Experiment with and exercise the elements of NCW and the GIG to determine
critical ..... Information in the warehouses will be available through Web pages at

Part of the document

November 19, 2004


From: Secretary of the Navy


Ref: (a) DoD Directive 5000.1, "The Defense Acquisition System," 12 May
03 (NOTAL)
(b) DoD Instruction 5000.2, "Operation of the Defense Acquisition
System," 12 May 03 (NOTAL)
(c) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI)
3170.01D, "Joint Capabilities Integration and Development
System," 12 Mar 04 (NOTAL)
(d) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual (CJCSM) 3170.01A,
"Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and
Development System," 12 Mar 04 (NOTAL)
(e) Marine Corps Order (MCO) 3900.15A, "Marine Corps Expeditionary
Force Development System," 26 Nov 02 (NOTAL)
(f) SECNAVINST 5400.15A, "DON Research, Development and Acquisition,
and Associated Life Cycle Management Responsibilities," 26 May
95 (NOTAL)
(g) SECNAVINST 5200.35D, "Department of the Navy Management Control
Program," 10 Dec 97 (NOTAL)
(h) SECNAVINST 5710.25A, "International Agreements," 2 Feb 95
(i) DEPSECDEF memorandum, "Global Information Grid Enterprises
Services (GIG ES): Core Enterprise Services (CES)
Implementation," 10 Nov 03 (NOTAL)

Encl: (1) Chapter 1 - Table of Contents
(2) Chapter 2 - Capabilities Development and Acquisition Management
(3) Chapter 3 - Statutory, Regulatory, and Contract Reporting
Information and Milestone Requirements
(4) Chapter 4 - Information Technology Considerations
(5) Chapter 5 - Integrated Test and Evaluation
(6) Chapter 6 - Resource Estimation
(7) Chapter 7 - Systems Engineering and Human Systems Integration
(8) Chapter 8 - Acquisition of Services
(9) Chapter 9 - Program Management
(10) Chapter 10 - SECNAVINST, OPNAVINST, and Marine Corps Orders

1. Purpose. To issue mandatory procedures for Department of the Navy
(DON) implementation of references (a), (b), (c), and (d) for major and non-
major defense acquisition programs and major and non-major information
technology (IT) acquisition programs.

2. Cancellation. SECNAVINST 5000.2B.

3. Background. A discretionary Defense Acquisition Guidebook provides
best practices, lessons learned, and expectations to support development of
the information required by reference (b). The Defense Acquisition
Guidebook can be found at
Additionally, a DON Acquisition and Capabilities Guidebook will be issued
as a companion to this instruction and will be available at the above
Defense Acquisition University (DAU) website. This guidebook,
discretionary in nature, will contain citations from this instruction and
other mandatory references only for clarification. The DON Acquisition and
Capabilities Guidebook will not introduce new or additional mandatory
guidance. Reference (e) contains the Marine Corps requirements generation
procedures that will be updated to include joint capabilities integration
and development.

4. Discussion. Enclosure (1) is the Table of Contents. Enclosures (2)
through (9) provide procedures to implement references (a), (b), (c), and
(d). Enclosure (10) lists documents canceled by this instruction.

5. Applicability and Precedence

a. The provisions of this instruction apply to all DON
organizations, to all acquisition category (ACAT) acquisition programs
including Naval Intelligence and Naval Cryptologic ACAT programs,
abbreviated acquisition programs, non-acquisition programs, and Rapid
Deployment Capability programs. The designation ACAT I, when used in this
instruction, signifies both ACAT ID and IC programs. Similarly, the
designation ACAT IA, when used in this instruction, signifies both ACAT IAM
and IAC programs.

b. References (a), (b), (c), (d), and this instruction take
precedence over any issuances conflicting with them, except for policy,
direction, or guidance embodied in current statute, regulation, the Defense
Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, and the Navy-Marine Corps
Acquisition Regulation Supplement.

