PNG Papua New Guinea ...... The biggest consumers by population are Sao
Paulo, Santa Catarina and Goiás/PDF. ...... not have the capacity to undertake
such exercises; As much as it is important, it is very expensive for any ...... in the
CASM website at:

Part of the document

Communities and Small Scale Mining

8th Annual CASM Conference

October 6th to 12th, 2008
Brasilia, Brazil




The Final Report and Proceedings
from the
Seventh Annual CASM Conference
Brasilia, Brazil
October 6th to 12th, 2007

Meeting Overview

More than ?? conference participants from over ?? countries and ??
Brazilian participants, including ?? artisanal miners, came together from
September 7th-12th 2007 to share knowledge, experience and desires for
positive change in the small scale mining sector at the Communities and
Small Scale Mining 7th Annual CASM Conference in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.


CASM acknowledgements: Government of Mongolia, CASM Asia, SAM project, SDC,
DFID, World Bank, SMAG members, and of course presenters, workshop
facilitators, rapporteurs , and participants etc. .....

The authors acknowledge >>>> (report-writers for the workshops) for
providing them with workshop summaries.


This report has been authored by Fay Warrilow and Estelle Levin. The
authors bear no liability for the accuracy of information in the report as
presented by the participants.

All photos are courtesy of >>>, unless otherwise stated.
Photo on front cover: [description] Photo courtesy of >>>

Table of Contents

Meeting Overview i

Acknowledgements i

Authorship i

Acronyms vi

The Venue viii

Executive Summary 1


Day One 6th October 2008 3

Workshop One: Sustainable Development and Human Security in Relation to ASM
Presentation 1: Conflict Gems: Mining, Marketing and Terror Funding in
relation to ASM 4
Discussion 4
Presentation 2: Mediating Conflicts through Dialogues 4
Discussion 5

Workshop 2 6

Managing the Interface Between LSM and ASM 6
Key Responsibilities: Company 7
Key Responsibilities: Government 7
Key Responsibilities: Civil Society 7
Recommendations 7

Workshop 3 8

Sustainable Livelihoods 8
Part I - Key topics presentations 8
Sustainable Livelihoods: A Gender Sensitive Approach 8
In-Migration, Artisanal and Small Scale-mining and Alternative
Livelihoods 9
ASM and Indigenous People 9
Panel discussion 10
Part II - Plenary discussion on sustainable livelihoods 10
Part III - break up groups 11

Workshop 4 13

Industrial Minerals: Aggregates for Construction 13
Background 13
Presentations 13
National Plan of Mineral Aggregates For Construction 13
The Mining of Sand in the Riverbed: Monitoring and sustainable
development of extractive activity 14
The Strategic Importance of Aggregates for Construction 15
Discussion and Conclusion 16

Day Two 7th October 2008 17

Workshop 5 18

Mercury Management in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining 18
Background 18
Section 1: Overview: Why is Mercury Used? What Methods Are Available to
Reduce or Eliminate Its Use? 19
How and Why Mercury is Used in ASGM and Reduction Scenarios 19
Reducing / Replacing Mercury in ASGM 20
Section 2: Non-Mercury Processes 21
Direct Smelting of Gold Concentrates as an Alternative to Amalgamation
in Small-scale Gold Mining Operations. 21
Reducción del Uso de Mercurio en Vetas-California, Departamento de
Santander, Colombia. 22
Section 3: Reduction of Mercury Use and Emissions by Miners 22
Tecnologias Apropiadas Para Disminuir la Contaminación con Mercurio en
la Mineria del Oro a Pequeña Escala. 22
Mercury Use Reduction and Land Reclamation in the Tapajos Region, Brazil
Section 4: Mercury Emissions Reduction and Recovery at Gold Shops 23
Reducing Mercury Emissions of Small Scale Gold Buying Shops in Amazonia:
Designing and Implementing Low Cost, Easy to Build and Effective Mercury
Capture Systems in Gold Shops in Brazil and Peru 23
Fume Hoods for Mercury Capture in Gold Shops - Indonesia 23

Workshop 6 25

Kimberley Process Workshop on Rough Diamond Artisanal Alluvial Production
The Kimberley Process in South America - main challenges and concerns 25
Egmont Study on Diamond Artisanal Alluvial Mining 26
The Brazilian Reality of Small-Scale Mining 26
Question and answer session 27

