Technical
University (accordingly to the resolution of the senate of RTU), which
states, that during the first academic year, students have to acquire
general study subjects, equally for all students of the professional
programs of RTU. To support quicker choice of professional orientation/
direction, during the first academic years, students acquire also two
professionally oriented basic subjects. During the second academic year,
acquirement of general subjects is continued partly, but, the amount of the
subjects of the specialization courses, are increased and practices are
started. The third and forth academic years are given only to the studies
of clothing and textile technologies, practice and the development of
bachelor final work.
STUDY PROGRAM |The name of a program: |Clothing and Textile technology |
|The level of studies: |Bachelor of Professional studies |
|The classification code |42542 |
|for education: | |
|Nominal study duration |4 years |
|Study volume: |160 credits |
|Previous education: |all-round education or vocational |
| |secondary education |
|Obtainable |Qualification of clothing and textile |
|qualification: |production engineer |
| |(PK 214965) |
|Obtainable degree: |Professional bachelor of clothing and |
| |textile technologies degree |
The code