6. Overall Acquisition Process. Enclosures (2) through (9) of this
instruction follow the enclosure numbering of, and implement, reference (b)
and applies to all DON acquisition and non-acquisition programs as defined
by each enclosure. The titles and general content of the enclosures of
this instruction follow the titles and general content of the corresponding
enclosures in reference (b).

7. Responsibilities

a. The Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and
Acquisition)(ASN(RD&A)) is the DON Component Acquisition Executive (CAE)
responsible for DON acquisition per reference (f).

b. The ASN(RD&A) Chief Engineer (CHENG) provides senior leadership
and focus within the acquisition structure on integration and
interoperability across all Navy and Marine Corps Program Executive
Officers (PEOs), Systems Command (SYSCOM) Commanders, Direct Reporting
Program Managers (DRPMs), and Program Managers (PMs). The ASN(RD&A) CHENG

(1) Ensure that the functional design of combat and C4I
systems is compatible with the overall integrated architecture as described
in reference (d),

(2) Ensure that component systems are engineered and
implemented to operate coherently with other systems as part of a larger
force including a system of systems (SoS) or family of systems (FoS),

(3) When directed by ASN(RD&A), conduct integration and
interoperability assessments of SoS and FoS to determine adherence to
interoperability requirements, architecture standards, joint technical
architecture (JTA) technical standards, and interface specifications.
Advise ASN(RD&A) and SoS/FoS management authorities, as appropriate, of the
results of these assessments.

(4) Assess proposed architectural and JTA technical standards
for their impact on acquisition programs. Advise ASN(RD&A) on the results
of these assessments, and

(5) Provide architectural and JTA technical standards guidance
to PMs via acquisition programs' established integrated product
team/acquisition coordination team (IPT/ACT) processes.

c. The DON Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible for
developing and issuing IT management policies and ensuring the creation,
maintenance, and implementation of the DON Enterprise Architecture and
Standards in coordination with ASN(RD&A) CHENG, Chief of Naval Operations
(CNO)/Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), and SYSCOMs. The DON CIO is
also responsible for confirming (or certifying for major automated
information systems (MAIS)) that mission critical (MC) or mission essential
(ME) IT systems comply with the Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) and are registered
in the DON database. Additionally, per the CCA, the DON CIO recommends to
the Secretary of the Navy whether to continue, modify, or terminate IT
programs. The DON CIO will:

(1) Review, direct development and use of a capability-related,
outcome-based mission and business area integrated architectures to ensure
interoperability of IT, including National Security Systems (NSS),
throughout DON.

(2) Implement the provisions of Division E of the Clinger-Cohen
Act of 1996, 40 United States Code (USC) Chapter 25, as amended, within

(3) Provide policy on interoperability and supportability of
IT, including NSS, and 10 USC Sections 2223 and 2224, as amended.

(4) Review Information Support Plans from the perspective of

(5) Review and approve information assurance strategies where
required by this instruction.

(6) Develop and issue information assurance policies to ensure
that information assurance and information systems security engineering are
employed in the acquisition of all DON automated information system (AIS)

d. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)/Commandant of the Marine Corps
(CMC) are responsible for the DON's joint capabilities integration and
development process, mission area/business area architecture developments,
operational test and evaluation (OT&E), readiness, planning and programming
to satisfy operational capability needs, and providing acquisition
logistics assistance to ASN(RD&A)(Deputy ASN (Logistics)) as well as all of
the specific additional responsibilities listed in reference (f). CNO and
CMC IT functional area managers, responsible for initially identifying IT
requirements and developing mission/business area architectures, are listed
at the DON CIO website ( CNO program sponsors are
responsible for identifying naval warfare, functional area, and IT program
capability needs/requirements. The legacy term "requirements" as used in
this instruction may be interpreted to mean "capability needs" as defined
in reference (c). CNO resource sponsors are responsible for specific
appropriation categories and may also have dual responsibility as program
sponsors. Note: Wherever "CNO/CMC" is used throughout this instruction,
it should be interpreted to include, "or designee," unless otherwise

e. The Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force (COMOPTEVFOR)
and Director, Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity
(Director, MCOTEA) are responsible for independent OT&E of Navy and the
Marine Corps acquisition