Workshop 7 Fair Trade and Ethical Certification Schemes in ASM 28
Clarifying Certification: Language, Components & Process 28
Morning: Update on the BGR Pilot Certification Program 29
Presentations 30
Questions & Answers 30
Pairwork on the standards 30
Feedback on the standards 30
Cluster one: Transparency 31
Cluster two: Labour and Working Conditions 32
Cluster three: Security 33
Cluster four: Community Development 33
Cluster five: Environment 34
General points on the standards 35
Vote on the standards 36
Closing of the BGR workshop 36
Afternoon: Update on 'Standard Zero' for Fair Trade in ASM 36
Standard Zero for Fairtrade Artisanal Gold and Associated Silver and
Platinum: ARM's Multistakeholder Initiative 36

Workshop 8 40

ASM Policy and Legal Frameworks 40
Organisation and Empowerment in ASM: Key to Access to Rights 40
Organisation and Empowerment in ASM - Key to Access Rights 40
Why Do We Organise Ourselves? 41
The Benefit of Small-Scale Mining in Ecuador 43
Artisanal and small-scale mining in Bolivia: organisation 43
National Association of Women Artisanal Miners of Peru 44
Oro Verde Certification Program - a model of responsible ASM from Chocó
Colombia, for the world 45
Artisanal and Small-scale Mining, Madre de Dios 46
Introduction 47
Priorities for Policy Reform 47
Case Study of the Sierra Leone Minerals Policy 48
Development of Minerals Law in Mongolia 48
Integrating rural development and artisanal mining in Madagascar 49
Evolving Policy on Small Scale and Artisanal Mining in China 50
Discussion 50
Workshop Conclusions 51

7th October 2008 52

Welcome Party 52

Day Three 8th October 2008 53

Conference overview, themes and objectives 54
Welcome from hosts and official opening 55

Session 1: Keynote Presentations 56
CEPER - Commission for Racial Equality in Brazil 56
The Road to the UNCSD 2010/2011 Intergovernmental Forum on Mining,
Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development 57
ASM and the Private Sector 60
ASM Sector in Mozambique: a Government Perspective 61
ASM: Progress in Mongolia since 2007 63

Session 2: ASM Perspectives 66
Mongolian Artisanal Miner 66
Ugandan Small Scale Miner 67
Corporación Oro Verde, Colombia 67
ASM in Ecuador 69

Session Three - Artisanal and Small Scale Mining in Brazil 69

Day Four 9th October 2008 84

Session Four 85
Synergies and Scope for Collaboration: the Example of Certification of
Trading Chains (CTC) and EITI 85
BGR Pilot Project 86
Brazilian government announcement 88
Call to Action on Child Labour 88
The Misery and the Mark-up: Miners' Wages and Diamond Value Chains in
Africa and South America 89
Question and Answer Session 91
Alluvial Diamond Diggers - KPCS WGAAP 92
The Diamond Development Initiative 93
Partnerships to restore minerals policy and institutions in a post-
conflict country - Sierra Leone 95

Session Six 99
Presentation by Small Scale Miners 99
Artisanal Mining Information System 101
ASM and Climate Change 102
The Grassalco View on ASM 103
Presentation on New Technology for Ecological Processing of Gold
The Global Mercury Project Video 105

Day Five 10th October 2008 109

Session 7: Key Recommendations and action plans, commitment 110
Introduction 110
Sustainable Livelihoods and ASM 112
Mercury Management in ASM Gold Mining 112
Kimberley Process Workshop on Rough Diamond Artisanal Alluvial
Production 112
Fair Trade and Ethical Minerals Certification Systems in ASM 112
Policy and Legal Frameworks 113
Day 2 Session on extra-agenda issues 113

Session 8: Annual Reports from the Regional CASMs and CASM Global 115
CASM Africa 115
CASM Asia-Pacific 115
CASM China 116

Closing session 118
CASM Global 118
CASM Evaluation 119

Closing comments and ceremony 120

Day Six 11th October 2008 122

Field Trip: Day One 123
Kinross Gold Corporation's RPM Gold Mine, Minas Gerais 123
Coromandel 124

Day Seven 12th October 2008 126

Field Trip: Day Two 127
COPEGM, Coromandel Diamond Mining 127


ACC Annual CASM Conference
ADM Artisanal diamond mining
AMASUC Asociacion de Mineros Artesanales del Sur Medio y Centro del
AMIS Artisanal Mining Information System
AMP Africa Mining Partnership
ANEPAC Associação Nacional das Entidades de Produtores de Agregados
para Construção Civil (Brazil)
APL Local Productive Arrangements (Brazil)
ARM Alliance for Responsible Mining (formerly Association for
Responsible Mining)